A high level Go driver for GSM modems.
The gsm package provides a wrapper around at that supports sending and receiving SMS messages, including long multi-part messages.
Supports the following functionality:
- Simple synchronous interface for sending messages
- Both text and PDU mode interface to GSM modem
- Asynchronous handling of received messages
The GSM modem is constructed with New:
modem := gsm.New(atmodem)
Some modem behaviour can be controlled using optional parameters. This example sets the puts the modem into PDU mode:
modem := gsm.New(atmodem, gsm.WithPDUMode)
The modem is reset into a known state and checked that is supports GSM functionality using the Init method:
err := modem.Init()
The Init method is a wrapper around the at Init method, and accepts the same options:
err := modem.Init(at.WithCmds("Z","^CURC=0"))
Send a simple short message that will fit within a single SMS TPDU using SendShortMessage:
mr, err := modem.SendShortMessage("+12345","hello")
The modem may be in either text or PDU mode.
This example sends an SMS with the modem in text mode:
mrs, err := modem.SendLongMessage("+12345", apotentiallylongmessage)
Arbitrary SMS TPDUs can be sent using the SendPDU method:
mr, err := modem.SendPDU(tpdu)
A handler can be provided for received SMS messages using StartMessageRx:
handler := func(msg gsm.Message) {
// handle message here
err := modem.StartMessageRx(handler)
The handler can be removed using StopMessageRx:
A number of the modem methods accept optional parameters. The following table comprises a list of the available options:
Option | Method | Description |
WithCollector(Collector) | StartMessageRx | Provide a custom collector to reassemble multi-part SMSs. |
WithEncoderOption(sms.EncoderOption) | New | Specify options for encoding outgoing messages. |
WithPDUMode | New | Configure the modem into PDU mode (default). |
WithReassemblyTimeout(time.Duration) | StartMessageRx | Overrides the time allowed to wait for all the parts of a multi-part message to be received and reassembled. The default is 24 hours. This option is ignored if WithCollector is also applied. |
WithSCA(pdumode.SMSCAddress) | New | Override the SCA when sending messages. |
WithTextMode | New | Configure the modem into text mode. This is only required to send short messages in text mode, and conflicts with sending long messages or PDUs, as well as receiving messages. |