Um plugin é um módulo independente que pode ser adicionado ao Day.js para estendê-lo ou adicionar novas funcionalidades.
Por padrão, o Day.js vem somente com seu código core e sem plugins instalados.
Você pode adicionar múltiplos plugins de acordo com a sua necessidade.
- Retorna objeto Dayjs
Usando um plugin.
import plugin
dayjs.extend(plugin, options) // com opções do plugin
- Via NPM:
import dayjs from 'dayjs'
import advancedFormat from 'dayjs/plugin/advancedFormat' // carregar sob demanda
dayjs.extend(advancedFormat) // usa o plugin
- Via CDN:
<script src=""></script>
<!-- carregar o plugin como window.dayjs_plugin_NOME -->
<script src=""></script>
- UTC adds
APIs to parse or display in UTC.
import utc from 'dayjs/plugin/utc'
// default local time
dayjs().format() //2019-03-06T17:11:55+08:00
// UTC mode
dayjs.utc().format() // 2019-03-06T09:11:55Z
.format() // 2019-03-06T09:11:55Z
// While in UTC mode, all display methods will display in UTC time instead of local time.
// And all getters and setters will internally use the Date#getUTC* and Date#setUTC* methods instead of the Date#get* and Date#set* methods.
dayjs.utc().isUTC() // true
.format() //2019-03-06T17:11:55+08:00
dayjs.utc('2018-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD') // with CustomParseFormat plugin
By default, Day.js parses and displays in local time.
If you want to parse or display in UTC, you can use dayjs.utc()
instead of dayjs()
Returns a Dayjs
object in UTC mode.
Returns a cloned Dayjs
object with a flag to use UTC time.
Returns a cloned Dayjs
object with a flag to use local time.
Returns a boolean
indicating current Dayjs
object is in UTC mode or not.
- O AdvancedFormat estende a API de
para fornecer mais opções de formatação.
import AdvancedFormat from 'dayjs/plugin/advancedFormat'
dayjs().format('Q Do k kk X x')
Lista de formatos adicionados:
Formato | Saída | Descrição |
Q |
1-4 | Quarter |
Do |
1st 2nd ... 31st | Dia do mês com ordinal |
k |
1-24 | Hora (começando do 1) |
kk |
01-24 | Hora, com 2 dígitos (começando do 1) |
X |
1360013296 | Unix Timestamp em segundos |
x |
1360013296123 | Unix Timestamp em milissegundos |
- LocalizedFormat extends
API to supply localized format options.
import LocalizedFormat from 'dayjs/plugin/localizedFormat'
dayjs().format('L LT')
List of added formats:
Format | English Locale | Sample Output |
LT |
h:mm A | 8:02 PM |
h:mm:ss A | 8:02:18 PM |
L |
MM/DD/YYYY | 08/16/2018 |
LL |
MMMM D, YYYY | August 16, 2018 |
MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A | August 16, 2018 8:02 PM |
dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A | Thursday, August 16, 2018 8:02 PM |
- RelativeTime adds
APIs to formats date to relative time strings (e.g. 3 hours ago).
import relativeTime from 'dayjs/plugin/relativeTime'
dayjs().from(dayjs('1990')) // 2 anos atrás
dayjs().from(dayjs(), true) // 2 anos
Retorna uma string
do tempo relativo a partir de agora.
Retorna uma string
do tempo relativo a partir de X.
Retorna uma string
do tempo relativo até agora.
Retorna uma string
do tempo relativo até X.
Intervalo | Chave | Sample Output |
0 to 44 seconds | s | a few seconds ago |
45 to 89 seconds | m | a minute ago |
90 seconds to 44 minutes | mm | 2 minutes ago ... 44 minutes ago |
45 to 89 minutes | h | an hour ago |
90 minutes to 21 hours | hh | 2 hours ago ... 21 hours ago |
22 to 35 hours | d | a day ago |
36 hours to 25 days | dd | 2 days ago ... 25 days ago |
26 to 45 days | M | a month ago |
46 days to 10 months | MM | 2 months ago ... 10 months ago |
11 months to 17months | y | a year ago |
18 months+ | yy | 2 years ago ... 20 years ago |
- IsLeapYear adiciona
à API para retornar umboolean
indicando se o objetoDayjs
é um ano bissexto ou não.
import isLeapYear from 'dayjs/plugin/isLeapYear'
dayjs('2000-01-01').isLeapYear() // true
- BuddhistEra estende a API
para fornecer opções de formação da era Budista (B.E.). - A era Budista é um sistema de numeração do ano que se usou primeiramente em países asiáticos do Sudeste Asiático de Cambodia, de Laos, de Myanmar e da Tailândia, assim como em Sri Lanka e em populações chinesas da Malaysia e de Cingapura para ocasiões religiosas ou oficiais Wikipedia)
- Para calcular um ano da era Budista manualmente, apenas adicione 543 ao ano. Por exemplo, 26 de maio de 1977 AD/CE deverá ser exibido como 26 de maio de 2520 BE (1977 + 543).
import buddhistEra from 'dayjs/plugin/buddhistEra'
dayjs().format('BBBB BB')
Lista de formatos adicionados:
Formato | Saída | Descrição |
2561 | Full BE Year (Year + 543) |
BB |
61 | 2-digit of BE Year |
- IsSameOrAfter adds
API to returns aboolean
indicating if a date is same of after another date.
import isSameOrAfter from 'dayjs/plugin/isSameOrAfter'
dayjs('2010-10-20').isSameOrAfter('2010-10-19', 'year')
- IsSameOrBefore adds
API to returns aboolean
indicating if a date is same of before another date.
import isSameOrBefore from 'dayjs/plugin/isSameOrBefore'
dayjs('2010-10-20').isSameOrBefore('2010-10-19', 'year')
- IsBetween adiciona
à API para retornar umboolean
indicando se a data está entre outras duas datas.
import isBetween from 'dayjs/plugin/isBetween'
dayjs('2010-10-20').isBetween('2010-10-19', dayjs('2010-10-25'), 'year')
dayjs('2016-10-30').isBetween('2016-01-01', '2016-10-30', null, '[)')
// '[' indicates inclusion, '(' indicates exclusion
- DayOfYear adds
API to returns anumber
indicating theDayjs
's day of the year, or to set the day of the year.
import dayOfYear from 'dayjs/plugin/dayOfYear'
dayjs('2010-01-01').dayOfYear() // 1
dayjs('2010-01-01').dayOfYear(365) // 2010-12-31
- WeekOfYear adiciona
à API para retornar umnumber
indicando um objetoDayjs
com a semana do ano..
import weekOfYear from 'dayjs/plugin/weekOfYear'
dayjs('06/27/2018').week() // 26
dayjs('2018-06-27').week(5) // set week
- WeekDay adds
API to get or set locale aware day of the week.
import weekDay from 'dayjs/plugin/weekDay'
// when Monday is the first day of the week
dayjs().weekday(-7) // last Monday
dayjs().weekday(7) // next Monday
- IsoWeeksInYear adds
API to return anumber
to get the number of weeks in year, according to ISO weeks.
import isoWeeksInYear from 'dayjs/plugin/isoWeeksInYear'
import isLeapYear from 'dayjs/plugin/isLeapYear' // rely on isLeapYear plugin
dayjs('2004-01-01').isoWeeksInYear() // 53
dayjs('2005-01-01').isoWeeksInYear() // 52
- QuarterOfYear add
API to return to which quarter of the year belongs a date, and extends.add
APIs to support unitquarter
import quarterOfYear from 'dayjs/plugin/quarterOfYear'
dayjs('2010-04-01').quarter() // 2
- CustomParseFormat extends
constructor to support custom formats of input strings.
To escape characters, wrap them in square brackets (e.g. [G]
). Punctuation symbols (-:/.()) do not need to be wrapped.
import customParseFormat from 'dayjs/plugin/customParseFormat'
dayjs('05/02/69 1:02:03 PM -05:00', 'MM/DD/YY H:mm:ss A Z')
// Returns an instance containing '1969-05-02T18:02:03.000Z'
dayjs('2018 Fevereiro 15', 'YYYY MMMM DD', 'pt_br')
// Returns an instance containing '2018-02-15T00:00:00.000Z'
Format | Output | Description |
YY |
18 | Two-digit year |
2018 | Four-digit year |
M |
1-12 | Month, beginning at 1 |
MM |
01-12 | Month, 2-digits |
Jan-Dec | The abbreviated month name |
January-December | The full month name |
D |
1-31 | Day of month |
DD |
01-31 | Day of month, 2-digits |
H |
0-23 | Hours |
HH |
00-23 | Hours, 2-digits |
h |
1-12 | Hours, 12-hour clock |
hh |
01-12 | Hours, 12-hour clock, 2-digits |
m |
0-59 | Minutes |
mm |
00-59 | Minutes, 2-digits |
s |
0-59 | Seconds |
ss |
00-59 | Seconds, 2-digits |
S |
0-9 | Hundreds of milliseconds, 1-digit |
SS |
00-99 | Tens of milliseconds, 2-digits |
000-999 | Milliseconds, 3-digits |
Z |
-5:00 | Offset from UTC |
ZZ |
-0500 | Compact offset from UTC, 2-digits |
A |
AM PM | Post or ante meridiem, upper-case |
a |
am pm | Post or ante meridiem, lower-case |
Do |
1st... 31st | Dia do mês com ordinal |
- ToArray add
API to return anarray
that mirrors the parameters
import toArray from 'dayjs/plugin/toArray'
dayjs('2019-01-25').toArray() // [ 2019, 0, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
- ToObject add
API to return anobject
with the date's properties.
import toObject from 'dayjs/plugin/toObject'
/* { years: 2019,
months: 0,
date: 25,
hours: 0,
minutes: 0,
seconds: 0,
milliseconds: 0 } */
- MinMax adds
APIs to return adayjs
to compare given dayjs instances.
import minMax from 'dayjs/plugin/minMax'
dayjs.max(dayjs(), dayjs('2018-01-01'), dayjs('2019-01-01'))
dayjs.min([dayjs(), dayjs('2018-01-01'), dayjs('2019-01-01')])
- Calendar adds
API to return astring
to display calendar time
import calendar from 'dayjs/plugin/calendar'
dayjs().calendar(null, {
sameDay: '[Today at] h:mm A', // The same day ( Today at 2:30 AM )
nextDay: '[Tomorrow]', // The next day ( Tomorrow at 2:30 AM )
nextWeek: 'dddd', // The next week ( Sunday at 2:30 AM )
lastDay: '[Yesterday]', // The day before ( Yesterday at 2:30 AM )
lastWeek: '[Last] dddd', // Last week ( Last Monday at 2:30 AM )
sameElse: 'DD/MM/YYYY' // Everything else ( 7/10/2011 )
Você também pode construir seu próprio plugin Day.js para diferentes necessidades.
Sinta-se à vontade para abrir um pull request e compartilhar seu plugin.
Modelo de um plugin Day.js.
export default (option, dayjsClass, dayjsFactory) => {
// estender dayjs()
// ex: adicionar dayjs().isSameOrBefore()
dayjsClass.prototype.isSameOrBefore = function(arguments) {}
// estender dayjs
// ex: adicionar dayjs.utc()
dayjsFactory.utc = arguments => {}
// sobrescrever API existente
// ex: estender dayjs().format()
const formatoAntigo = dayjsClass.prototype.format
dayjsClass.prototype.format = function(arguments) {
// original
const result = formatoAntigo(arguments)
// retornar modificado