This document describes Uptrends API version 4. This Swagger environment also lets you execute API methods directly.
Please note that this is not a sandbox environment: these API methods operate directly on your actual Uptrends account.
For more information, please visit
openapi-generator generate -i ./swagger.json -g go -o . --package-name=uptrends -p enumClassPrefix=true
docker run --rm
-v ${PWD}:/local openapitools/openapi-generator-cli:v6.2.1 generate
-g go
-o /local/
-p enumClassPrefix=true
This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the OpenAPI-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
- API version: 1.0.0
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.GoClientCodegen
Install the following dependencies:
go get
go get
go get
Put the package under your project folder and add the following in import:
import uptrends ""
To use a proxy, set the environment variable HTTP_PROXY
os.Setenv("HTTP_PROXY", "http://proxy_name:proxy_port")
Default configuration comes with Servers
field that contains server objects as defined in the OpenAPI specification.
For using other server than the one defined on index 0 set context value sw.ContextServerIndex
of type int
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), uptrends.ContextServerIndex, 1)
Templated server URL is formatted using default variables from configuration or from context value sw.ContextServerVariables
of type map[string]string
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), uptrends.ContextServerVariables, map[string]string{
"basePath": "v2",
Note, enum values are always validated and all unused variables are silently ignored.
Each operation can use different server URL defined using OperationServers
map in the Configuration
An operation is uniquely identified by "{classname}Service.{nickname}"
Similar rules for overriding default operation server index and variables applies by using sw.ContextOperationServerIndices
and sw.ContextOperationServerVariables
context maps.
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), uptrends.ContextOperationServerIndices, map[string]int{
"{classname}Service.{nickname}": 2,
ctx = context.WithValue(context.Background(), uptrends.ContextOperationServerVariables, map[string]map[string]string{
"{classname}Service.{nickname}": {
"port": "8443",
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AccountApi | AccountGetAccountStatistics | Get /Account | Returns the account statistics. |
AccountApi | AccountGetSettings | Get /Account/Settings | Returns account general settings. |
AlertApi | AlertGetMonitorAlerts | Get /Alert/Monitor/{monitorGuid} | Returns alerts for a specific monitor. |
AlertApi | AlertGetMonitorGroupAlerts | Get /Alert/MonitorGroup/{monitorGroupGuid} | Returns alerts for a specific monitor group. |
AlertDefinitionApi | AlertDefinitionAddIntegrationToEscalationLevel | Post /AlertDefinition/{alertDefinitionGuid}/EscalationLevel/{escalationLevelId}/Integration | Adds an integration to a specified escalation level. |
AlertDefinitionApi | AlertDefinitionAddMonitorGroupToAlertDefinition | Post /AlertDefinition/{alertDefinitionGuid}/Member/MonitorGroup/{monitorGroupGuid} | Adds a monitor group to the specified alert definition. |
AlertDefinitionApi | AlertDefinitionAddMonitorToAlertDefinition | Post /AlertDefinition/{alertDefinitionGuid}/Member/Monitor/{monitorGuid} | Adds a monitor to the specified alert definition. |
AlertDefinitionApi | AlertDefinitionAddOperatorGroupToEscalationLevel | Post /AlertDefinition/{alertDefinitionGuid}/EscalationLevel/{escalationLevelId}/Member/OperatorGroup/{operatorGroupGuid} | Adds an operator group to the specified escalation level. |
AlertDefinitionApi | AlertDefinitionAddOperatorToEscalationLevel | Post /AlertDefinition/{alertDefinitionGuid}/EscalationLevel/{escalationLevelId}/Member/Operator/{operatorGuid} | Adds an operator to the specified escalation level. |
AlertDefinitionApi | AlertDefinitionCreateAlertDefinition | Post /AlertDefinition | Creates a new alert definition. |
AlertDefinitionApi | AlertDefinitionCreateAuthorizationForAlertDefinition | Post /AlertDefinition/{alertDefinitionGuid}/Authorizations | Create authorizations for alert definition If the wanted authorizations requires other authorizations, these will be added as well |
AlertDefinitionApi | AlertDefinitionDeleteAlertDefinition | Delete /AlertDefinition/{alertDefinitionGuid} | Deletes an existing alert definition. |
AlertDefinitionApi | AlertDefinitionDeleteAuthorizationForAlertDefinition | Delete /AlertDefinition/{alertDefinitionGuid}/Authorizations/{authorizationGuid} | Delete alert definition authorization for alert definition |
AlertDefinitionApi | AlertDefinitionGetAllAlertDefinitions | Get /AlertDefinition | Gets a list of all alert definitions. |
AlertDefinitionApi | AlertDefinitionGetAllEscalationLevelIntegrations | Get /AlertDefinition/{alertDefinitionGuid}/EscalationLevel/{escalationLevelId}/Integration | Gets all integrations for a specified escalation level. |
AlertDefinitionApi | AlertDefinitionGetAllEscalationLevels | Get /AlertDefinition/{alertDefinitionGuid}/EscalationLevel | Gets all escalation level information for the specified alert definition. |
AlertDefinitionApi | AlertDefinitionGetAllMembers | Get /AlertDefinition/{alertDefinitionGuid}/Member | Gets a list of all monitor and monitor group guids for the specified alert definition. |
AlertDefinitionApi | AlertDefinitionGetAuthorizationsOfAlertDefinition | Get /AlertDefinition/{alertDefinitionGuid}/Authorizations | Get authorizations of alert definition |
AlertDefinitionApi | AlertDefinitionGetEscalationLevel | Get /AlertDefinition/{alertDefinitionGuid}/EscalationLevel/{escalationLevelId} | Gets the escalation level information of the specified alert definition. |
AlertDefinitionApi | AlertDefinitionGetEscalationLevelIntegration | Get /AlertDefinition/{alertDefinitionGuid}/EscalationLevel/{escalationLevelId}/Integration/{integrationGuid} | Gets a single integration for a specified escalation level. |
AlertDefinitionApi | AlertDefinitionGetEscalationLevelOperator | Get /AlertDefinition/{alertDefinitionGuid}/EscalationLevel/{escalationLevelId}/Member | Gets the operator and operator group guids for the specified escalation level. |
AlertDefinitionApi | AlertDefinitionGetSpecifiedAlertDefinitions | Get /AlertDefinition/{alertDefinitionGuid} | Gets the specified alert definition. |
AlertDefinitionApi | AlertDefinitionPatchAlertDefinition | Patch /AlertDefinition/{alertDefinitionGuid} | Partially updates the definition for the specified alert definition. |
AlertDefinitionApi | AlertDefinitionPatchAlertDefinitionEscalation | Patch /AlertDefinition/{alertDefinitionGuid}/EscalationLevel/{escalationLevelId} | Partially updates the escalation level for the specified alert definition. |
AlertDefinitionApi | AlertDefinitionPutAlertDefinition | Put /AlertDefinition/{alertDefinitionGuid} | Updates the definition for the specified alert definition. |
AlertDefinitionApi | AlertDefinitionPutAlertDefinitionEscalation | Put /AlertDefinition/{alertDefinitionGuid}/EscalationLevel/{escalationLevelId} | Updates the escalation level for the specified alert definition. |
AlertDefinitionApi | AlertDefinitionRemoveIntegrationFromEscalationLevel | Delete /AlertDefinition/{alertDefinitionGuid}/EscalationLevel/{escalationLevelId}/Integration/{integrationGuid} | Removes an integration from a specified escalation level. |
AlertDefinitionApi | AlertDefinitionRemoveMonitorFromAlertDefinition | Delete /AlertDefinition/{alertDefinitionGuid}/Member/Monitor/{monitorGuid} | Removes a monitor for the specified alert definition. |
AlertDefinitionApi | AlertDefinitionRemoveMonitorGroupFromAlertDefinition | Delete /AlertDefinition/{alertDefinitionGuid}/Member/MonitorGroup/{monitorGroupGuid} | Removes a monitor group for the specified alert definition. |
AlertDefinitionApi | AlertDefinitionRemoveOperatorFromEscalationLevel | Delete /AlertDefinition/{alertDefinitionGuid}/EscalationLevel/{escalationLevelId}/Member/Operator/{operatorGuid} | Removes an operator for the specified escalation level. |
AlertDefinitionApi | AlertDefinitionRemoveOperatorGroupFromEscalationLevel | Delete /AlertDefinition/{alertDefinitionGuid}/EscalationLevel/{escalationLevelId}/Member/OperatorGroup/{operatorGroupGuid} | Removes an operator group for the specified escalation level. |
AlertDefinitionApi | AlertDefinitionUpdateIntegrationForEscalationWithPatch | Patch /AlertDefinition/{alertDefinitionGuid}/EscalationLevel/{escalationLevelId}/Integration/{integrationGuid} | Partially updates an integration for a specified escalation level. |
AlertDefinitionApi | AlertDefinitionUpdateIntegrationForEscalationWithPut | Put /AlertDefinition/{alertDefinitionGuid}/EscalationLevel/{escalationLevelId}/Integration/{integrationGuid} | Updates an integration for a specified escalation level. |
CheckpointApi | CheckpointGetAllCheckpoints | Get /Checkpoint | Returns all the checkpoints that are not deleted |
CheckpointApi | CheckpointGetCheckpoint | Get /Checkpoint/{checkpointId} | Returns the specified checkpoint, deleted or not |
CheckpointApi | CheckpointRegionGetAllCheckpointRegions | Get /CheckpointRegion | Returns all the checkpoint regions. |
CheckpointApi | CheckpointRegionGetCheckpointRegionCheckpoints | Get /CheckpointRegion/{checkpointRegionId}/Checkpoint | Returns the checkpoints for the specified checkpoint region. |
CheckpointApi | CheckpointRegionGetSpecifiedCheckpointRegion | Get /CheckpointRegion/{checkpointRegionId} | Returns the specified checkpoint region. |
CheckpointApi | CheckpointServerGetAllServerIpv4Addresses | Get /Checkpoint/Server/Ipv4 | Anonymous call that returns all the IPv4 addresses of all the checkpoint servers. |
CheckpointApi | CheckpointServerGetAllServerIpv6Addresses | Get /Checkpoint/Server/Ipv6 | Anonymous call that returns all the IPv6 addresses of all the checkpoint servers. |
CheckpointApi | CheckpointServerGetServer | Get /Checkpoint/Server/{serverId} | Returns the requested checkpoint server. |
CheckpointApi | PrivateCheckpointHealthGetPrivateCheckpointHealthForRegion | Get /PrivateCheckpointHealthForRegion | Returns the status of the private checkpoints in the given region. |
CheckpointApi | PrivateCheckpointHealthGetSpecifiedPrivateCheckpointHealth | Get /PrivateCheckpointHealth | Returns the status of the specified private checkpoints. |
DashboardApi | DashboardCloneDashboard | Post /Dashboard/{dashboardGuid}/Clone | Clone the specified dashboard. |
DashboardApi | DashboardDeleteDashboard | Delete /Dashboard/{dashboardGuid} | Delete the specified dashboard. |
DashboardApi | DashboardGetAllDashboards | Get /Dashboard | Returns data for all dashboards. |
DashboardApi | DashboardGetOneDashboard | Get /Dashboard/{dashboardGuid} | Returns data for the specified dashboard. |
DashboardApi | DashboardPartiallyUpdateDashboard | Patch /Dashboard/{dashboardGuid} | Partially update the specified dashboard. |
DashboardApi | DashboardUpdateDashboard | Put /Dashboard/{dashboardGuid} | Update the specified dashboard. |
IntegrationApi | IntegrationCreateAuthorizationForIntegration | Post /Integration/{integrationGuid}/Authorizations | Create authorizations for integration If the wanted authorizations requires other authorizations, these will be added as well |
IntegrationApi | IntegrationDeleteAuthorizationForIntegration | Delete /Integration/{integrationGuid}/Authorizations/{authorizationGuid} | Delete integration authorization for integration |
IntegrationApi | IntegrationGetAllIntegrations | Get /Integration | Gets a list of all integrations. |
IntegrationApi | IntegrationGetAuthorizationsOfIntegration | Get /Integration/{integrationGuid}/Authorizations | Get authorizations of integration |
MonitorApi | MonitorCleanupMaintenancePeriods | Post /Monitor/{monitorGuid}/MaintenancePeriod/Cleanup/{beforeDate} | Clears out all one-time maintenance periods for the specified monitor older than the specified date |
MonitorApi | MonitorCloneMonitor | Post /Monitor/{monitorGuid}/Clone | Creates a clone (duplicate) of the specified monitor. |
MonitorApi | MonitorCreateAuthorizationForMonitor | Post /Monitor/{monitorGuid}/Authorizations | Create monitor authorizations for monitor If the wanted authorizations requires other authorizations, these will be added as well |
MonitorApi | MonitorCreateMaintenancePeriodForMonitor | Post /Monitor/{monitorGuid}/MaintenancePeriod | Saves the new maintenance period provided for the specified monitor |
MonitorApi | MonitorDeleteAuthorizationForMonitorGroup | Delete /Monitor/{monitorGuid}/Authorizations/{authorizationGuid} | Delete monitor authorization for monitor |
MonitorApi | MonitorDeleteMaintenancePeriodFromMonitor | Delete /Monitor/{monitorGuid}/MaintenancePeriod/{maintenancePeriodId} | Deletes the specified maintenance period from the specified monitor |
MonitorApi | MonitorDeleteMonitor | Delete /Monitor/{monitorGuid} | Deletes the specified monitor. |
MonitorApi | MonitorGetAllMaintenancePeriodsForMonitor | Get /Monitor/{monitorGuid}/MaintenancePeriod | Finds all maintenance periods for a monitor. |
MonitorApi | MonitorGetAuthorizationsOfMonitor | Get /Monitor/{monitorGuid}/Authorizations | Get monitor authorizations of monitor |
MonitorApi | MonitorGetMonitor | Get /Monitor/{monitorGuid} | Returns the definition of the specified monitor. |
MonitorApi | MonitorGetMonitorGroups | Get /Monitor/{monitorGuid}/MonitorGroup | Returns the Guid of each monitor group where the specified monitor is a member of. |
MonitorApi | MonitorGetMonitors | Get /Monitor | Returns the definition of all monitors available in the account. |
MonitorApi | MonitorGetMonitorsByMonitorGroup | Get /Monitor/MonitorGroup/{monitorGroupGuid} | Returns the definition of all monitors available in the account that are a member of the specified monitor group. |
MonitorApi | MonitorPatchMonitor | Patch /Monitor/{monitorGuid} | Partially updates the definition of the specified monitor. |
MonitorApi | MonitorPostMonitor | Post /Monitor | Creates a new monitor. |
MonitorApi | MonitorPutMonitor | Put /Monitor/{monitorGuid} | Updates the definition of the specified monitor. |
MonitorApi | MonitorUpdateMaintenancePeriodForMonitor | Put /Monitor/{monitorGuid}/MaintenancePeriod/{maintenancePeriodId} | Updates the specified maintenance schedule for the specified monitor |
MonitorCheckApi | MonitorCheckGetAccountMonitorChecks | Get /MonitorCheck | Returns all monitor check data. |
MonitorCheckApi | MonitorCheckGetConcurrentMonitorPartialChecks | Get /MonitorCheck/{monitorCheckId}/Concurrent | Gets all partial checks for a concurrent monitor check |
MonitorCheckApi | MonitorCheckGetConsoleLogInfo | Get /MonitorCheck/{monitorCheckId}/ConsoleLog | Returns console log information for a monitor check. |
MonitorCheckApi | MonitorCheckGetHttpDetails | Get /MonitorCheck/{monitorCheckId}/Http | Returns HTTP details for a monitor check. |
MonitorCheckApi | MonitorCheckGetMonitorCheck | Get /MonitorCheck/Monitor/{monitorGuid} | Returns monitor check data for a specific monitor. |
MonitorCheckApi | MonitorCheckGetMonitorGroupData | Get /MonitorCheck/MonitorGroup/{monitorGroupGuid} | Returns monitor check data for a specific monitor group. |
MonitorCheckApi | MonitorCheckGetMultistepDetails | Get /MonitorCheck/{monitorCheckId}/MultiStepAPI | Returns Multi-Step API details for a monitor check. |
MonitorCheckApi | MonitorCheckGetPageSourceInfo | Get /MonitorCheck/{monitorCheckId}/PageSource | Returns page source information for a monitor check. |
MonitorCheckApi | MonitorCheckGetScreenshots | Get /MonitorCheck/{monitorCheckId}/Screenshot/{screenshotId} | Gets a specific screenshot for a specified monitor check |
MonitorCheckApi | MonitorCheckGetSingleMonitorCheck | Get /MonitorCheck/{monitorCheckId} | Returns a single monitor check. |
MonitorCheckApi | MonitorCheckGetTransactionDetails | Get /MonitorCheck/{monitorCheckId}/Transaction | Returns transaction step details for a monitor check. |
MonitorCheckApi | MonitorCheckGetWaterfallInfo | Get /MonitorCheck/{monitorCheckId}/Waterfall | Returns waterfall information for a monitor check. |
MonitorGroupApi | MonitorGroupAddMaintenancePeriodToAllMembers | Post /MonitorGroup/{monitorGroupGuid}/AddMaintenancePeriodToAllMembers | Adds the provided maintenance period to all monitors in the group specified |
MonitorGroupApi | MonitorGroupAddMonitorToMonitorGroup | Post /MonitorGroup/{monitorGroupGuid}/Member/{monitorGuid} | Adds the specified monitor to the monitor group |
MonitorGroupApi | MonitorGroupCreateAuthorizationForMonitorGroup | Post /MonitorGroup/{monitorGroupGuid}/Authorizations | Create monitor authorizations for monitor group If the wanted authorizations requires other authorizations, these will be added as well |
MonitorGroupApi | MonitorGroupCreateMonitorGroup | Post /MonitorGroup | Creates a new monitor group |
MonitorGroupApi | MonitorGroupDeleteAuthorizationForMonitorGroup | Delete /MonitorGroup/{monitorGroupGuid}/Authorizations/{authorizationGuid} | Delete monitor authorization for monitor group |
MonitorGroupApi | MonitorGroupDeleteMonitorGroup | Delete /MonitorGroup/{monitorGroupGuid} | Deletes the specified monitor group |
MonitorGroupApi | MonitorGroupGetAllMonitorGroups | Get /MonitorGroup | Gets all monitor groups |
MonitorGroupApi | MonitorGroupGetAuthorizationsOfMonitorGroup | Get /MonitorGroup/{monitorGroupGuid}/Authorizations | Get monitor authorizations of monitor group |
MonitorGroupApi | MonitorGroupGetMonitorGroup | Get /MonitorGroup/{monitorGroupGuid} | Gets the details of a monitor group |
MonitorGroupApi | MonitorGroupGetMonitorGroupMembers | Get /MonitorGroup/{monitorGroupGuid}/Member | Gets a list of all members of a monitor group |
MonitorGroupApi | MonitorGroupRemoveMonitorFromMonitorGroup | Delete /MonitorGroup/{monitorGroupGuid}/Member/{monitorGuid} | Removes the specified monitor from the monitor group |
MonitorGroupApi | MonitorGroupStartAllMonitorAlertsInGroup | Post /MonitorGroup/{monitorGroupGuid}/StartAllMonitorAlerts | Starts alerting for all monitors that are a member of the monitor group specified by the monitor group GUID |
MonitorGroupApi | MonitorGroupStartAllMonitorsInGroup | Post /MonitorGroup/{monitorGroupGuid}/StartAllMonitors | Starts all monitors that are a member of the monitor group specified by the monitor group GUID |
MonitorGroupApi | MonitorGroupStopAllMonitorAlertsInGroup | Post /MonitorGroup/{monitorGroupGuid}/StopAllMonitorAlerts | Stops alerting for all monitors that are a member of the monitor group specified by the monitor group GUID |
MonitorGroupApi | MonitorGroupStopAllMonitorsInGroup | Post /MonitorGroup/{monitorGroupGuid}/StopAllMonitors | Stops all monitors that are a member of the monitor group specified by the monitor group GUID |
MonitorGroupApi | MonitorGroupUpdateMonitorGroup | Put /MonitorGroup/{monitorGroupGuid} | Updates the monitor group with the Guid specified |
OperatorApi | OperatorAddDutyPeriodForOperator | Post /Operator/{operatorGuid}/DutySchedule | Adds a duty schedule to the specified operator. |
OperatorApi | OperatorCreateOperator | Post /Operator | Creates a new operator. |
OperatorApi | OperatorDeleteAuthorizationForOperator | Delete /Operator/{operatorGuid}/Authorization/{authorizationType} | Removes the specified authorization of this operator. |
OperatorApi | OperatorDeleteDutyScheduleFromOperator | Delete /Operator/{operatorGuid}/DutySchedule/{dutyScheduleId} | Deletes the specified duty schedule of the specified operator. |
OperatorApi | OperatorDeleteOperator | Delete /Operator/{operatorGuid} | Deletes an existing operator. |
OperatorApi | OperatorGetAllOperators | Get /Operator | Gets a list of all operators. |
OperatorApi | OperatorGetAuthorizationsForOperator | Get /Operator/{operatorGuid}/Authorization | Gets all authorizations for the specified operator. |
OperatorApi | OperatorGetDutyScheduleForOperator | Get /Operator/{operatorGuid}/DutySchedule | Gets the duty schedules for an specified operator. |
OperatorApi | OperatorGetOperator | Get /Operator/{operatorGuid} | Gets the details of the operator with the provided OperatorGuid. |
OperatorApi | OperatorGetOperatorGroupsForOperator | Get /Operator/{operatorGuid}/OperatorGroup | Gets a list of all operator groups for the specified operator. |
OperatorApi | OperatorPostAuthorizationForOperator | Post /Operator/{operatorGuid}/Authorization/{authorizationType} | Assigns the specified authorization to this operator. |
OperatorApi | OperatorUpdateDutyPeriodForOperator | Put /Operator/{operatorGuid}/DutySchedule/{dutyScheduleId} | Updates the specified duty schedule of the specified operator. |
OperatorApi | OperatorUpdateOperator | Put /Operator/{operatorGuid} | Updates an existing operator. |
OperatorApi | OperatorUpdateOperatorWithPatch | Patch /Operator/{operatorGuid} | Updates an existing operator. |
OperatorGroupApi | OperatorGroupAddDutyScheduleToAllMembers | Post /OperatorGroup/{operatorGroupGuid}/DutySchedule/AddDutyScheduleForAllMembers | Adds the provided duty schedule to all operators in the group specified |
OperatorGroupApi | OperatorGroupAddOperatorToOperatorGroup | Post /OperatorGroup/{operatorGroupGuid}/Member/{operatorGuid} | Adds the specified operator to the operator group |
OperatorGroupApi | OperatorGroupAllOperatorsInGroupOffDuty | Post /OperatorGroup/{operatorGroupGuid}/AllOperatorsOffDuty | Set the OnDuty flag to off for all operators that are a member of the operator group specified by the operator group GUID |
OperatorGroupApi | OperatorGroupAllOperatorsInGroupOnDuty | Post /OperatorGroup/{operatorGroupGuid}/AllOperatorsOnDuty | Set the OnDuty flag to on for all operators that are a member of the operator group specified by the operator group GUID |
OperatorGroupApi | OperatorGroupCreateOperatorGroup | Post /OperatorGroup | Creates a new operator group |
OperatorGroupApi | OperatorGroupDeleteAuthorizationForOperatorGroup | Delete /OperatorGroup/{operatorGroupGuid}/Authorization/{authorizationType} | Removes the specified authorization of the operator group. |
OperatorGroupApi | OperatorGroupDeleteOperatorGroup | Delete /OperatorGroup/{operatorGroupGuid} | Deletes the specified operator group |
OperatorGroupApi | OperatorGroupGetAllOperatorGroups | Get /OperatorGroup | Gets all operator groups |
OperatorGroupApi | OperatorGroupGetAuthorizationsForOperatorGroup | Get /OperatorGroup/{operatorGroupGuid}/Authorization | Gets all authorizations for the specified operator group. |
OperatorGroupApi | OperatorGroupGetOperatorGroup | Get /OperatorGroup/{operatorGroupGuid} | Gets the details of a operator group |
OperatorGroupApi | OperatorGroupGetOperatorGroupMembers | Get /OperatorGroup/{operatorGroupGuid}/Member | Gets a list of all members of an operator group |
OperatorGroupApi | OperatorGroupPostAuthorizationForOperatorGroup | Post /OperatorGroup/{operatorGroupGuid}/Authorization/{authorizationType} | Assigns the specified authorization to the operator group. |
OperatorGroupApi | OperatorGroupRemoveOperatorFromOperatorGroup | Delete /OperatorGroup/{operatorGroupGuid}/Member/{operatorGuid} | Removes the specified operator from the operator group |
OperatorGroupApi | OperatorGroupUpdateOperatorGroup | Put /OperatorGroup/{operatorGroupGuid} | Updates the operator group with the Guid specified |
OutgoingPhoneNumberApi | OutgoingPhoneNumberGetAllOutgoingPhoneNumbers | Get /OutgoingPhoneNumber | Gets a list of all outgoing phone numbers available. |
PublicStatusPageApi | PublicStatusPageAddAuthorizationToPublicStatusPage | Post /PublicStatusPage/{publicStatusPageGuid}/Authorization | Creates a new authorization for the specified public status page. |
PublicStatusPageApi | PublicStatusPageDeletePublicStatusPage | Delete /PublicStatusPage/{publicStatusPageGuid} | Deletes the definition of the specified public status page. |
PublicStatusPageApi | PublicStatusPageGetAuthorizationsForPublicStatusPage | Get /PublicStatusPage/{publicStatusPageGuid}/Authorization | Returns all authorizations for the specified public status page. |
PublicStatusPageApi | PublicStatusPageGetPublicStatusPage | Get /PublicStatusPage/{publicStatusPageGuid} | Returns the definition of the specified public status page. |
PublicStatusPageApi | PublicStatusPageGetPublicStatusPages | Get /PublicStatusPage | Returns the definition of all public status pages available in the account. |
PublicStatusPageApi | PublicStatusPagePatchPublicStatusPage | Patch /PublicStatusPage/{publicStatusPageGuid} | Partially updates the definition of the specified public status page. |
PublicStatusPageApi | PublicStatusPagePostPublicStatusPage | Post /PublicStatusPage | Creates a new public status page. |
PublicStatusPageApi | PublicStatusPagePutPublicStatusPage | Put /PublicStatusPage/{publicStatusPageGuid} | Updates the definition of the specified public status page. |
PublicStatusPageApi | PublicStatusPageRemoveAuthorizationFromPublicStatusPage | Delete /PublicStatusPage/{publicStatusPageGuid}/Authorization/{authorizationGuid} | Removes an authorization from a public status page. |
RUMApi | RumGetRumMetricsForAllWebsites | Get /Rum/Website/Metrics | Returns all metrics of all RUM websites. |
RUMApi | RumGetRumWebsiteMetrics | Get /Rum/Website/{rumWebsiteGuid}/Metrics | Returns all metrics of the specified RUM website. |
RUMApi | RumGetRumWebsites | Get /Rum/Website | Returns the definition of all RUM websites available in the account. |
RegisterApi | RegisterPost | Post /Register | Creates a new API account. |
SLAApi | SlaCreateSla | Post /Sla | Creates a new SLA. |
SLAApi | SlaDeleteExclusionPeriod | Delete /Sla/{slaGuid}/ExclusionPeriod/{exclusionPeriodId} | Deletes the specified exclusion period for the specified SLA. |
SLAApi | SlaDeleteSla | Delete /Sla/{slaGuid} | Deletes the specified SLA. |
SLAApi | SlaGetExclusionPeriod | Get /Sla/{slaGuid}/ExclusionPeriod/{exclusionPeriodId} | Gets the specified exclusion period for the specified SLA. |
SLAApi | SlaGetExclusionPeriods | Get /Sla/{slaGuid}/ExclusionPeriod | Gets a list of all exclusion periods for the specified SLA. |
SLAApi | SlaGetSla | Get /Sla/{slaGuid} | Gets the specified SLA definition. |
SLAApi | SlaGetSlas | Get /Sla | Gets a list of all SLA definitions. |
SLAApi | SlaPatchExclusionPeriod | Patch /Sla/{slaGuid}/ExclusionPeriod/{exclusionPeriodId} | Partially updates the specified exclusion period for the specified SLA. |
SLAApi | SlaPatchSla | Patch /Sla/{slaGuid} | Partially updates the definition of the specified SLA. |
SLAApi | SlaPostExclusionPeriod | Post /Sla/{slaGuid}/ExclusionPeriod | Creates a new exclusion period for the specified SLA. |
SLAApi | SlaPutExclusionPeriod | Put /Sla/{slaGuid}/ExclusionPeriod/{exclusionPeriodId} | Updates the specified exclusion period for the specified SLA. |
SLAApi | SlaPutSla | Put /Sla/{slaGuid} | Updates the definition of the specified SLA. |
ScheduledReportApi | ScheduledReportCreateScheduledReport | Post /ScheduledReport | Creates a new scheduled report. |
ScheduledReportApi | ScheduledReportDeleteSpecifiedScheduledReport | Delete /ScheduledReport/{scheduledReportGuid} | Delete the specified scheduled report. |
ScheduledReportApi | ScheduledReportGetAllScheduledReports | Get /ScheduledReport | Returns data for all scheduled reports. |
ScheduledReportApi | ScheduledReportGetSpecifiedScheduledReport | Get /ScheduledReport/{scheduledReportGuid} | Returns data for the specified scheduled report. |
ScheduledReportApi | ScheduledReportPartiallyUpdateScheduledReport | Patch /ScheduledReport/{scheduledReportGuid} | Partially update the specified scheduled report. |
ScheduledReportApi | ScheduledReportUpdateScheduledReport | Put /ScheduledReport/{scheduledReportGuid} | Update the specified scheduled report. |
StatisticsApi | StatisticsGetMonitorGroupStatistics | Get /Statistics/MonitorGroup/{monitorGroupGuid} | Gets the monitor group statistics. |
StatisticsApi | StatisticsGetMonitorStatistics | Get /Statistics/Monitor/{monitorGuid} | Gets the monitor statistics. |
StatusApi | StatusGetMonitorGroupStatus | Get /Status/MonitorGroup/{monitorGroupGuid} | Gets a list of all monitor group status data. |
StatusApi | StatusGetMonitorStatus | Get /Status/Monitor/{monitorGuid} | Gets all monitor status data. |
TimezoneApi | TimezoneGetAllTimezones | Get /Timezone | Gets all timezones available. |
TimezoneApi | TimezoneGetTimezoneById | Get /Timezone/{timezoneId} | Gets the timezone with the specified Id. |
VaultApi | VaultCreateAuthorizationForVaultSection | Post /VaultSection/{vaultSectionGuid}/Authorization | Creates a new authorization for the specified vault section. |
VaultApi | VaultCreateNewVaultItem | Post /VaultItem | Creates a new vault item. |
VaultApi | VaultCreateNewVaultSection | Post /VaultSection | Creates a new vault section. |
VaultApi | VaultDeleteAuthorizationForVaultSection | Delete /VaultSection/{vaultSectionGuid}/Authorization/{authorizationGuid} | Deletes the specified authorization for the specified vault section. |
VaultApi | VaultDeleteVaultItem | Delete /VaultItem/{vaultItemGuid} | Deletes the specified vault item. |
VaultApi | VaultDeleteVaultSection | Delete /VaultSection/{vaultSectionGuid} | Deletes the specified vault section. |
VaultApi | VaultGetAllVaultItems | Get /VaultItem | Returns all vault items. |
VaultApi | VaultGetAllVaultSections | Get /VaultSection | Returns all vault sections. |
VaultApi | VaultGetAuthorizationsForVaultSection | Get /VaultSection/{vaultSectionGuid}/Authorization | Returns all authorizations for the specified vault section. |
VaultApi | VaultGetVaultItem | Get /VaultItem/{vaultItemGuid} | Returns the specified vault item. |
VaultApi | VaultGetVaultSection | Get /VaultSection/{vaultSectionGuid} | Returns the specified vault section. |
VaultApi | VaultPartiallyUpdateVaultItem | Patch /VaultItem/{vaultItemGuid} | Partially updates the specified vault item. |
VaultApi | VaultUpdateVaultItem | Put /VaultItem/{vaultItemGuid} | Updates the specified vault item. |
VaultApi | VaultUpdateVaultSection | Put /VaultSection/{vaultSectionGuid} | Updates the specified vault section. |
- AccountSettings
- AccountStatistics
- Alert
- AlertAttributes
- AlertDefinition
- AlertDefinitionAuthorization
- AlertDefinitionAuthorizationType
- AlertDefinitionMember
- AlertDefinitionMonitor
- AlertDefinitionMonitorGroup
- AlertDefinitionOperator
- AlertDefinitionOperatorGroup
- AlertEscalationLevelMember
- AlertResponse
- AlertResponseCursors
- AlertType
- ApiAssertion
- ApiAssertionSourceType
- ApiAuthenticationInfo
- ApiComparisonType
- ApiHttpAuthenticationType
- ApiHttpHeaderValue
- ApiVariableDefinition
- ApiVariableSourceType
- AssertionInfo
- AssertionResultsInfo
- BrowserType
- BrowserWindowDimensions
- CapabilityFilterEnum
- CertificateArchive
- CheckpoinServerResponse
- CheckpoinServerResponseData
- Checkpoint
- Checkpoint2
- Checkpoint2Attributes
- CheckpointAttributes
- CheckpointListResponse
- CheckpointRegion
- CheckpointResponse
- CheckpointResponseData
- CheckpointServer
- CheckpointServerAttributes
- CheckpointsHealth
- CursorsData
- CustomField
- CustomMetric
- CustomizationInfo
- Dashboard
- DashboardFilter
- DateTimePatternMatch
- DayOfWeek
- DnsBypass
- DnsQuery
- EngineHashAlgorithm
- ErrorCondition
- ErrorConditionConsoleLevel
- ErrorConditionEffect
- ErrorConditionMatchType
- ErrorConditionType
- ErrorLevel
- ErrorLevelFilter
- EscalationLevel
- EscalationLevelIntegration
- EscalationMode
- ExclusionPeriod
- FileInfo
- HashAlgorithm
- HttpAttributes
- HttpCheckDetails
- HttpCheckDetailsAttributes
- HttpDetailsResponse
- HttpDetailsResponseData
- HttpEngineAttributes
- HttpEngineAttributesTimingInfo
- HttpEngineCheckDetails
- HttpEngineCheckDetailsAttributes
- HttpEngineStep
- HttpEngineStepAssertionResultsInfo
- HttpMethod
- HttpMethods
- Integration
- IntegrationAuthorization
- IntegrationAuthorizationType
- IntegrationServiceMap
- IntegrationTypeEnum
- IpVersion
- Ipv6Address
- JwtAlgorithm
- LastErrorLevel
- LinksData
- ListStringResponse
- MaintenancePeriod
- MaintenanceTypes
- MessageInfo
- MessageList
- MetaData
- Monitor
- MonitorAuthorization
- MonitorAuthorizationType
- MonitorCheck
- MonitorCheckAttributes
- MonitorCheckResponse
- MonitorGroup
- MonitorGroupAuthorization
- MonitorGroupAuthorizationType
- MonitorGroupMember
- MonitorMode
- MonitorQuota
- MonitorStatus
- MonitorStatusAttributes
- MonitorStatusListResponse
- MonitorStatusResponse
- MonitorStatusResponseData
- MonitorTransactionStepDefinition
- MonitorType
- MsaBodyType
- MsaDetailsResponse
- MsaDetailsResponseData
- MsaStep
- MsaStepType
- OneTimePasswordInfo
- Operator
- OperatorAuthorizationType
- OperatorDutySchedule
- OperatorGroup
- OperatorGroupAuthorizationType
- OperatorGroupMember
- OperatorMember
- OperatorQuota
- OperatorScheduleMode
- OperatorSetupMode
- OutgoingPhoneNumberDetails
- PSPAuthorization
- PSPAuthorizationType
- PageElement
- PageLoadMetrics
- PatternMatch
- PeriodMetaData
- PredefinedVariable
- PresetPeriodType
- PresetPeriodTypeWithExclusive
- PublicStatusPage
- Recipients
- RegisterStatus
- RegistrationResponse
- RelationObject
- RequestHeader
- RumMetric
- RumMetricValues
- RumWebsite
- RumWebsiteWithMetricValues
- Schedule
- ScheduleMode
- ScheduleType
- ScheduledReport
- ScheduledReportFileType
- ScreenshotResponse
- SelectedCheckpoints
- SelectedPeriod
- SelectedPeriodType
- ServerHealth
- ServerHealthStatusDetails
- ServerStatusDetails
- SftpAction
- SingleMonitorCheckResponse
- SingleMonitorCheckResponseData
- Sla
- SmsProvider
- SortDirection
- SortOrderEnum
- Statistics
- StatisticsAttributes
- StatisticsResponse
- StatisticsResponseLinks
- StatisticsResponseMeta
- StepTimingInfo
- SubStepType
- ThrottlingOptions
- ThrottlingType
- ThrottlingValue
- Timezone
- TlsVersion
- TransactionAttributes
- TransactionCheckDetails
- TransactionCheckDetailsAttributes
- TransactionDetailsResponse
- TransactionDetailsResponseData
- TransactionStep
- TransactionStep2
- TransactionStepDefinition
- TransactionStepOResourceObject
- TransactionStepOResourceObjectAttributes
- TransactionSubStep
- UserDefinedFunction
- UserDefinedFunctionMapping
- UserDefinedFunctionType
- VaultItem
- VaultItemCertificateArchive
- VaultItemFileInfo
- VaultItemOneTimePasswordInfo
- VaultItemTypes
- VaultSection
- VaultSectionAuthorization
- VaultSectionAuthorizationType
- W3CNavigationTiming
- WaterfallInfo
- WaterfallInfoPageLoadMetrics
- WaterfallInfoW3CNavigationTiming
- WaterfallResponse
- WaterfallResponseAttributes
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
auth := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextBasicAuth, sw.BasicAuth{
UserName: "username",
Password: "password",
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
auth := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextBasicAuth, sw.BasicAuth{
UserName: "username",
Password: "password",
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)
Due to the fact that model structure members are all pointers, this package contains a number of utility functions to easily obtain pointers to values of basic types. Each of these functions takes a value of the given basic type and returns a pointer to it: