A ruby environment with Bundler installed is a prerequisite for using the testing harness shipped with this cookbook. At the time of this writing, it works with Ruby 1.9.3 and Bundler 1.6.2. All programs involved, with the exception of Vagrant, can be installed by cd'ing into the parent directory of this cookbook and running "bundle install"
The Rakefile ships with a number of tasks, each of which can be ran individually, or in groups. Typing "rake" by itself will perform style checks with Foodcritic and integration tests with Test Kitchen using the Vagrant driver by default.
$ rake -T
rake integration:cloud # Run Test Kitchen cloud plugins
rake integration:vagrant # Run Test Kitchen with Vagrant
rake style # Run all style checks
rake style:chef # Lint Chef cookbooks
Chef style tests can be performed with Foodcritic by issuing either
bundle exec foodcritic
rake style:chef
Integration testing is performed by Test Kitchen. After a successful converge, tests are uploaded and ran out of band of Chef. Tests should be designed to ensure that a recipe has accomplished its goal.
Integration tests using Vagrant can be performed with either
bundle exec kitchen test
rake integration:vagrant
Integration tests can be performed on cloud providers using Test Kitchen plugins. This cookbook ships a .kitchen.cloud.yml that references environmental variables present in the shell that kitchen test is ran from. These usually contain authentication tokens for driving IaaS APIs, as well as the paths to ssh private keys needed for Test Kitchen log into them after they've been created.
Examples of environment variables being set in ~/.bash_profile:
# digitalocean (APIv1)
export DIGITALOCEAN_API_KEY='your_bits_here'
export DIGITALOCEAN_CLIENT_ID='your_bits_here'
export DIGITALOCEAN_SSH_KEY_IDS='your_bits_here' #CSV String of IDs
export DIGITALOCEAN_SSH_KEY_PATH='your_bits_here'
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY='your_bits_here'
export AWS_SECRET_KEY='your_bits_here'
export AWS_SECURITY_GROUP='your_bits_here'
export AWS_SSH_KEY_ID='your_bits_here'
export AWS_SSH_KEY_PATH='your_bits_here'
Note: There is currently a bug in kitchen-digitalocean (0.8.2) which forces DIGITALOCEAN_SSH_KEY_IDS to require at least two entires. It is prefectly fine however to use the same key id twice.
Integration tests using cloud drivers can be performed with either
export KITCHEN_YAML=.kitchen.cloud.yml
bundle exec kitchen test
rake integration:cloud