Releases: wavefrontHQ/wavefront-proxy
Wavefront Libraries 4.25
- Proxy: fix Java 9 compatibility issue
- Proxy: support tagged Graphite format
- Proxy: add delta support for counters
- Proxy: support asynchronous logging of raw valid points
- Proxy: implement default log retention policy
- Proxy: use safer wait times during shutdown under queueing pressure
- Proxy: update default HTTP timeout
- Proxy: notify user on proxy start if service is already running
- Proxy: cache results of reverse DNS lookups
- Proxy: support preprocessor rules for JSON metrics (port 4878)
- Proxy: histogram fix: stop extending digest "ripeness" window indefinitely if data keeps arriving
- Updated dependencies: Jackson 2.9.2
Wavefront Libraries 4.24
- Update Jetty dependency to 9.4.7 (CVE-2017-9735)
Wavefront Libraries 4.23
- java-client: Fix bug #203
- java-lib: Improve JSON metrics generation (Use intermittent in-memory structure to store gauges)
Wavefront Libraries 4.22
java-lib: Fix issue with stale JVM metrics
Wavefront Libraries 4.21
Proxy: Configurable httpClient connection settings (httpMaxConnTotal, httpMaxConnPerRoute, httpAutoRetries)
Proxy: Fixed bug with handling of blocked points
Proxy: Make timestamp field in OpenTSDB/HTTP format optional
Proxy: Fixed bug with "version" command in OpenTSDB/HTTP protocol not working properly
Proxy: Warn when attempting to start proxy as a service under docker
Proxy: Fixed bug with buffer.queue-time metric being skewed on systems with clock drift
Proxy: Accept sourceTag metadata and data points on the same port
Proxy: Configurable maxBurstSeconds for the rate limiter (default to 10 to match the back-end configuration)
java-lib: Sanitize dynamically generated JVM metric names
java-lib: Improve performance of WavefrontHistogram
Wavefront Libraries 4.20
yammer-metrics: Support tags for timer metrics
Wavefront Libraries 4.19
dropwizard-metrics: Support VCAP_SERVICES for PCF reporter
Proxy: update dockerfile
Wavefront Libraries 4.18
Proxy: Enable fail fast response for malformed OpenTSDB/HTTP requests
Proxy: Fix bug in OpenTSDB/Plaintext protocol with data points without tags not going through
dropwizard-metrics: Add builder methods to PCF reporter
Dependency upgrade: Jetty (9.4.5.v20170502 to 9.4.6.v20170531)
Wavefront Libraries 4.17
java-lib: Fix issue with Avro 1.8 compatibility
Wavefront Libraries 4.16
java-lib: Fix timing issue in ReconnectingSocket