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Wavefront by VMware SDK for C# travis build status NuGet

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Welcome to the Wavefront C# SDK

Wavefront by VMware C# SDK lets you send raw data from your .NET application to the Wavefront IWavefrontSender interface. The data is then stored as metrics, histograms, and trace data. This SDK is also called the Wavefront Sender SDK for C#.

Although this library is mostly used by the other Wavefront C# SDKs to send data to Wavefront, you can also use this SDK directly. For example, you can send data directly from a data store or CSV file to Wavefront.

Before you start implementing, let us make sure you are using the correct SDK!

C# Sender SDK Decision Tree


  • This is the Wavefront by VMware SDK for C# (Wavefront Sender SDK for C#)! If this SDK is not what you were looking for, see the table below.

Wavefront SDKs

SDK Type SDK Description Supported Languages
Metrics SDK Implements a standard metrics library. Lets you define, collect, and report custom business metrics and histograms from any part of your application code.
Sender SDK Lets you send raw data to Wavefront for storage as metrics, histograms, or traces, e.g., to import CSV data into Wavefront.


  • Supported Frameworks

    • .NET Framework (>= 4.5.2)
    • .NET Standard (>= 2.0)
  • Installation

    Install the NuGet package using the Package Manager Console or the .NET CLI Console

    • Package Manager Console
      PM> Install-Package Wavefront.SDK.CSharp
    • .NET CLI Console
      > dotnet add package Wavefront.SDK.CSharp

Set Up an IWavefrontSender

You can send metrics, histograms, or trace data from your application to the Wavefront service using a Wavefront proxy or direct ingestions.

  • Option 1: Use a Wavefront proxy, which then forwards the data to the Wavefront service. This is the recommended choice for a large-scale deployment that needs resilience to internet outages, control over data queuing and filtering, and more. Create a ProxyConfiguration to send data to a Wavefront proxy.

  • Use direct ingestion to send the data directly to the Wavefront service. This is the simplest way to get up and running quickly. Create a DirectConfiguration to send data directly to a Wavefront service.

Option 1: Sending Data via the Wavefront Proxy

Before data can be sent from your application, you must ensure the Wavefront proxy is configured and running:

  • Install a Wavefront proxy on the specified proxy host .
  • Make sure you have Proxies permission in Wavefront.
  • Configure the proxy to listen to the specified port(s) by setting the corresponding properties: pushListenerPorts, histogramDistListenerPorts, traceListenerPorts
  • Start (or restart) the proxy.
// Create the builder with the proxy hostname or address
WavefrontProxyClient.Builder wfProxyClientBuilder = new WavefrontProxyClient.Builder(proxyHostName);

// Note: At least one of metrics/histogram/tracing port is required.
// Only set a port if you wish to send that type of data to Wavefront and you
// have the port enabled on the proxy.

// Set the pushListenerPort (example: 2878) to send metrics to Wavefront

// Set the histogramDistListenerPort (example: 2878) to send histograms to Wavefront

// Set the traceListenerPort (example: 30,000) to send opentracing spans to Wavefront

// Optional: Set this to override the default flush interval of 5 seconds

// Finally create a WavefrontProxyClient
IWavefrontSender wavefrontSender = wfProxyClientBuilder.Build();

Option 2: Sending Data via Direct Ingestion

To create a WavefrontDirectIngestionClient, you must have access to a Wavefront instance with Direct Data Ingestion permission:

// Create a builder with the URL of the form ""
// and a Wavefront API token with direct ingestion permission
WavefrontDirectIngestionClient.Builder wfDirectIngestionClientBuilder =
  new WavefrontDirectIngestionClient.Builder(wavefrontURL, token);

// Optional configuration properties.
// Only override the defaults to set higher values.

// This is the size of internal buffer beyond which data is dropped
// Optional: Set this to override the default max queue size of 50,000

// This is the max batch of data sent per flush interval
// Optional: Set this to override the default batch size of 10,000

// Together with batch size controls the max theoretical throughput of the sender
// Optional: Set this to override the default flush interval value of 1 second

// Finally create a WavefrontDirectIngestionClient
IWavefrontSender wavefrontSender = wfDirectIngestionClientBuilder.Build();

Send Data to Wavefront

Wavefront supports different metric types, such as gauges, counters, delta counters, histograms, traces, and spans. See Metrics for details. To send data to Wavefront using IWavefrontSender you need to instantiate the following:

Metrics and Delta Counters

// Wavefront Metrics Data format
// <metricName> <metricValue> [<timestamp>] source=<source> [pointTags]
// Example: "new-york.power.usage 42422 1533529977 source=localhost datacenter=dc1"
    new Dictionary<string, string> { { "datacenter", "dc1" } }.ToImmutableDictionary()

// Wavefront Delta Counter format
// <metricName> <metricValue> source=<source> [pointTags]
// Example: "lambda.thumbnail.generate 10 source=lambda_thumbnail_service image-format=jpeg"
    new Dictionary<string, string> { { "image-format", "jpeg" } }.ToImmutableDictionary()

Distributions (Histograms)

// Wavefront Histogram Data format
// {!M | !H | !D} [<timestamp>] #<count> <mean> [centroids] <histogramName> source=<source>
// [pointTags]
// Example: You can choose to send to at most 3 bins: Minute, Hour, Day
// "!M 1533529977 #20 30.0 #10 5.1 request.latency source=appServer1 region=us-west"
// "!H 1533529977 #20 30.0 #10 5.1 request.latency source=appServer1 region=us-west"
// "!D 1533529977 #20 30.0 #10 5.1 request.latency source=appServer1 region=us-west"
        new KeyValuePair<double, int>(30.0, 20),
        new KeyValuePair<double, int>(5.1, 10)
    new Dictionary<string, string> { { "region", "us-west" } }.ToImmutableDictionary()

Tracing Spans

When you use a Sender SDK, you won’t see span-level RED metrics by default unless you use the Wavefront proxy and define a custom tracing port (TracingPort). See Instrument Your Application with Wavefront Sender SDKs for details.

 // Wavefront Tracing Span Data format
 // <tracingSpanName> source=<source> [pointTags] <start_millis> <duration_milliseconds>
 // Example: "getAllUsers source=localhost
 //           traceId=7b3bf470-9456-11e8-9eb6-529269fb1459
 //           spanId=0313bafe-9457-11e8-9eb6-529269fb1459
 //           parent=2f64e538-9457-11e8-9eb6-529269fb1459
 //           application=Wavefront http.method=GET
 //           1552949776000 343"
    new Guid("7b3bf470-9456-11e8-9eb6-529269fb1459"),
    new Guid("0313bafe-9457-11e8-9eb6-529269fb1459"),
    ImmutableList.Create(new Guid("2f64e538-9457-11e8-9eb6-529269fb1459")),
        new KeyValuePair<string, string>("application", "Wavefront"),
        new KeyValuePair<string, string>("service", "istio"),
        new KeyValuePair<string, string>("http.method", "GET")

Close the IWavefrontSender

Before shutting down your application, flush the buffer and close the sender.

// If there are any failures observed while sending metrics/histograms/tracing-spans above,
// you get the total failure count using the below API
int totalFailures = wavefrontSender.GetFailureCount();

// on-demand buffer flush (may want to do this if you are shutting down your application)

// close the sender connection before shutting down application
// this will flush in-flight buffer and close connection


Apache 2.0 License.

How to Get Support and Contribute

  • Reach out to us on our public Slack channel.
  • If you run into any issues, let us know by creating a GitHub issue.