In March 2021 I collected all my Emacs config files into one: Now everything is in one big Org file, with lots of comments (and more to come), and whenever I make a change I run Ctrl-c Ctrl-v t
to tangle all the code into two Emacs Lisp files.
If, for some reason I cannot fathom, you want to try out my Emacs configuration, run these commands. First you’ll move your existing Emacs configuration out of the way, then you’ll clone mine.
cd ~
mv .emacs .emacs.BAK
mv .emacs.d .emacs.d.BAK
git clone
When you run Emacs it will probably spend a while downloading and installing packages. It may complain some are missing. That’s all right. When it’s done, close it (Ctrl-x Ctrl-c
) and then restart. You’ll be left with an Emacs that runs just like mine.
M-x all-praise-emacs
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Copyright 2012–2023 William Denton <>.