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CCPP workflow SYCL workflow

gtensor is a multi-dimensional array C++14 header-only library for hybrid GPU development. It was inspired by xtensor, and designed to support the GPU port of the GENE fusion code.


  • multi-dimensional arrays and array views, with easy interoperability with Fortran and thrust
  • automatically generate GPU kernels based on array operations
  • define complex re-usable operations with lazy evaluation. This allows operations to be composed in different ways and evaluated once as a single kernel
  • easily support both CPU-only and GPU-CPU hybrid code in the same code base, with only minimal use of #ifdef.
  • multi-dimensional array slicing similar to numpy
  • GPU support for nVidia via CUDA and AMD via HIP/ROCm, and experimental Intel GPU support via SYCL.
  • [Experimental] C library cgtensor with wrappers around common GPU operations (allocate and deallocate, device management, memory copy and set)
  • [Experimental] lightweight wrappers around GPU BLAS, LAPACK, and FFT routines.


gtensor is licensed under the 3-clause BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details.

Installation (cmake)

gtensor uses cmake 3.13+ to build the tests and install:

git clone
cd gtensor
cmake -S . -B build -DGTENSOR_DEVICE=cuda \
  -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/gtensor \
cmake --build build --target install

To build for cpu/host only, use -DGTENSOR_DEVICE=host, for AMD/HIP use -DGTENSOR_DEVICE=hip -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$(which hipcc), and for Intel/SYCL use -DGTENSOR_DEVICE=sycl -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$(which dpcpp) See sections below for more device specific requirements.

Note that gtensor can still be used by applications not using cmake - see Usage (GNU make) for an example.

To use the internal data vector implementation instead of thrust, set -DGTENSOR_USE_THRUST=OFF. This has the advantage that device array allocations will not be zero initialized, which can improve performance significantly for some workloads, particularly when temporary arrays are used.

To enable experimental C/C++ library features,GTENSOR_BUILD_CLIB, GTENSOR_BUILD_BLAS, or GTENSOR_BUILD_FFT to ON. Note that BLAS includes some LAPACK routines for LU factorization.

nVidia CUDA requirements

gtensor for nVidia GPUs with CUDA requires CUDA Toolkit 10.0+.

AMD HIP requirements

gtensor for AMD GPUs with HIP requires ROCm 4.5.0+, and rocthrust and rocprim. See the ROCm installation guide for details. In Ubuntu, after setting up the ROCm repository, the required packages can be installed like this:

sudo apt install rocm-dkms rocm-dev rocthrust

The official packages install to /opt/rocm. If using a different install location, set the ROCM_PATH cmake variable. To use coarse grained managed memory, ROCm 5.0+ is required.

To use gt-fft and gt-blas, rocsolver, rocblas, and rocfft packages need to be installed as well.

Intel SYCL requirements

The current SYCL implementation requires Intel OneAPI/DPC++ 2022.0 or later, with some known issues in gt-blas and gt-fft (npvt getrf/rs, 2d fft). Using the latest available release is recommended. When using the instructions at install via package managers, installing the intel-oneapi-dpcpp-compiler package will pull in all required packages (the rest of basekit is not required).

The reason for the dependence on Intel OneAPI is that the implementation uses the USM extension, which is not part of the current SYCL standard. CodePlay ComputeCpp 2.0.0 has an experimental implementation that is sufficiently different to require extra work to support.

The default device selector is always used. To control device section, set the SYCL_DEVICE_FILTER environment variable. See the intel llvm documentation for details.

The port is tested with an Intel iGPU, specifically UHD Graphics 630. It may also work with the experimental CUDA backend for nVidia GPUs, but this is untested and it's recommended to use the gtensor CUDA backend instead.

Better support for other SYCL implementations like hipSYCL and ComputCPP should be possible to add, with the possible exception of gt-blas and gt-fft sub-libraries which require oneMKL.

HOST CPU (no device) requirements

gtensor should build with any C++ compiler supporting C++14. It has been tested with g++ 7, 8, and 9 and clang++ 8, 9, and 10.

Advanced multi-device configuration

By default, gtensor will install support for the device specified by the GTENSOR_DEVICE variable (default cuda), and also the host (cpu only) device. This can be configured with GTENSOR_BUILD_DEVICES as a semicolon (;) separated list. For example, to build support for all four backends (assuming a machine with multi-vendor GPUs and associated toolkits installed).

cmake -S . -B build -DGTENSOR_DEVICE=cuda \
  -DGTENSOR_BUILD_DEVICES=host;cuda;hip;sycl \
  -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/gtensor \

This will cause targets to be created for each device: gtensor::gtensor_cuda, gtensor::gtensor_host, gtensor::gtensor_hip, and gtensor::gtensor_sycl. The main gtensor::gtensor target will be an alias for the default set by GTENSOR_DEVICE (the cuda target in the above example).

Usage (cmake)

Once installed, gtensor can be used by adding this to a project's CMakeLists.txt:

# if using GTENSOR_DEVICE=cuda


# for each C++ target using gtensor
target_gtensor_sources(myapp PRIVATE src/myapp.cxx)
target_link_libraries(myapp gtensor::gtensor)

When running cmake for a project, add the gtensor install prefix to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. For example:

cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/gtensor

The default gtensor device, set with the GTENSOR_DEVICE cmake variable when installing gtensor, can be overridden by setting GTENSOR_DEVICE again in the client application before the call to find_library(gtensor), typically via the -D cmake command line option. This can be useful to debug an application by setting -DGTENSOR_DEVICE=host, to see if the problem is related to the hybrid device model or is an algorithmic problem, or to run a host-only interactive debugger. Note that only devices specified with GTENSOR_BUILD_DEVICES at gtensor install time are available (the default device and host if no option was specified).

Using gtensor as a subdirectory or git submodule

gtensor also supports usage as a subdiretory of another cmake project. This is typically done via git submodules. For example:

cd /path/to/app
git submodule add external/gtensor

In the application's CMakeLists.txt:

# set here or on the cmake command-line with `-DGTENSOR_DEVICE=...`.


# after setting GTENSOR_DEVICE

# for each C++ target using gtensor
target_gtensor_sources(myapp PRIVATE src/myapp.cxx)
target_link_libraries(myapp gtensor::gtensor)

Usage (GNU make)

As a header only library, gtensor can be integrated into an existing GNU make project as a subdirectory fairly easily for cuda and host devices.

The subdirectory is typically managed via git submodules, for example:

cd /path/to/app
git submodule add external/gtensor

See examples/Makefile for a good way of organizing a project's Makefile to provide cross-device support. The examples can be built for different devices by setting the GTENSOR_DEVICE variable, e.g. cd examples; make GTENSOR_DEVICE=host.

Getting Started

Basic Example (host CPU only)

Here is a simple example that computes a matrix with the multiplication table and prints it out row by row using array slicing:

#include <iostream>

#include <gtensor/gtensor.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    const int n = 9;
    gt::gtensor<int, 2> mult_table(gt::shape(n, n));

    for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
        for (int j=0; j<n; j++) {
            mult_table(i,j) = (i+1)*(j+1);

    for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
        std::cout << mult_table.view(i, gt::all) << std::endl;

It can be built like this, using gcc version 5 or later:

g++ -std=c++14 -I /path/to/gtensor/include -o mult_table mult_table.cxx

and produces the following output:

{ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 }
{ 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 }
{ 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 }
{ 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 }
{ 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 }
{ 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 }
{ 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 }
{ 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 }
{ 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 }

See the full mult_table example for different ways of performing this operation, taking advantage of more gtensor features.

GPU and CPU Example

The following program computed vector product a*x + y, where a is a scalar and x and y are vectors. If build with GTENSOR_HAVE_DEVICE defined and using the appropriate compiler (currently either nvcc or hipcc), it will run the computation on a GPU device.

See the full daxpy example for more detailed comments and an example of using an explicit kernel.

#include <iostream>

#include <gtensor/gtensor.h>

using namespace std;

// provides convenient shortcuts for common gtensor functions, for example
// underscore ('_') to represent open slice ends.
using namespace gt::placeholders;

template <typename S>
gt::gtensor<double, 1, S> daxpy(double a, const gt::gtensor<double, 1, S> &x,
                                const gt::gtensor<double, 1, S> &y) {
    return a * x + y;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int n = 1024 * 1024;
    int nprint = 32;

    double a = 0.5;

    // Define and allocate two 1d vectors of size n on the host.
    gt::gtensor<double, 1, gt::space::host> h_x(gt::shape(n));
    gt::gtensor<double, 1, gt::space::host> h_y = gt::empty_like(h_x);
    gt::gtensor<double, 1, gt::space::host> h_axpy;

    // initialize host vectors
    for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
        h_x(i) = 2.0 * static_cast<double>(i);
        h_y(i) = static_cast<double>(i);

    cout << "gtensor have device" << endl;

    // Define and allocate device versions of h_x and h_y, and declare
    // a varaible for the result on gpu.
    gt::gtensor<double, 1, gt::space::device> d_x(gt::shape(n));
    gt::gtensor<double, 1, gt::space::device> d_y = gt::empty_like(d_x);
    gt::gtensor<double, 1, gt::space::device> d_axpy;
    // Explicit copies of input from host to device.
    copy(h_x, d_x);
    copy(h_y, d_y);

    // This automatically generates a computation kernel to run on the
    // device.
    d_axpy = daxpy(a, d_x, d_y);

    // Explicit copy of result to host
    h_axpy = gt::empty_like(h_x);
    copy(d_axpy, h_axpy);
    // host implementation - simply call directly using host gtensors
    h_axpy = daxpy(a, h_x, h_y);

    // Define a slice to print a subset of elements for checking result
    auto print_slice = gt::gslice(_, _, n/nprint);
    cout << "a       = " << a << endl;
    cout << "x       = " << h_x.view(print_slice)  << endl;
    cout << "y       = " << h_y.view(print_slice)  << endl;
    cout << "a*x + y = " << h_axpy.view(print_slice) << endl;

Example build for nVidia GPU using nvcc:

nvcc -x cu -std=c++14 --expt-extended-lambda --expt-relaxed-constexpr \
 -I $GTENSOR_HOME/include \
 -o daxpy_cuda daxpy.cxx

Build for AMD GPU using hipcc:

hipcc -hc -std=c++14 \
 -I $GTENSOR_HOME/include \
 -isystem /opt/rocm/rocthrust/include \
 -isystem /opt/rocm/include \
 -isystem /opt/rocm/rocprim/include \
 -isystem /opt/rocm/hip/include \
 -o daxpy_hip daxpy.cxx

Build for Intel GPU using dpcpp:

dpcpp -fsycl -std=c++14 \
 -I $GTENSOR_HOME/include \
 -o daxpy_sycl daxpy.cxx

Build for host CPU:

g++ -std=c++14 \
 -I $GTENSOR_HOME/include \
 -o daxpy_host daxpy.cxx

Example using gtensor with existing GPU code

If you have existing code written in CUDA or HIP, you can use the gt::adapt and gt::adapt_device functions to wrap existing allocated host and device memory in gtensor span containers. This allows you to use the convenience of gtensor for new code without having to do an extensive rewrite.

See and trig_adapted.cxx. The same approach will work for HIP with minor modifications.

Data Types and mutability

gtensor has two types of data objects - those which are containers that own the underlying data, like gtensor, and those which behave like span objects or pointers, like gtensor_span. The gview objects, which are generally constructed via the helper method gt::view or the convenience view methods on gtensor, implement the slicing, broadcasting, and axis manipulation functions, and have hybrid behavior based on the underlying expression. In particular, a gview wrapping a gtensor_span object will have span-like behavior, and in most other cases will have owning container behavior.

Before a data object can be passed to a GPU kernel, it must be converted to a span-like object, and must be resident on the device. This generally happens automatically when using expression evaluation and gtensor_device, but must be done manually by calling the to_kernel() method when using custom kernels with gt::launch<N>. What typically happens is that the underlying gtensor objects get transformed to gtensor_span of the appropriate type. This happens even when they are wrapped inside complex gview and gfunction objects.

The objects with span like behavior also have shallow const behavior. This means that even if the outer object is const, they allow modification of the underlying data. This is consistent with std::span standardized in C++20. The idea is that if copying does not copy the underlying data (shallow copy), all other aspects of the interface should behave similarly. This is called "regularity". This also allows non-mutable lambdas to be used for launch kernels. Non-mutable lambdas are important because SYCL requires const kernel functions, so the left hand side of expressions must allow mutation of the underlying data even when const because they may be contained inside a non-mutable lambda and forced to be const.

To ensure const-correctness whenever possible, the to_kernel() routine on const gtensor<T, N, S> is special cased to return a gtensor_span<const T, N, S>. This makes it so even though a non-const reference is returned from the element accessors (shallow const behavior of span like object), modification is still not allowed since the underlying type is const.

To make this more concrete, here are some examples:

gtensor_device<int, 1> a{1, 2, 3};
const gtensor_device<int, 1> a_const_copy = a;

a(0) = 10; // fine
a_const_copy(0) = 1; // won't compile, because a_const_copy(0) is const int&

const auto k_a = a.to_kernel(); // const gtensor_span<int, 1>
k_a(0) = -1; // allowed, gtensor_span has shallow const behavior

auto k_a_const_copy = a_const_copy.to_kernel(); // gtensor_span<const int, 1>
k_a_const_copy(0) = 10; // won't compile, type of LHS is const int&

Streams (experimental)

To facilitate interoperability with existing libraries and allow experimentation with some advanced multi-stream use cases, there are classes gt::stream and gt::stream_view. The gt::stream will create a new stream in the default device backend and destroy the stream when the object is destructed. The gt::stream_view is constructed with an existing native stream object in the default backend (e.g. a cudaStream\_t for the CUDA backend). They can be used as optional arguments to gt::launch and gt::assign, in which case they will execute asynchronously with the default stream on device. Note that the equals operator form of assign does not work with alternate streams - it will always use the default stream. For the SYCL backend, the native stream object is a sycl::queue.

See also tests/test_stream.cxx. Note that this API is likely to change; in particular, the stream objects will become templated on space type.

Library Wrapper Extensions


Provides wrappers around commonly used blas routines. Requires cuBLAS, rocblas, or oneMKL, depending on the GPU backend. Interface is mostly C style taking raw pointers, for easy interoperability with Fortran, with a few higher level gtensor specific helpers.

#include "gt-blas/blas.h"

void blas()
  gt::blas::handle_t h;
  gt::gtensor_device<double, 1> x = gt::arange<double>(1, 11);
  gt::gtensor_device<double, 1> y = gt::arange<double>(1, 11);
  gt::blas::axpy(h, 2.0, x, y);
  std::cout << "a*x+y = " << y << std::endl;
  /* a*x+y = { 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 } */

A naive banded LU solver implementation is also provided, useful in cases where the matrices are banded and the native GPU batched LU solve has not been optimized yet. Parallelism for this implementaiton is on batch only.


Provides high level C++ style interface around cuFFT, rocFFT, and oneMKL DFT.

#include "gt-fft/fft.h"

void fft()
  // python: x = np.array([2., 3., -1., 4.])
  gt::gtensor_device<double, 1> x = {2, 3, -1, 4};
  auto y = gt::empty_device<gt::complex<double>>({3});

  // python: y = np.fft.fft(x)
  gt::fft::FFTPlanMany<gt::fft::Domain::REAL, double> plan({x.shape(0)}, 1);
  plan(x, y);
  std::cout << y << std::endl;
  /* { (8,0) (3,1) (-6,0) } */


Provides a high level C++ style interface around batched LU solve, in particular the case where a single set of matrices is used repeatedly to solve with different right hand side vectors. It maintains it's own contiguous copy of the factored matrices in device memory, and device buffers for staging input and output right hand side vectors. This allows the application to build the matrices on host and pass them off to the solver interface for all the device specific handling. On some platforms, there are performance issues with solving out of managed memory, and the internal device buffers can significantly improve performance on these platforms.

This should be preferred over directly calling gt-blas routines like getrf and getrs, when the use case matches (single factor and many solves with different right hand sides).