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Simply my own config for the great editor VIm


This VIm configuration use Vundle: A plugin manager with GIT support. I've put my own plugins in several Github repositories to take advantage of it. The main, VIm-tweaks, contains my configuration options and provides a few custom features / keyboard shortcuts to speed up development, especialy for PHP projects.


  • VIm, from Linux packages, Mac pre-installed version, brew or port, ...
  • Git used by Vundle to install / update plugins


Before to install, backup your VIm configuration if any (in your home folder: .vimrc file and .vim folder).

Manual installation steps

  1. Clone recursively this repository (recurse if to automaticaly get Vundle repository cloned too)
  2. Copy both .vimrc file and .vim folder to your home directory
  3. (optional) Edit .vimrc to feet your needs
  4. Launch VIm as usual (errors could be displayed, ignore them for now: Plugins are not yet installed)
  5. Execute :PluginInstall (cf Vundle's plugin doc)
  6. Restart VIm and enjoy

Alternative for user not familiar with git clone

Replace the first two steps with:

  1. Download this repository from Github
  2. Download Vundle repository from Github
  3. Extract them somewhere (download folder for example)
  4. Copy download/webastien-vim/.vimrc in your home (/home/your-name/.vimrc)
  5. Copy download/webastien-vim/.vim in your home (/home/your-name/.vim)
  6. Copy download/Vundle.vim into your vim configuration (/home/your-name/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim)

Install with command line

# Clone the repository (into "/tmp/webastien-vim" directory)
git clone --recursive /tmp/webastien-vim
# Copy .vimrc file and .vim folder in your home folder
cp /tmp/webastien-vim/.vimrc ~/.vimrc && rm -fr ~/.vim && cp -r /tmp/webastien-vim/.vim ~/.vim
# Install plugins using Vundle
vim -E -s -c "source ~/.vimrc" -c "PluginInstall" -c "qa!"

If you forgot the recursive option when cloning

The plugin install step will fail and VIm will certainly gives you errors on startup... Install manualy Vundle to fix it:

git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim

Then, re-execute the plugin install.


Follow the Vundle methods: Use :PluginInstall/:PluginUpdate and/or :PluginClean commands. Keep in mind the .vimrc file is not automaticaly updated, but this is expected because it contains YOUR settings, plugins list, etc. If you want to stricly use mine, you have to manually update it when I publish a modified version.

Note: vim-tweaks plugin provides the command :UpdateVimrc to update the .vimrc file, based on a configurable URL, by default, mine.

Update with command line

The following command will read your .vimrc, remove all un-necessary plugins, install the new ones and finaly update all plugins:

vim -E -s -c "source ~/.vimrc" -c "PluginClean" -c "PluginInstall" -c "PluginUpdate" -c "qa!"


  1. Remove both .vimrc file and .vim folder from your home directory
  2. (optional) Restore your .vimrc file and .vim folder to your home directory

Uninstall with command line

rm ~/.vimrc && rm -fr ~/.vim

Plugins used

My own plugins

  • vim-tabs to simplify tab names
  • vim-ctags to manage tags index and navigate into code
  • vim-folding a light folding plugin
  • vim-tweaks which contains my keyboard mappings and a few custom features


My custom keyboard mappings are described on the vim-tweaks file.