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CSS -webkit-scrollbar dependencies
Issues with -webkit-transform-origin-x/y
Depends on WebKitView Blob bug
Issues with Web Manifest (adding PWAs to the Home Screen)
WebP support Image format
Firefox webrender engine pref
Issues with WebRTC (PeerConnection etc)
Issues related to navigator.serial
Issues related to the Web Share API (or lack thereof)
Issues related to navigator.usb
Issues related to WebVTT subtitles and its layout
Issues caused by window.find, such as bz-1358633
Issues related to the missing window.print method on mobile
issues with stacking contexts
label for browser with version 100 in their UA string
label for breakage for version 110 in the UA string
Issues using foul language for the new webcompat reporting tool
Invalid issues for the new webcompat reporting tool
Issues that broken in Release/Beta, but work in Nightly
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