This project helps user to generate a short URL making it easy to share and use.
- Table of Contents
- About The Project
- Built With
- Getting Started
- Contributing
- API Documentation
- Features
- Live Site
- License
- Contacts
Users can shorten a link using this app which returns a short code that redirects to the original link.
Currently user account functions are in development phase.
To set up the project locally, follow these simple steps below:
Should have Node.js installed to get yarn package.
- Fork and Clone the repository
git clone
- Go to the project directory
cd shorti-url-shortener
- Install dependencies in both client and server
yarn install
- Start the server
yarn start (for both client and server)
yarn client (for client only)
yarn server (for server only)
Note: Create and fill in server/.env and client/.env
More details here
We welcome your contribution!
Please get the issue assigned to yourself before working on it, to avoid duplicate efforts.
Any Suggestions, please fork the repo and create a pull request. Or create an issue with tag - enhancement
- Fork the repository
- Clone it and navigate to your local repository
- Create your feature branch, example:- fix/header
- Stage changes & commit
- Create a pull request
See for ways to get started and more details.
Details of API endpoints can be viewed here https://localhost:4002/api/docs
cd server
npx swagger-jsdoc -d docs/definition.yaml src/routes/*.route.js "docs/*.yaml" -o docs/schemas/openapi.json
- Url Shortening
- Redirect to original Url using the short Url
- Show a list of previously shortened Url
Visit the open issues for a full list of proposed features.
Visit our production site here -
Cheryl M
Discord ID- Notcori#0144
Project Link: