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Using ByePass

Automate the most common password cracking tasks

Usage: [-h] [-f HASH_FORMAT] [-w BASEWORDS] [-b BRUTE_FORCE] [-t TECHNIQUES] [-s] [-p PERCENTILE] [-j PASS_THROUGH] [-v] [-d] (-e | -i INPUT_FILE)

Optional arguments:

  -h, --help        Show this help message and exit
  -f HASH_FORMAT, --hash-format HASH_FORMAT
                    The hash algorithm used to hash the password(s). This value must be one of the values supported by John the Ripper. To see formats supported by JTR, use command "john --list=formats". It is strongly recommended to provide an optimal value. If no value is provided, John the Ripper will guess.
  -w BASEWORDS, --basewords BASEWORDS
                    Supply a comma-separated list of lowercase, unmangled base words thought to be good candidates. For example, if Wiley Coyote is cracking hashes from Acme Inc., Wiley might provide the word "acme". Be careful how many words are supplied as Byepass will apply many mangling rules. Up to several should run reasonably fast.

  -m, --hailmary
                    This mode tries passwords from a large list of known passwords
  -b BRUTE_FORCE, --brute-force BRUTE_FORCE
                    Bruce force common patterns with at least MIN characters up to MAX characters. Provide minimum and maxiumum number of characters as comma-separated, positive integers (i.e. 4,6 means 4 characters to 6 characters).

  -l PATHWELL, --pathwell PATHWELL
                    Try common patterns based on pathwell masks. Pathwell masks represent the 50 most common patterns. Use masks number FIRST to LAST. For example, masks 1 thorugh 5. Provide mask numbers as comma-separated, positive integers (i.e. 1,5 means use masks 1-5.
  -t TECHNIQUES, --techniques TECHNIQUES
                    Comma-separated list of integers that determines what password cracking techniques are attempted. Default is level 1,2 and 3. Example of running levels 1 and 2 --techniques=1,2
                    1: Common Passwords
                    2: Small Dictionaries. Small Rulesets
                    3: Calendar Related
                    4: Medium Dictionaries. Small Rulesets
                    5: Small Dictionaries. Medium Rulesets
                    6: Medium Dictionaries. Medium Rulesets
                    7: Medium-Large Dictionaries. Small Rulesets
                    8: Small Dictionaries. Large Rulesets
                    9: Medium Dictionaries. Large Rulesets
                    10: Medium-Large Dictionaries. Medium Rulesets
                    11: Large Dictionaries. Small Rulesets
                    12: Medium-Large Dictionaries. Large Rulesets
                    13: Large Dictionaries. Medium Rulesets
                    14: Large Dictionaries. Large Rulesets
  -u, --jtr-single-crack
                    Run John the Rippers Single Crack mode. This mode uses information in the user account metadata to generate guesses. This mode is most effective when the hashes are formatted to include GECOS fields.
  -r, --recycle     After all cracking attempts are finished, use the root words of already cracked passwords to create a new dictionary. Try to crack more passwords with the new dictionary.

  -s, --stat-crack  Enable statistical cracking. Byepass will run relatively fast cracking strategies in hopes of cracking enough passwords to induce a pattern and create "high probability" masks. Byepass will use the masks in an attempt to crack more passwords.
  -p PERCENTILE, --percentile PERCENTILE
                    Based on statistical analysis of the passwords cracked during initial phase, use only the masks statistically likely to be needed to crack at least the given percent of passwords. For example, if a value of 0.25 provided, only use the relatively few masks needed to crack 25 passwords of the passwords. Note that password cracking effort follows an exponential distribution, so cracking a few more passwords takes a lot more effort (relatively speaking). A good starting value if completely unsure is 25 percent (0.25).
  -a, --all         Shortcut equivalent to -w [RUN_ALL_BASEWORDS] -t [RUN_ALL_TECHNIQUES] -s -p [RUN_ALL_PERCENTILE] -l [RUN_ALL_FIRST_PATHWELL_MASK, RUN_ALL_LAST_PATHWELL_MASK] -m -u -c -r. See for values used.
  -j PASS_THROUGH, --pass-through PASS_THROUGH
                    Pass-through the raw parameter to John the Ripper. Example: --pass-through="--fork=2"
  -v, --verbose     Enable verbose output such as current progress and duration
  -d, --debug       Enable debug mode
  -e, --examples    Show example usage

Required arguments:

  -i INPUT_FILE, --input-file INPUT_FILE
                        Path to file containing password hashes to attempt to crack


Using John the Ripper (JTR) Single Crack Mode

Attempt to crack hashes using JTR Single Crack Mode

python3 --verbose --hash-format=Raw-SHA1 --jtr-single-crack --input-file=linkedin-1.hashes

python3 -v -f Raw-SHA1 -u -i linkedin-1.hashes

Using Base Words Mode

Attempt to crack linked-in hashes using base words linkedin and linked

python3 --verbose --hash-format=Raw-SHA1 --basewords=linkedin,linked --input-file=linkedin-1.hashes

python3 -v -f Raw-SHA1 -w linkedin,linked -i linkedin-1.hashes

Using Hailmary Mode

This mode tries passwords from a large list of known passwords

python3 --verbose --hash-format=Raw-MD5 --hailmary --input-file=hashes.txt

python3 -f Raw-MD5 -j="--fork=4" -v -m -i hashes.txt

Using Brute Force Mode

Attempt to brute force words from 3 to 5 characters in length

python3 --verbose --hash-format=Raw-MD5 --brute-force=3,5 --input-file=hashes.txt

python3 -f Raw-MD5 -j="--fork=4" -v -b 3,5 -i hashes.txt

Use Pathwell Masks 1-5

python3 --verbose --hash-format=Raw-MD5 --pathwell=1,5 --input-file=hashes.txt

python3 -f Raw-MD5 -j="--fork=4" -v -l 1,5 -i hashes.txt

Using Prayer Mode

Attempt to crack password hashes found in input file "password.hashes" using default techniques

python3 --verbose --hash-format=descrypt --input-file=password.hashes

python3 -v -f descrypt -i password.hashes

Be more aggressive by using techniques level 4 in attempt to crack password hashes found in input file "password.hashes"

python3 --verbose --techniques=4 --hash-format=descrypt --input-file=password.hashes

python3 -v -t 4 -f descrypt -i password.hashes

Go bonkers and try all techniques. Start with technique level 1 and proceed to level 14 in attempt to crack password hashes found in input file "password.hashes"

python3 --verbose --techniques=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 --hash-format=descrypt --input-file=password.hashes

python3 -v -t 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 -f descrypt -i password.hashes

Only try first two techniques. Start with technique level 1 and proceed to level 2 in attempt to crack password hashes found in input file "password.hashes"

python3 --verbose --techniques=1,2 --hash-format=descrypt --input-file=password.hashes

python3 -v -t 1,2 -f descrypt -i password.hashes

Using Statistical Analysis Mode

Attempt to crack password hashes found in input file "password.hashes", then run statistical analysis to determine masks needed to crack 50 percent of passwords, and try to crack again using the masks.

python3 --verbose --hash-format=descrypt --stat-crack --percentile=0.50 --input-file=password.hashes

python3 -v -f descrypt -s -p 0.50 -i password.hashes

"Real life" example attempting to crack 25 percent of the linked-in hash set

python3 --verbose --hash-format=Raw-SHA1 --stat-crack --percentile=0.25 --input-file=linkedin.hashes

python3 -v -f Raw-SHA1 -s -f 0.25 -i linkedin.hashes

Do not run prayer mode. Only run statistical analysis to determine masks needed to crack 50 percent of passwords, and try to crack using the masks.

python3 -v --hash-format=descrypt --stat-crack --percentile=0.50 --input-file=password.hashes

python3 -v -a 0 -f descrypt -s -p 0.50 -i password.hashes

Using Recycle Mode

Use recycle mode to try cracking remaining hashes using root words generated from already cracked passwords

python3 --verbose --hash-format=descrypt --recycle --input-file=password.hashes

python3 -v -f descrypt -r -i password.hashes

Using John the Ripper (JTR) Prince Mode

Use prince mode with dictionary prince.txt

python3 --verbose --hash-format=descrypt --jtr-prince --input-file=password.hashes

python3 -v -f descrypt -c -i password.hashes

Passing a switch to John the Ripper

Use pass-through to pass fork command to JTR

python3 --verbose --pass-through="--fork=4" --hash-format=descrypt --input-file=password.hashes

python3 -v -j="--fork=4" -f descrypt -i password.hashes

Hashes and Password Lists

These resources host hashes and the resulting passwords. These can be helpful for practice.

Adeptus Mechanicus:

CrackStation's Password Cracking Dictionary:

Daniel Miessler's SecLists/Passwords:

Lists of Words:

Educational Resources

John the Ripper's cracking modes:

John the Ripper usage examples:

Luis Rocha's John the Ripper Cheat Sheet:

Martin Bos's Thoughts:

One Rule to Rule them All: