A new model for quickly training and simulating adaptive leaky integrate-and-fire spiking neural networks.
Install all required dependencies and activate the blocks environment using conda.
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate blocks
See the notebooks/getting_started.ipynb notebook for getting started with our model.
All the paper results can be reproduced using the scripts available in the scripts
The python run_benchmarks.py
script will benchmark the time of the forward and backward passes of the blocks and the standard SNN model for different numbers of neurons and simulation steps.
Ensure that the computer has a CUDA capable GPU with CUDA 11.7 installed.
The content of the Neuromorphic-MNIST dataset can be downloaded and unzipped into the data/N-MNIST
directory. Thereafter, the python convert_nmnist2h5.py
script (adapted from Perez-Nieves et al., 2021) needs to be run which processes the raw dataset. The Spiking Heidelberg Digits (SHD) dataset can be downloaded and unzipped into the data/SHD
Running the scripts/ephys/build_data.py
script will download and process the necessary data from the Allen Institute.
You can train the blocks and standard SNN on the different datasets using the train.py scripts in the scripts/ephys
and scripts/supervised
folders respectively. See respective folders for different experiment run scripts.
Speedup plots can be built using: notebooks/results/speed_benchmarks.ipynb
Machine learning benchmark plots can be built using: notebooks/results/supervised_benchmarks.ipynb
Neural-fitting plots can be built using: notebooks/results/ephys.ipynb