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File metadata and controls

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Find the below for JAVA/J2EE References, concepts, best practices

Study java basic concepts thoroughly -syntax not important
  • (e.g)Diff string,string buffer, string builder
  • Diff interface, Intheritance, Abstrace class (example !)
  • Collection framework - Basics (Diff important)
  • equals,hashcode (!)
  • static (why use)
  • Exception (diff types, which time use, if not what happen)
  • memory allocation java(heap, stack..)
  • serialization-deserialization, why needed
  • some basics abt garbage collection, finally
  • use of annotation
  • final,inner class,UUID
  • Array and methods
  • Collection class and methods, map and entryset,iterator
  • basic about thread
  • object class and methods
  • comparable & comparator
Java EE
  • Diffferent http methods - diff,why
  • servlet life cycle,servlet container
  • cookie -(how store,why needed,example)
  • session -(default timeout, how works, session maintain), why session
  • filters,chain
  • deployment descriptor-web.xml [how working, what are the attributes and why e.g load-on-startup]
  • JSTL -not use jsp
  • Validator-
  • Different context,scope
Design patterns
  • MVC pattern - How works, how implemented in any framework (eg.spring), Factory, Builder, Singleton etc..
Other things need to know for Java Developer
Best Practices in JAVA
  • Use Intention-Revealing Names
  • Classes should be small
  • Don't Repeat Yourself (Avoid Duplication)
  • Explain yourself in code with comments
  • Make sure the code formatting is applied
  • Use Exceptions rather than Return codes
  • Don't return Null. Return empty arrays or collections, not nulls
  • Minimize the accessibility of classes and members
  • Avoid excessive logs for unusual behavior
  • Do not log highly sensitive information
  • Avoid creating unnecessary objects
  • Keep Synchronized Sections Small
  • Don't ignore exceptions
  • Refer to objects by their interfaces
  • Code that has been "commented out" should be explained or removed.
  • Code that needs to be reworked should have a TODO comment and a clear explanation of what needs to be done.

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