Small utility to copy/move files from a source directory to a target directory and organize them by date.
This tool uses the ExifTool to retrieve a file's meta data in order to read out the content creation date. If it can't figure it out, it will fall back to the system's file birth date.
Download and install precombiled releases.
On Mac OS X you can also install the latest release via Homebrew:
brew install wejustdostuff/carnot/carnot
Available Commands:
copy Copy all files from the source directory to the target directory.
exif List all files exif data in the given source directory.
help Help about any command
list List all files in the given source directory.
move Move all files from the source directory to the target directory.
version Version will output the current build information
--colors enable or disable color output (default true)
-c, --config string config file (default is $HOME/.carnot.yaml)
-h, --help help for carnot
--log-format string specify log format to use when logging to stderr [text or json] (default "text")
--log-level string specify log level to use when logging to stderr [error, info, debug] (default "info")
Use "carnot [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ tree path/to/source
├── audio
│ ├── audio.mp3
│ ├── audio.ogg
│ └── audio.wav
├── document
│ ├── document.doc
│ ├── document.docx
│ ├── document.odp
│ ├── document.ods
│ ├── document.odt
│ ├── document.pdf
│ ├── document.ppt
│ ├── document.xls
│ └── document.xlsx
├── image
│ ├── image.gif
│ ├── image.ico
│ ├── image.jpg
│ ├── image.png
│ ├── image.svg
│ └── image.tiff
├── other
│ ├── other.csv
│ └── other.html
└── video
├── video.3gp
├── video.avi
├── video.flv
├── video.mkv
├── video.mp4
├── video.ogg
└── video.wmv
Preview what the tool would do
$ carnot list -s path/to/source -t path/to/destination
path/to/source/audio/audio.mp3 -> path/to/destination/2019/08/27/20190827-092039.mp3 BirthTime 2019.08.27 09:20:39
path/to/source/audio/audio.ogg -> path/to/destination/2019/08/27/20190827-092059.ogg BirthTime 2019.08.27 09:20:59
path/to/source/audio/audio.wav -> path/to/destination/2019/08/27/20190827-092047.wav BirthTime 2019.08.27 09:20:47
path/to/source/document/document.doc -> path/to/destination/2019/08/27/20190827-092126.doc BirthTime 2019.08.27 09:21:26
path/to/source/document/document.docx -> path/to/destination/2019/08/27/20190827-092132.docx BirthTime 2019.08.27 09:21:32
path/to/source/document/document.odp -> path/to/destination/2019/08/27/20190827-092234.odp BirthTime 2019.08.27 09:22:34
path/to/source/document/document.ods -> path/to/destination/2019/08/27/20190827-092223.ods BirthTime 2019.08.27 09:22:23
path/to/source/document/document.odt -> path/to/destination/2019/08/27/20190827-092215.odt BirthTime 2019.08.27 09:22:15
path/to/source/document/document.pdf -> path/to/destination/2019/08/27/20190827-092201.pdf BirthTime 2019.08.27 09:22:01
path/to/source/document/document.ppt -> path/to/destination/2019/08/27/20190827-092152.ppt BirthTime 2019.08.27 09:21:52
path/to/source/document/document.xls -> path/to/destination/2019/08/27/20190827-092140.xls BirthTime 2019.08.27 09:21:40
path/to/source/document/document.xlsx -> path/to/destination/2019/08/27/20190827-092145.xlsx BirthTime 2019.08.27 09:21:45
path/to/source/image/image.gif -> path/to/destination/2019/08/27/20190827-093035.gif BirthTime 2019.08.27 09:30:35
path/to/source/image/image.ico -> path/to/destination/2019/08/27/20190827-092326.ico BirthTime 2019.08.27 09:23:26
path/to/source/image/image.jpg -> path/to/destination/2014/09/21/20140921-160056.jpg DateTimeOriginal 2014.09.21 16:00:56
path/to/source/image/image.png -> path/to/destination/2019/08/27/20190827-093026.png BirthTime 2019.08.27 09:30:26
path/to/source/image/image.svg -> path/to/destination/2019/08/27/20190827-093042.svg BirthTime 2019.08.27 09:30:42
path/to/source/image/image.tiff -> path/to/destination/2019/08/27/20190827-093344.tiff BirthTime 2019.08.27 09:33:44
path/to/source/other/other.csv -> path/to/destination/2019/08/27/20190827-092341.csv BirthTime 2019.08.27 09:23:41
path/to/source/other/other.html -> path/to/destination/2019/08/27/20190827-092353.html BirthTime 2019.08.27 09:23:53
path/to/source/video/video.3gp -> path/to/destination/2019/08/27/20190827-093147.3gp BirthTime 2019.08.27 09:31:47
path/to/source/video/video.avi -> path/to/destination/2019/08/27/20190827-091940.avi BirthTime 2019.08.27 09:19:40
path/to/source/video/video.flv -> path/to/destination/2019/08/27/20190827-093129.flv BirthTime 2019.08.27 09:31:29
path/to/source/video/video.mkv -> path/to/destination/2019/08/27/20190827-093137.mkv BirthTime 2019.08.27 09:31:37
path/to/source/video/ -> path/to/destination/2019/08/27/ BirthTime 2019.08.27 09:19:23
path/to/source/video/video.mp4 -> path/to/destination/2019/08/27/20190827-093114.mp4 BirthTime 2019.08.27 09:31:14
path/to/source/video/video.ogg -> path/to/destination/2019/08/27/20190827-092011.ogg BirthTime 2019.08.27 09:20:11
path/to/source/video/video.wmv -> path/to/destination/2019/08/27/20190827-092027.wmv BirthTime 2019.08.27 09:20:27
Move or copy the files to the destination folder
$ carnot copy -s path/to/source -t path/to/destination
$ carnot move -s path/to/source -t path/to/destination
View results
$ tree path/to/target
├── 2014
│ └── 09
│ └── 21
│ └── 20140921-160056.jpg
└── 2019
└── 08
└── 27
├── 20190827-091940.avi
├── 20190827-092011.ogg
├── 20190827-092027.wmv
├── 20190827-092039.mp3
├── 20190827-092047.wav
├── 20190827-092059.ogg
├── 20190827-092126.doc
├── 20190827-092132.docx
├── 20190827-092140.xls
├── 20190827-092145.xlsx
├── 20190827-092152.ppt
├── 20190827-092201.pdf
├── 20190827-092215.odt
├── 20190827-092223.ods
├── 20190827-092234.odp
├── 20190827-092326.ico
├── 20190827-092341.csv
├── 20190827-092353.html
├── 20190827-093026.png
├── 20190827-093035.gif
├── 20190827-093042.svg
├── 20190827-093114.mp4
├── 20190827-093129.flv
├── 20190827-093137.mkv
├── 20190827-093147.3gp
└── 20190827-093344.tiff
In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style.
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request
Copyright (c) We Just Do Stuff under the MIT license.