Python Basics | Data Types |
Strings | Character Encoding, Bytes, Bits, Languages |
APIs | Algorithms |
Classes and Objects | Databases |
Games | Python Certification |
Pandas | Numpy |
Statistics | Charting |
Linear and Logistic Regression | Data Science Analysis |
Here are lecture notes, videos, tutorials, and computer code from the lectures for Hypatia Academy.
We teach Python programming to children ages 13 to 18. But adults can use this material too. Because it's for children, comments are disabled on the YouTube videos.
Walker Rowe is the owner of Hypatia Academy. Walker is the teacher. All classes are taught live and are free.
Here is our YouTube video channel.
Contact Walker Rowe at or +357 97629604
- Why Use Python? What is Python?
- Python and Hypatia Class Overview
- Python Introduction
- How to use Google Colab for Python Programming
- Regular Expressions
- Handling Errors
- Working with Files
- Dates and Times
- Order of Precedence of Math Operators
- Functions
- Classes
- Classes: Vehicles
- Extend Classes, Polymorphism: Rotate objects
- Extend Python built-in Classes
- Getting Started with SQL Lite
- SQL Lite Create Tables using Python and SQL commands
- Create Some Random Data
- Parent and Child Explained
- How to use ChatGPT
- Python Data Types, Logic Operators, the If Statement, Printing Numbers
- Python Editors and Interpreters
- Character Sets and Character Encoding
- Functions
- Sets and Tuples
- Class and Objects
- Intro to APIs
- Dictionaries and Sets
- APIs
- Regular Expressions
- Dates and Times
- Objects and Classes
- Lambda Functions, List Compressions, Map Function
- Sorting Algorithms
- Calculate Square Root Manually
- Greatest Common Divisor Google Sheets
- Greatest Common Divisor Python
- Factor a number, determine if a number is Prime, and the Yield function
- Convert CSV to JSON
- Google Sheets Convert Decimal to Hex Left-to-Right
- Convert Decimal to Hex Left-to-Right
- Google Sheets Convert Decimal to Hex Right-to-Left
- Convert Decimal to Hex Right-to-Left
- Convert binary to decimal and decimal to binary
- RSA Encryption Algorithm
- SHA-256 Algorithm
- Pandas Introduction
- Pandas Official User Guide
- Searching for Pandas Data
- Group By, sort, Statistics
- Pandas Map and Apply Operations
- What do do about missing or invalid data
- Time Series
- Drop Outliers
- Time Series
- Paphos Compare Weather this Year to Last Year
- Introductory Pandas Video
- How to Handle Missing Data and how to Clean Data
- Group By, Sort, Calculate Statistics, and Drop Outliers
- Sample Python Certification Exam
- PCEP™ – Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer
- Sample Certification Tests OpenEDG
- PCED-30-01 Exam Syllabus
- Is IQ related to COVID Vaccination Rate?
- Is there Global Warming in Cyprus?
- How hot is Paphos in July?
- The Normal Curve
- Normalize Data with z-Score
- Poisson Distribution
- Normalize data, std, mean, z-score in Google Sheets
- Book I wrote on Machine Learning
- Linear Regression in Google Sheets
- Linear Regression with scikit-learn
- scikit-learn Linear Regression
- Income Logistic Regression scikit-learn
- Manually Calculate Linear Regression in Google Sheets and Python
- Multiple Linear Regression