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Animated .gif and file extensions

Andries Louw Wolthuizen edited this page Feb 12, 2017 · 2 revisions

The image-proxy ignores any file-extension, and instead looks at things like headers and content.

We don't support animated gifs (anymore). With the current loads it's too computational intensive for our servers to process every frame of .gif-files. Animated gifs would cause tens to hundreds times more bandwidth. is for resizing, not for hosting nor circumventing hotlinking-protection.

Technically, we also don't proxy files bit-for-bit, instead, the first frame of every image get's processed towards a bitmap, which we eventually recode into (for example) an JPEG-file. This is where the animation (or any non-image-bit) gets lost. This behavior is by-design, to preserve as much bandwidth as possible.

Please use something like ImageMagick to resize .gif files if you want to keep animation in thumbnails.