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Roles and tasks (Component reviews)

Thomas Gohard edited this page Jun 20, 2013 · 4 revisions


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Table of Contents

Code Change Reviewer

  1. Looks for new pull requests.
  2. Analyses the code changes, for each new pull request, to see if the code changes affect the structure, presentation or behaviour of one or more existing component or implement one or more new components.
  3. Creates an issue requesting a component review for each component for which the code changes affect the structure, presentation or behaviour and for each new component.

Component Reviewer

  1. Looks for new issues requesting a component review.
  2. Reviews the component for each component for which a component review has been requested.
  3. Posts a comment on the issue that requested the component review in which they provide a link to their component review.

Review Compiler

  1. Looks through all open issues requesting a component review for completed component reviews.
  2. Compiles the individual reviews into a single component review for each component for which there are at least three individual component reviews completed.
  3. Posts a comment on the issue for which they compiled the individual component reviews in which they provide a link to the compiled component review and closes the issue.
  4. Creates an issue for each usability recommendation identified in the compile component review.

Implementation Consultant

  1. Looks through all open issues making a usability recommendation for questions from developers.
  2. Answers the questions.

Implementation Verifier

  1. Looks through all open issues making usability recommendations for references to pull requests implementing the usability recommendation.
  2. Reviews that the implementation of the usability recommendation is done correctly and:
    1. If the implementation is done correctly, indicates that the implementation is OK from a usability perspective.
    2. If the implementation is not done correctly, indicates where the implementation fails and works with the developer to remedy the problem.
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