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HMMs: stochastic generative models


Among the different courses I took and the articles I read, some were describing HMMs as "Generative models".

I wanted to learn more about this concept and present here some notes and reflexions.

Machine learning techniques are used to model "relations"

Let's introduce two random variables:

  • X: an observation (outcome or in particular contexts features).
  • Y: a label (class).

Machine learning usually works in two stages:

  • 1/2 Learning
    • This is about finding some "relation" (usually using a parametrized function) between the X and Y data from the available samples (training dataset).
  • 2/2 Inference
    • Given a new observation x, use the derived model to deduce the "related" label y (sometimes called target).
      • Eventually, all methods are predicting the conditional probability p(Y|X).
    • But to perform that, different probabilities are learnt (i.e. different "relations" are modelled):
      • [Y and X], i.e. modelling joint probabilities.
      • [Y given X], i.e. modelling conditional probabilities.

Therefore, machine learning methods can be categorized into two families, depending on which "relation" between X and Y they try to model:

  • Generative models (modeling joint probabilities).
    • What is modelled is the actual distribution of each class in Y.
  • Discriminative models (modeling conditional probabilities)
    • What is modelled can be think of as the decision boundary between the available classes in Y.

HMMs are generative models

HMMs are generative models, in that:

  • They model "generative relations".
  • They are interested in the joint distribution.
  • They can be used to generate observations.

HMMs model "generative relations"

HMMs make the following assumption, called generation assumption:

  • Some hidden samples from Y have been generating (emitting) observations.
  • The observed data (X) are therefore assumed to be truly sampled from the generative model.

The two mentioned stages for machine learning are also present in HMMs:

  • 1/2 Training

    • We have seen two cases of learning in an HMM, depending if the states are observable Q1 or not Q5.
    • In both cases:
      • A generative model is assumed: some functional form for p(Y) and p(X|Y).
        • Note that our model explicitly describes the prior distribution on states p(Y). Not just the conditional distribution of the observation given the current state.
        • In other words, since p(X|Y)*p(Y)=p(X, Y), the HMM model actually gives a joint distribution on states and outputs.
        • Also remember that the final output of inference will be the prediction of p(Y|X). This quantity is not directly modelled here but will be derived using Bayes' rule.
      • The parameters of this generative model are fit so as to maximize the data likelihood.
      • We are trying to find the parameters for multiple probabilities:
        • Initial state probability: P[lane(t)]. It can be seen as the prior p(Y).
        • Transition probability: P[lane(t+1) given lane(t)]. It can be seen as p(X|Y) with the sequence has siez 1.
        • Emission probability: P[speed(t) given lane(t)]
  • 2/2 Inference

    • When decoding in an HMM, the goal is to infer a sequence of states (Y) given the received observation (X).
    • HMMs ask the question: Based on my generation assumptions, which category is most likely to generate this signal?
    • During inference,
      • First, we listed all possible instances y of Y.
      • Then, we compute the joint distributions.
      • Eventually the decision is made: select the y that maximizes the joint probability distribution p(x, y).
    • Therefore, and similar to Naive Bayes classifier, HMMs try to predict which class has generated the new observed example.

HMM are interested in the joint distribution

The learnt terms (prior p(Y) and conditional p(X|Y)) can be used to form two terms.

  • 1/2 The posterior probability p(Y|X).
    • During inference, p(Y|X) is derived from the learnt p(X|Y) and p(Y) probabilities using Bayes' rule.
    • This is used to make decision: it returns the class that as the maximum posterior probability given the features.
  • 2/2 The joint distribution p(X, Y)
    • One can also use it to generate new data similar to existing data.

HMMs can generate observations

Given an HMM (transition model, emission model and initial state distribution), one can generate an observation sequence of length T.

  • First, sample the state state_1 from the initial state distribution.
  • Then, loop until emitting the T-th observation:
    • Emit (generate) an observation using the emission model obs_t|state_t.
    • Go to next state according to the transition probability state_t+1|state_t.
  • There is another option:
    • First, generate a state sequence (based on the transition model).
    • Then, sample for each state sample its observation (using the emission model).

Therefore, before seeing any observation, we already have an idea on the Y distribution.

  • This is possible thanks to our prior model p(Y) (initial state probability), that represents some a priori (before seeing the observation) ideas we have about the Y distribution.

Differences with Generative Learning Algorithms

What "relation" is learnt in generative algorithms?

  • Remember that in machine learning, the final output is the prediction of p(Y|X). This quantity is directly modelled by discriminative algorithms.
  • Note that they do not have any model for the prior p(Y) and do not need to model the distribution of the observed variables.

What does really matter?

  • A discriminative algorithm does not care about how the data was generated.
  • It simply categorizes a given signal.
  • In other words, it tries to learn which features from the training examples are most useful to discriminate between the different possible classes.

How is inference performed?

  • The learnt model p(Y|X) is directly used to "discriminate" the value of the target variable Y, given an observation x.
  • In other words, if I give you features x, you directly tell me the most likely class y.

Discriminative algorithms consider:

  • Either a conditional distribution (e.g. ‌logistic regression).
  • Or no distribution (e.g. SVM, perceptron).

Therefore, sometimes two kinds of discriminative algorithms are distinguished:

  • Discriminative Models.
  • Or Discriminative Classifiers (without a model).

Dependancy on data.

  • Discriminative Models make fewer assumptions on the distributions but depend heavily on the quality of the training data.
  • The definition of a generative model is more demanding since it requires to understand the mechanism when building generative models to represent hypotheses.

Example of discriminative models

  • Naïve Bayes
  • Bayesian networks
  • Gaussian Mixture Models
  • Markov random fields

Example of discriminative models

  • ‌Logistic regressions
  • Conditional random fields (CRF)s
  • Support vector machines (SVM) ‌- "Traditional" neural networks ‌- Nearest neighbour methods

Implications of Stochasticity?

On the summary, I state that HMMs are stochastic since the transitions and the emissions are not deterministic. Let's investigate here the implications of the stochasticity.

We simply cannot know what value the state sequence took when it generated a particular observation sequence.

To estimate the true underlying sequence path*, let's introduce a random variable and let's note it path.

  • Since we have to consider all possible state sequences, the estimate of path* must be described as a probability distribution: p(path).
  • We have to maintain believes about the hidden state.
    • Put it another way, we say that path is simultaneously taking on all possible values, some more likely than others.


  • We need to sum over all possible values of path in order to find the probability of an observation sequence having been generated by a model.
  • This operation is like "integrating away" path because we only care about the probability and not about the value of path.
  • The quantity we obtain is called the alpha value (or Forward probability) and can be computed using the Forward algorithm.
  • Sometimes, we are just interested in an approximation to the alpha values.
    • So, instead of summing over all values of path:
    • 1/2 We just pick the single most likely value.
    • 2/2 And we compute the probability of the observation sequence given that one value of path.

This short reflexion should remind you the concepts of one-path vs all-path and especially the difference between Baum-Welch and Viterbi-EM.


  • Paper of Andrew Ng on Generative and Discriminative Models.
  • Blog post from Prathap Manohar Joshi. In particular, have a look at the list of questions about the selection of the model depending on your problem.