diff --git a/index.bs b/index.bs
index 1ec25f51..4657110e 100644
--- a/index.bs
+++ b/index.bs
@@ -940,6 +940,7 @@ limitations. The following extended attributes must not
be specified on partial interface definitions:
@@ -965,6 +966,7 @@ The following extended attributes are applicable to interfaces:
@@ -8725,6 +8727,81 @@ for the specific requirements that the use of
+If the [{{LegacyWindowAlias}}] [=extended attribute=] appears on an [=interface=],
+it indicates that the [=primary global interface=] will have a property
+for each [=identifier=] mentioned in the extended attribute,
+whose value is the [=interface object=] for the interface.
+The [{{LegacyWindowAlias}}] extended attribute must either
+[=takes an identifier|take an identifier=] or
+[=takes an identifier list|take an identifier list=].
+The identifiers that occur after the
+“=” are the [{{LegacyWindowAlias}}]'s identifiers.
+Each of the [=LegacyWindowAlias identifier|identifiers=] of [{{LegacyWindowAlias}}]
+must not be the same as one used by a [{{LegacyWindowAlias}}]
+extended attribute on this interface or another interface,
+must not be the same as the [=NamedConstructor identifier|identifier=] used by a [{{NamedConstructor}}]
+extended attribute on this interface or another interface,
+must not be the same as an [=identifier=] of an interface that has an [=interface object=],
+and must not be one of the [=reserved identifiers=].
+The [{{LegacyWindowAlias}}] and [{{NoInterfaceObject}}]
+extended attributes must not be specified on the same interface.
+The [{{LegacyWindowAlias}}] extended attribute must not be specified
+on an interface that does not include the [=primary global interface=]
+in its [=exposure set=].
+The [{{LegacyWindowAlias}}] extended attribute must not be specified
+on a [=callback interface=].
+An interface must not have more than one [{{LegacyWindowAlias}}] extended attributes specified.
+See [[#es-interfaces]] for details on how legacy window aliases
+are to be implemented.
+ [{{LegacyWindowAlias}}] extended attributes are an undesirable feature.
+ They exist only so that legacy Web platform features can be specified.
+ They should not be used in specifications
+ unless required to specify the behavior of legacy APIs.
+ The following IDL defines an interface that uses the
+ [{{LegacyWindowAlias}}] extended attribute.
+ [Constructor,
+ LegacyWindowAlias=WebKitCSSMatrix]
+ interface DOMMatrix : DOMMatrixReadOnly {
+ // ...
+ };
+ An ECMAScript implementation that supports this interface will
+ expose two properties on the {{Window}} object with the same value
+ and the same characteristics;
+ one for exposing the [=interface object=] normally,
+ and one for exposing it with a legacy name.
+ WebKitCSSMatrix === DOMMatrix; // Evaluates to true.
+ var m = new WebKitCSSMatrix(); // Creates a new object that
+ // implements DOMMatrix.
+ m.constructor === DOMMatrix; // Evaluates to true.
+ m.constructor === WebKitCSSMatrix; // Evaluates to true.
+ {}.toString.call(m); // Evaluates to '[object DOMMatrix]'.
If the [{{LenientSetter}}]
@@ -8892,9 +8969,11 @@ implements the interface by passing the specified arguments to the constructor f
that is the value of the aforementioned property.
The [=NamedConstructor identifier|identifier=] used for the named constructor must not
-be the same as that used by an [{{NamedConstructor}}]
+be the same as that used by a [{{NamedConstructor}}]
extended attribute on another interface, must not
-be the same as an identifier of an interface
+be the same as an [=LegacyWindowAlias identifier|identifier=] used by a [{{LegacyWindowAlias}}]
+extended attribute on this interface or another interface,
+must not be the same as an [=identifier=] of an interface
that has an [=interface object=],
and must not be one of the
[=reserved identifiers=].
@@ -10119,6 +10198,14 @@ and its value is an object called the inte
The property has the attributes { \[[Writable]]: true, \[[Enumerable]]: false, \[[Configurable]]: true }.
The characteristics of an interface object are described in [[#interface-object]].
+If the [{{LegacyWindowAlias}}] extended attribute was specified on an [=exposed=] interface,
+then for each [=LegacyWindowAlias identifier|identifier=] in [{{LegacyWindowAlias}}]'s [=LegacyWindowAlias identifier|identifiers=]
+there must be a corresponding property on the [=primary global interface=].
+The name of the property is the given [=LegacyWindowAlias identifier|identifier=],
+and its value is a reference to the [=interface object=] for the [=interface=].
+The property has the attributes
+{ \[[Writable]]: true, \[[Enumerable]]: false, \[[Configurable]]: true }.
In addition, for every [{{NamedConstructor}}] extended attribute on an [=exposed=] interface,
a corresponding property must exist on the ECMAScript global object.
The name of the property is the [{{NamedConstructor}}]'s [=NamedConstructor identifier|identifier=],