EasySP is a lightweight utility for handling SharedPreferences on Android. It simplifies SharedPreferences data operations, offering support for chain calls, enabling you to write multiple data entries with just one line of code.
Add the depedency in your build.gradle. The library is distributed via jCenter.
dependencies {
implementation 'com.white:easysp:1.0.0'
- Save data to
EasySP.init(context).putBoolean("boolean", true);
// you can also use a string resource value as the key
EasySP.init(context).putBoolean(R.string.key_bool, true);
// or specify a custom name for the preferences' name:
EasySP.init(context,"Custom").putBoolean("boolean", true);
- Save multiple data with one line of code
.putBoolean(R.string.key_bool, true)
.putInt(R.string.key_int, 1)
.putString(R.string.key_string, "string")
.putLong(R.string.key_long, 1000000000)
.putFloat(R.string.key_float, 1.1f)
.put("put", 100)
.putStringSet(R.string.key_set, strings);
- Read data
boolean booleanData = EasySP.init(context).getBoolean("bool");
boolean booleanData = EasySP.init(context).getBoolean(R.string.key_bool,defValue);
- Remove data
- Clear data