The source code for the WM-Commons-Emoji-Bot
- Install dependencies:
npm install
npm install --save request-promise
- Copy the example
cp .env.example .env
- Get credentials for your bot and complete the
is case-sensitive.
npm run status
npm run reply
npm test
Emoji additions, bug reports, fixes, and new features are welcomed. If you'd like to contribute code, please:
Clone the project
git clone
Start a branch named for your new feature or bug
- Contibution by adding emoji-images mapping in the data/images.json file
==The structure of the json==
"emoji":[ "Image_url" ]
- Contibution by adding emoji-images mapping in the data/images.json file
==The structure of the json==
Submit a patch to the gerrit repo
###More info
See the docs/devManual file for more information.