Users have the ability to create their own custom menu items in ZotMoov, appearing in the context menu when you right-click an item. They can be created in Advanced Options.
- Select the top [+] to create a new menu item. Give it a title that you want to appear in the context menu.
- Select the bottom [+] to add a new command.
- Press [+] to add subsequent commands. You can remove a command by [-] or change the order it is run in by [↑] or [↓]. You can also edit it using the edit button.
- To delete the menu item, select it on the top dropdown menu and press the top [-].
Move items.
Input: A list of items
Output: A list of successfully moved items
- Enable Custom Directory: Allows you to override the general setting and instead move the files to another directory
- Automatically Move/Copy Files to a Subdirectory: Choose whether or not subdirectory folders will be created
Copy items.
Input: A list of items
Output: A list of successfully copied items
- Enable Custom Directory: Allows you to override the general setting and instead move the files to another directory
- Automatically Move/Copy Files to a Subdirectory: Choose whether or not subdirectory folders will be created
Add tag to items.
Input: A list of items
Output: The same list of items
Remove tag from items.
Input: A list of items
Output: The same list of items
Move files into Zotero. Behaves like the Move Selected from Directory menu item.
Input: A list of items
Output: A list of items successfully moved into Zotero
Extract annotations from a PDF and convert it into a Zotero note. Uses Zotero's internal functionality for this.
Input: A list of items
Output: The same list of items