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Will Hopkins edited this page Jul 2, 2023 · 4 revisions


You can configure what each buffer in your bufferline will be composed of by passing a list of components to the setup function.

Components have the following structure:

Depending on the location of the component Cx is a Buffer or TabPage object, or in the case of rhs components, just a table with an is_hovered property.

Component = {
  text = string | function(Cx) -> string,

  fg = "#rrggbb" | "HlGroup" | function(cx: Cx) -> "#rrggbb" | "HlGroup",
  bg = "#rrggbb" | "HlGroup" | function(cx: Cx) -> "#rrggbb" | "HlGroup",
  style = "attr1,attr2,..." | function(cx: Cx) -> "attr1,attr2,...",

  highlight = nil | "#rrggbb" | "HlGroup" | function(cx: Cx) -> "#rrggbb" | "HlGroup",

  delete_buffer_on_left_click = boolean,

  on_click = nil | function(id, clicks, buttons, modifiers, cx)

  on_mouse_enter = nil | function(cx, mouse_col)

  on_mouse_leave = nil | function(cx)

  truncation = {
    priority = integer,
    direction = "left" | "middle" | "right",

For example, let's imagine we want to construct a very minimal bufferline where the only things we're displaying for each buffer are its index, its filename and a close button.

Then in our setup function we'd have:

  -- ...

  components = {
      text = function(buffer) return ' ' .. buffer.index end,
      text = function(buffer) return ' ' .. buffer.filename .. ' ' end,
      text = '',
      delete_buffer_on_left_click = true,
      text = ' ',

in this case every buffer would be composed of four components: the first displaying a space followed by the buffer index, the second one the filename padded by a space on each side, then a close button that allows us to :bdelete the buffer by left-clicking on it, and finally an extra space.

This way of dividing each buffer into distinct components, combined with the ability to define every component's text and color depending on some property of the buffer we're rendering, allows for great customizability.

the text key is the only one that has to be set, all the others are optional and can be omitted.

The truncation table controls what happens when a buffer is too long to be displayed in its entirety.

More specifically, if a buffer's width (given by the sum of the widths of all its components) is bigger than the rendering.max_buffer_width config option, the buffer will be truncated.

The default behaviour is truncate the buffer by dropping components from right to left, with the text of the last component that's included also being shortened from right to left. This can be modified by changing the values of the truncation.priority and truncation.direction keys.

The truncation.priority controls the order in which components are dropped: the first component to be dropped will be the one with the lowest priority. If that's still not enough to bring the width of the buffer within the rendering.max_buffer_width limit, the component with the second lowest priority will be dropped, and so on. Note that a higher priority means a smaller integer value: a component with a priority of 5 will be dropped after a component with a priority of 6, even though 6 > 5.

The truncation.direction key simply controls from which direction a component is shortened. For example, you might want to set the truncation.direction of a component displaying a filename to 'middle' or 'left', so that if the filename has to be shortened you'll still be able to see its extension, like in the following example (where it's set to 'left'):

API Reference









  • push(bufnr) Push an item into the history.
  • pop() Pop the last item off of the history.
  • list() Returns the history items as a (copied) list.
  • iter() Returns an iterator over the history items.
  • get(idx) Get the item at history index idx, if any.
  • last() Peek the last item in the history, without removing it.
  • contains(bufnr) Check if the history contains the given bufnr.
  • capacity() Returns the configured capacity.
  • len() Returns the number of items in the history.
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