I found for all my symfony projects which had backends I had to create a menu to access all the various modules. This plugin automates the process by using a configuration file.
sfJqueryReloadedPlugin This plugin depends on sfJqueryReloadedPlugin to create the dropdown menu and manipulate the view. If this plugin is not yet installed, the symfony plugin dependency system will install it when you install sfAdminDashPlugin.
##How to use
###Step 1 - install plugin
Install the plugin, publish the assets and clear the cache.
$ symfony plugin:install sfAdminDashPlugin
$ symfony plugin:publish-assets
$ symfony cc
Then activate the sfAdminDash module in the application's settings.yml
# in application/config/settings.yml
enabled_modules: [default, sfAdminDash]
###Step 2 - setup theme
Add the plugin's header and footer to your application's global layout:
<!-- in application/templates/layout.php -->
<?php include_component('sfAdminDash', 'header'); ?>
<?php echo $sf_content ?>
<?php include_partial('sfAdminDash/footer'); ?>
If you have admin generator modules, deactivate the default admin generator theme in each module's generator.yml by setting the css property. You can either point the css property to a real stylesheet or just disable it.
# in application/modules/admin_generated_module/config/generator.yml
class: sfPropelGenerator
model_class: Article
theme: admin
non_verbose_templates: true
with_show: false
singular: ~
plural: ~
route_prefix: article
with_propel_route: true
css: false # disable the default css
actions: ~
fields: ~
list: ~
filter: ~
form: ~
edit: ~
new: ~
In the future I would like to create an actual theme by overriding the default files but I found an issue when trying to do this (see my ticket)
At this point your modules should be styled with the joomla-like theme. There should also be a warning saying sfAdminDashPlugin not configured. Please see documentation. We will fix that soon.
###Step 3 (optional) - setup the dashboard
Set your application's homepage in your application's routing.yml to:
# in application/config/routing.yml
url: /
param: { module: sfAdminDash, action: dashboard }
###Step 4 - set global plugin configuration
The plugin's app.yml file looks like this:
# in plugins/sfAdminDashPlugin/config/app.yml
web_dir: /sfAdminDashPlugin
image_dir: /sfAdminDashPlugin/images/icons/
default_image: config.png
dashboard_url: @homepage
resize_mode: thumbnail
site: My Site Name
include_path: true
include_assets: true
include_jquery: true
include_jquery_no_conflict: false
login_route: @sf_guard_signin
logout: true
logout_route: @sf_guard_signout
- web_dir - Where the plugin's default css/javascript/images are kept.
- image_dir - Where your images for the dash/menu items are kept - images should be 48x48.
- default_image - The default item image if none is specified - this must be in the image_dir folder.
- resize_mode - How the image will be resized for the menu items.
- thumbnail - Looks for a directory inside image_dir called small for an image with the same name - it should be 16x16px.
- html - Resizes the image with the html img tag width/height attributes.
- site - What you would like the site name to be (shows up in the path bar as a link and on the login page).
- include_path - Whether to generate path "breadcrumbs". Those are meant mainly for the admin generator.
- include_assets - Whether the plugin's assets (css and js) should be included. Leave this to true unless you intend to reskin the plugin.
- include_jquery - Whether to include jquery. Depends on sfJqueryReloadedPlugin.
- include_jquery_no_conflict - In case you are using another JS framework in you website, you should set this to true. It will prevent jQuery from interfering.
- login_route - The route to the login action, defaults to the sfGuardPlugin's.
- logout - Whether a logout link will be shown.
- logout_route - The route to the logout action, defaults to the sfGuardPlugin's.
You can override these settings as you see fit.
###Step 5 - configure the dashboard/menu items
Items are controlled by your application's app.yml file. The best way to show how to use this is with an example:
I have created a backend application with 2 admin modules: Comment and Article.
To create dashboard/menu items for these modules I will use this configuration:
# in application/config/app.yml
url: article
url: comment
This creates 2 items on the dashboard and a Menu dropdown. The url
property should be an internal URI. You can also set credentials and an
image. The image property can be just the image name - the plugin will look
for it in the folder specified in the global settings. Alternatively you can
also specify an absolute path, like so image: /somefolder/someimage.jpg
The credential property can be used to hide options from users who do not have specific credentials. This gives the ability for different users to see different options. The format for this is the same as when setting credentials in security.yml.
NOTE: This just prevents the user from seeing the item. You still need to setup the same credentials in security.yml to prevent the user from accessing the module.
Here is an example configuration:
# in application/config/app.yml
url: article
image: book.png
credentials: [[admin, publisher]]
url: comment
image: textcloud.png
credentials: [admin]
The above example shows the Articles item only to users with the admin or publisher credential and the Comments item only to users with the admin credential. The images are self explanatory.
Packaged with this plugin is a small library of images that can be used.
You can group items into categories as well by embedding the items into a category name property under categories property:
# in application/config/app.yml
url: article
image: book.png
credentials: [[admin, publisher]]
url: comment
image: textcloud.png
credentials: [admin]
Category names are not only seperated on the dashboard but they have their own dropdown menu.
You can set credentials to entire categories like so:
# in application/config/app.yml
credentials: [ admin ]
url: article
image: book.png
url: comment
image: textcloud.png
This hides the entire category from the user if they don't have the admin credential.
By default the plugin header prints a cookie trail in the format "module / action". To make module and action names more user-friendly you can overwrite them using the "translator" property like so:
# in application/config/app.yml
sfGuardUser: # the module we are translating
title: Users # title for that module
actions: # actions array
editUser: edit # here we specify each action and its translation
###Step 6 (optional) - setting up login screen
Packaged with this plugin is a partial called login. Currently, it only works with sfGuardPlugin. Include it like this:
// in application/modules/sfGuardAuth/templates/signinSuccess.php
<?php include_partial('sfAdminDash/login', array('form' => $form)); ?>
###Step 7 (optional) - setting up User actions
User actions can be optionally set in app.yml:
# in application/config/app.yml
"New Ticket":
url: @cms_ticket_new
"My Tickets":
url: @cms_ticket
"Clear cache":
url: @clear_app_cache
credentials: [ admin ]
These show up as a list of links next to the logout button. Override the _user_actions partial if you wish to add some kind of logic to the action display.
- use an actual admin generator theme
- clean up css
Feel free to email suggestions/bugs.