Python 3 的自动化处理库,可能因为有图像处理的库,所以依赖比较多。说的是支持 Python2 和 Python3 ,但是在 Mac 上的 Python2 有问题。
# coding=utf-8
import pyautogui
im1 = pyautogui.screenshot()'my_screenshot.png')
im2 = pyautogui.screenshot('my_screenshot2.png')
其实有一点问题,就是 pyautogui.move
的参数不能为 None
# coding=utf-8
import pyautogui
screenWidth, screenHeight = pyautogui.size() # Returns two integers, the width and height of the screen. (The primary monitor, in multi-monitor setups.)
print(screenWidth, screenHeight)
currentMouseX, currentMouseY = pyautogui.position() # Returns two integers, the x and y of the mouse cursor's current position.
print(currentMouseX, currentMouseY)
pyautogui.moveTo(100, 150) # Move the mouse to the x, y coordinates 100, 150. # Click the mouse at its current location., 220) # Click the mouse at the x, y coordinates 200, 220.
pyautogui.move(0, 10) # Move mouse 10 pixels down, that is, move the mouse relative to its current position.
pyautogui.doubleClick() # Double click the mouse at the
pyautogui.moveTo(500, 500, duration=2, tween=pyautogui.easeInOutQuad) # Use tweening/easing function to move mouse over 2 seconds.
pyautogui.write('Hello world!', interval=0.25) # Type with quarter-second pause in between each key.'esc') # Simulate pressing the Escape key.
pyautogui.write(['left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'left'])
pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'c')