this code is use typescript
when you want to use decorator
you need add the "experimentalDecorators": true
in the tsconfig.json
What does it work the decorate can let you use string or load file instead of write render function in class
How to use
import { Render } from "./decorates/Render";
if you want to use two method or three method, you need use string-jsx
First Method @Render( template: function(){ return
} )Two Method @Render( templateUrl: "./src/renderExample/example" )
This path is relative to where you run `webpack`
Three Method
template: <div></div>
What does it work the decorate can return container component from presentational component
How to use
import { Connect } from "./decorates/Connect";
you need use react-redux, you can use npm install --save-dev react-redux
to install react-redux
First Method @Connect( function(state: any) { return { count: state.count } }, function(dispatch: any) { return { onClick: display({type: "ON_CLICK"}) } } )
Two Method @Connect( ['count'], [{onClick: {type: "ON_CLICK"}}] )
if you use ['count'], you will let props['count'] = state['count'];
if you use ['test.count'], you will let props['count'] = state['test']['count']
if you use [{count: 'count'}], you will let props['count'] = state['count']
What does it work the decorate can console.log how long has this function running;
How to use
import { runTime } from "./decorates/runTime";
First Method(sync) class Test {
click() {
//doing something
Second Method(async) class Test {
click(stopTime?: any) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 5000);
change the shell path to example and run npm install
run webpack-dev-server
this example have four routers