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wizzardo edited this page Aug 17, 2014 · 6 revisions


Basic idea is:

  • create request
  • set parameters and headers
  • execute request by methods get/post/execute
  • get response object
  • read response as string/bytes, get response code, headers

Simple Get request:

new Request("url").get().asString()

Let’s add some parameters

new Request("url")

Or maybe you want to upload file:

new Request("url")
    .addFile("fieldName", "path to file on disk") 
    .addByteArray("array", data, "fileName")
// by adding file or byte[] you will create a multipart request

If you want to make simple Post request with data:

new Request("url")
    .data(bytes, ContentType.BINARY)

To save session between requests you can use HttpSession, also you can set default request parameters:

HttpSession session = new HttpSession()
    .header("Accept", ContentType.JSON.value);
// set json-string as request body and content type to application/json 

HttpClient class has its own HttpSession, so it saves cookies for all requests made through it.

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