Command-line utility to split a Markdown file into linked static web pages.
Development work in progress.
The following HTML comments can be placed in the source Markdown document to alter the generated HTML.
<!-- title: new-title -->
- Replace the default HTML title for the page.
<!-- class: class-1 class-2 -->
- Add one or more classes to the
div. - Use to apply additional styles via a
<!-- code-file: filename.ext -->
- Place before a fenced code block to write the code to a file with the given filename.ext.
- Requires that the
option is used to specify the destination.
<!-- no-pub -->
- Do not publish the page - exclude it from the HTML output.
usage: marksplitz [-h] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-n OUTPUT_NAME] [-i IMAGES_SUBDIR]
[-d CODE_SUBDIR] [--img-delay IMG_DELAY] [-c CSS_FILE]
Split a Markdown file into linked HTML pages.
positional arguments:
markdown_file Path to the Markdown file to split.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
Path to the output directory.
-n OUTPUT_NAME, --output-name OUTPUT_NAME
Base name for the output HTML files.
Subdirectory for images. Expected to be in the
directory containing the Markdown file. Contents are
copied to a subdirectory by the same name in the
output directory.
-d CODE_SUBDIR, --code-subdir CODE_SUBDIR
Subdirectory for code files. Expected to be in the
directory containing the Markdown file. Fenced code
blocks, marked with a code-file directive, are written
to this directory.
--img-delay IMG_DELAY
Delay in seconds to wait for a code-file image to be
-c CSS_FILE, --css-file CSS_FILE
Optional name of a CSS file to include in the same
location as the HTML output. If a CSS file is not
specified, a default style is embedded in the HTML
output. If a CSS file is specified, the default style
is not included.If the specified CSS file does not
exist, it is created with the default style.
Customizing the generated HTML output requires using CSS.
- MDN Guide: Learn to style HTML using CSS
- MDN Reference: CSS: Cascading Style Sheets