“第二种避免数据竞争的方法是 避免从多个goroutine访问变量。这也是前一章中大多数程序所采用的方法。例如前面的并发web爬虫(§8.6)的main goroutine是唯一一个能够访问seen map的goroutine,而聊天服务器(§8.10)中的broadcaster goroutine是唯一一个能够访问clients map的goroutine。这些变量都被限定在了一个单独的goroutine中。
由于其它的goroutine不能够直接访问变量,它们只能使用一个channel来发送给指定的goroutine请求来查询更新变量。这也就是Go 的口头禅“不要使用共享数据来通信;使用通信来共享数据”。一个提供对一个指定的变量通过cahnnel来请求的goroutine叫做这个变量的监控(monitor)goroutine。例如broadcaster goroutine会监控(monitor)clients map的全部访问
“// Package bank provides a concurrency-safe bank with one account.
package bank
var deposits = make(chan int) // send amount to deposit
var balances = make(chan int) // receive balance
func Deposit(amount int) { deposits <- amount }
func Balance() int { return <-balances }
func teller() {
var balance int // balance is confined to teller goroutine
for {
select {
case amount := <-deposits:
balance += amount
case balances <- balance:
func init() {
go teller() // start the monitor goroutine
type Cake struct{ state string }
func baker(cooked chan<- *Cake) {
for {
cake := new(Cake)
cake.state = "cooked"
cooked <- cake // baker never touches this cake again
func icer(iced chan<- *Cake, cooked <-chan *Cake) {
for cake := range cooked {
cake.state = "iced"
iced <- cake // icer never touches this cake again