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Dataset of proficiency. One country may have multiple or no observations at all. Long on specific measures in time (that is, assessment year grade subject country) and wide in subgroups (all, male, female).
Metadata stored in this dataset:
sources: Compilation of proficiency measures from 3 sources: CLO (Country Level Outcomes from GLAD), National Learning Assessment (from UIS), HAD (Harmonized Assessment Database)
About the 21 variables in this dataset:
The variables belong to the following variable classifications:
idvars valuevars traitvars
idvars: countrycode year idgrade test nla_code subject
valuevars: nonprof_all se_nonprof_all nonprof_ma se_nonprof_ma nonprof_fe se_nonprof_fe fgt1_all fgt1_fe fgt1_ma fgt2_all fgt2_fe fgt2_ma
traitvars: min_proficiency_threshold source_assessment surveyid
. codebook, compact
Variable Obs Unique Mean Min Max Label
countrycode 948 158 . . . WB country code (3 letters)
year 948 24 2012.364 1996 2023 Year of assessment
idgrade 948 4 4.394515 3 6 Grade ID
test 948 10 . . . Assessment
nla_code 948 26 . . . Reference code for NLA in markdown documentation
subject 948 3 . . . Subject
nonprof_all 948 947 31.36511 .2252197 99.90289 % pupils below minimum proficiency (all)
se_nonprof~l 703 703 1.087973 .0367675 4.659985 SE of pupils below minimum proficiency (all)
nonprof_ma 767 767 25.65895 .1586986 99.86842 % pupils below minimum proficiency (ma)
se_nonprof~a 702 702 1.33252 .0378272 5.034541 SE of pupils below minimum proficiency (ma)
nonprof_fe 767 767 22.82388 .1284603 99.93002 % pupils below minimum proficiency (fe)
se_nonprof~e 702 702 1.290908 .0490543 6.059458 SE of pupils below minimum proficiency (fe)
fgt1_all 752 752 .1348473 .0308948 .5614824 Avg gap to minimum proficiency (all, FGT1)
fgt1_fe 752 752 .1286881 .0257019 .5376112 Avg gap to minimum proficiency (fe, FGT1)
fgt1_ma 752 752 .1393555 .0298228 .5797679 Avg gap to minimum proficiency (ma, FGT1)
fgt2_all 752 752 .0361188 .001687 .390271 Avg gap squared to minimum proficiency (all, FGT2)
fgt2_fe 752 752 .0329784 .0011683 .3641997 Avg gap squared to minimum proficiency (fe, FGT2)
fgt2_ma 752 752 .0384681 .0017091 .4102417 Avg gap squared to minimum proficiency (ma, FGT2)
min_profic~d 946 20 . . . Minimum Proficiency Threshold (assessment-specific)
source_ass~t 948 6 . . . Source of assessment data
surveyid 948 699 . . . SurveyID (countrycode_year_assessment)