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Setup raspberry pi

Wout Slakhorst edited this page Feb 25, 2020 · 3 revisions

There're lots of resources online on how to setup your raspberry pi. This is by no means an exhaustive manual, just a little help to get you started with some useful links. I work on a Mac, so some of the stuff might not work for you...


I used a Rasbian Buster image from and flashed it with Etcher (


After that I mount it on my Mac and added a empty file ssh in the boot partition. This enables ssh access for the pi user with raspberry as password. After unmounting and inserting the SD-card into the Pi, I used a LAN connection to get initial access. Once connected I started up raspi-config

sudo raspi-config

In the config I've setup the wifi network.

These steps should provide with a base to work with.

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