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wrulfy edited this page Apr 5, 2023 · 14 revisions

Welcome to the carminered wiki!

This is basically where I'll put most of the documentation as to not make it discord dependant or so you don't need to download extra .txt or excels just to oogle at data (excels will still be provided for sorting and filtering)

Information Pages:

These contain general information that can give a broad idea about the game, spoilers will be indicated if any.

  • Type Changes: Lists the pokemon that got type changes and what type(s) are now.

Data Pages:

These contain detailed information that might be considered a bit spoiler-y, look at your own discretion.

  • Moves: Table with all the moves in the game, with a short description and effects.
  • Base Stats: Table with the Base Stats of all pokemon as well as their types, plus some extra info.
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