title | date | updated | categories | tags | |||
为 Syncer 选用守护进程工具 |
2018-03-23 14:40:52 -0700 |
2017-04-06 14:40:52 -0700 |
- 背景
- Syncer 遇到以下操作会自动退出,目前采用的 Supervise 守护进程,当进程退出后自动拉起服务。但 Supervise 无法控制拉起次数,无法让进程彻底停止
- 网络闪断 (这个需要被重试拉起)
- tidb 或者 tikv 繁忙导致 server is busy
- 不支持的 DDL
- 不支持的 DML 语法
- Syncer 遇到以下操作会自动退出,目前采用的 Supervise 守护进程,当进程退出后自动拉起服务。但 Supervise 无法控制拉起次数,无法让进程彻底停止
- 需求
- 需要守护进程工具拥有重试最大次数功能
- 可选方案有 Supervisord 与 Systemd
- Supervisord 有 Startretries 参数可以实现,但需要部署 Supervisord binary
- Systemd 是 CentOS 系统自带服务,无需单独部署,官方参数暂无 startretries 类似功能。通过 Google 查到其他方式实现相关功能
- 可选方案有 Supervisord 与 Systemd
- 需要守护进程工具拥有重试最大次数功能
cat /etc/systemd/system/syncer-port.service
- 注册 systemd 服务
- 修改 service 后需要执行
systemctl daemon-reload
- RestartSec:自动重启当前服务间隔的秒数
- StartLimitInterval=, StartLimitBurst=
[Unit] Description=syncer service After=syslog.target network.target remote-fs.target nss-lookup.target [Service] LimitNOFILE=1000000 User=root ExecStart=/root/systemd-syncer/run_syncer.sh Restart=always RestartSec=15s StartLimitInterval=300 StartLimitBurst=5 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target
cat run_syncer.sh
- 服务启动脚本
- 启动脚本内容所涉及到的路劲均需要指定绝对路劲
#!/bin/bash svr=syncer-job work_dir="/root/systemd-syncer" bin_dir="${work_dir}/bin/syncer" conf_dir="${work_dir}/conf" log_dir="${work_dir}/log" nohup_dir="${work_dir}/nohup" ${bin_dir} --config ${conf_dir}/${svr}.toml --enable-gtid --auto-fix-gtid --log-file ${log_dir}/${svr}.log --status-addr :11105 &>>${nohup_dir}/${svr}.out
systemd-syncer 目录结构
[root@ip-172-16-10-65 systemd-syncer]# tree ./ ./ ├── bin │ └── syncer ├── conf │ └── syncer-job.toml ├── log -> /data1/systemd-syncer.log │ └── syncer-job.log ├── meta │ └── syncer-job.meta ├── nohup │ └── syncer-job.out └── run-syncer └── run_syncer-job.sh
create index idx on hello (id,status,size) lock=none
- 利用早期 TiDB 版本不支持 lock=none 来复现 Syncer 不支持语法退出
- Syncer
- Syncer 持续重启,因为 TiDB 无法执行该 DDL
- 进程退出,然后被 Systemd 重试拉起,5 次后,进程自动退出
systemctl start syncer-port
- 启动该服务
systemctl stop syncer-port
- 停止该服务
systemctl restart syncer-port
- 重启该服务
systemctl status syncer-port -l
- 查看服务状态,-l 可以查看更多信息
[root@ip-172-16-10-65 bin]# systemctl status syncer-port -l ● syncer-port.service - syncer service Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/syncer-port.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: failed (Result: start-limit) since Fri 2018-02-09 16:43:52 CST; 9min ago Process: 393938 ExecStart=/root/systemd-syncer/run_syncer.sh (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Main PID: 393938 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Feb 09 16:43:52 ip-172-16-10-65 systemd[1]: syncer-port.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart. Feb 09 16:43:52 ip-172-16-10-65 systemd[1]: start request repeated too quickly for syncer-port.service Feb 09 16:43:52 ip-172-16-10-65 systemd[1]: Failed to start syncer service. Feb 09 16:43:52 ip-172-16-10-65 systemd[1]: Unit syncer-port.service entered failed state. Feb 09 16:43:52 ip-172-16-10-65 systemd[1]: syncer-port.service failed.
journalctl -f -u syncer-port
- 使用 journalctl 获取该服务更多的日志信息
Feb 09 16:33:42 ip-172-16-10-65 systemd[1]: Unit syncer-port.service entered failed state. Feb 09 16:33:42 ip-172-16-10-65 systemd[1]: syncer-port.service failed. Feb 09 16:42:36 ip-172-16-10-65 systemd[1]: Started syncer service. Feb 09 16:42:36 ip-172-16-10-65 systemd[1]: Starting syncer service... Feb 09 16:42:51 ip-172-16-10-65 systemd[1]: syncer-port.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart. Feb 09 16:42:51 ip-172-16-10-65 systemd[1]: Started syncer service. Feb 09 16:42:51 ip-172-16-10-65 systemd[1]: Starting syncer service... Feb 09 16:43:06 ip-172-16-10-65 systemd[1]: syncer-port.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart. Feb 09 16:43:06 ip-172-16-10-65 systemd[1]: Started syncer service. Feb 09 16:43:06 ip-172-16-10-65 systemd[1]: Starting syncer service... Feb 09 16:43:22 ip-172-16-10-65 systemd[1]: syncer-port.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart. Feb 09 16:43:22 ip-172-16-10-65 systemd[1]: Started syncer service. Feb 09 16:43:22 ip-172-16-10-65 systemd[1]: Starting syncer service... Feb 09 16:43:37 ip-172-16-10-65 systemd[1]: syncer-port.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart. Feb 09 16:43:37 ip-172-16-10-65 systemd[1]: Started syncer service. Feb 09 16:43:37 ip-172-16-10-65 systemd[1]: Starting syncer service... Feb 09 16:43:52 ip-172-16-10-65 systemd[1]: syncer-port.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart. Feb 09 16:43:52 ip-172-16-10-65 systemd[1]: start request repeated too quickly for syncer-port.service Feb 09 16:43:52 ip-172-16-10-65 systemd[1]: Failed to start syncer service. Feb 09 16:43:52 ip-172-16-10-65 systemd[1]: Unit syncer-port.service entered failed state. Feb 09 16:43:52 ip-172-16-10-65 systemd[1]: syncer-port.service failed.
[root@ip-172-16-10-65 bin]# grep "status exits" s.log
2018/02/09 16:42:36 syncer.go:795: [info] print status exits, err:context canceled
2018/02/09 16:42:51 syncer.go:795: [info] print status exits, err:context canceled
2018/02/09 16:43:06 syncer.go:795: [info] print status exits, err:context canceled
2018/02/09 16:43:22 syncer.go:795: [info] print status exits, err:context canceled
2018/02/09 16:43:37 syncer.go:795: [info] print status exits, err:context canceled
Systemd 入门教程:命令篇
systemd 服务脚本的编写
编写 systemd service 文件,内容质量较差
systemd 启动遇见
(code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
- 需要查看多方日志
systemd restart // How to set up a systemd service to retry 5 times on a cycle of 30 seconds
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39284563/how-to-set-up-a-systemd-service-to-retry-5-times-on-a-cycle-of-30-seconds
- This worked worked for me for a service that runs a script using 'Type=idle'. Note that 'StartLimitInterval' must be greater than 'RestartSec * StartLimitBurst' otherwise the service will be restarted indefinitely.