For every encountered bug or suggested improvement please create a new issue on GitHub. In case a branch containing proposed changes is already available please make a pull request and link to it in the aforementioned issue.
Markuply follows the Semantic Versioning.
Each version conforms to the following convention: major.minor.patch.
- major is incremented in case of backwards incompatible changes
- minor is incremented in case of backwards compatible changes introducing new features
- patch is incremented in case of backwards compatible bugfixes
Every release must create a corresponding tag.
Major and minor versions are released from the main
For each such case a new documentation branch is to be created of the tag. This branch acts as the main one for bugfixes and documentation enhancements. Branch naming convention: release/x.y
eg. release/1.1
For every code change a new feature branch should be created out of the main
branch. After code review it will be merged back to main
The only exception being the bugfixes which should stem out of an appropriate release branch. Every bugfix should be merged back to the release branch and to the main
one if applicable.
Bugfix releases are done from the release branches.