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SpringData JPA

Wuyi Chen edited this page Feb 20, 2019 · 14 revisions

Spring has a SpringData JPA module which could provide additional convenience comparing the classic combination of JPA and Hibernate.

Create Schema

There are 2 ways to create a table in database which will map to a data entity class in Java:

Way 1: Use schema.sql

Create a schema.sql file and add the CREATE TABLE statement into this file to define table schema. And put it the classpath resources directory ("src/resources" for this project). When your application is starting, Spring will execute the SQL statements in the schema.sql file, which will create a new table or update the existing table based on the CREATE TABLE statement.

Example of schema.sql

  license_id        VARCHAR(100) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
  organization_id   TEXT NOT NULL
  -- omit more columns --

-- you can define more statements if needed --

Way 2: Enable Hibernate DDL-Auto Option

Enable Hibernate ddl-auto option in the application configuration file ( file or application.yml). When your application is starting, Spring will automatically create tables in database based on the data entity classes. You can also update a table (add a column or remove a column) by updating the corresponding entity class (add a field or remove a field).

Example of

# Hibernate ddl auto (create, create-drop, update)
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto = update

Data Entity (Java POJO)

First you need to define a data entity class (Java POJO) which will map to a database table.

@Table(name = "licenses")
public class License{
    @Column(name = "license_id", nullable = false)
    private String licenseId;

    @Column(name = "organization_id", nullable = false)
    private String organizationId;
    /* omit setters and getters */

DAO (Data Access Object)

To define a DAO, you just need to define an interface. The magic is you don't have to implements the methods defined in this DAO interface.

  • By extending the CrudRepository interface, your DAO will contain basic CRUD operations (save, findOne, findAll, delete, deleteAll, exists and count) automatically. You don't have to implement those functions and you can use those functions directly.
  • For customized queries, you just need to define functions in this DAO interface based on the naming convention. You don't have to implements those functions and SpringData JPA will automatically implements those functions and generate SQL query. (For the naming convention, see Supported keywords inside method names)
public interface LicenseRepository extends CrudRepository<License, String>  {
    // query by organizationId
    public List<License> findByOrganizationId(String organizationId);
    // query by organizationId and licenseId
    public License       findByOrganizationIdAndLicenseId(String organizationId, String licenseId);

Application Starter

In the application starter class, you need to add 2 more annotations to let Spring know which package needs to be scanned.

  • @EntityScan: Let Spring know which package contains all the data entity classes.
  • @EnableJpaRepositories: Let Spring know which package contains all the DAO interfaces.
@EntityScan(basePackages = {"com.thoughtmechanix.licenses.entity"})
@EnableJpaRepositories(basePackages = {"com.thoughtmechanix.licenses.repository"})
public class Application {
	public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
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