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287 lines (205 loc) · 16.5 KB

File metadata and controls

287 lines (205 loc) · 16.5 KB

Read files


We'll start creating more complex examples now. We aim to read a file called hello.txt which is located in our project root. The file contains the text Hello world! and we log this content to the console.

Before we start with our Node example we'll install type declarations for Nodes built-in modules. Only then TypeScript knows about modules like fs which we'll need to read files. The declarations are available in a package called @types/node):

$ npm install --save-dev @types/node

Great! With that out of the way we can create our example.

To read a file and log its content I probably would write a program like this:

import { readFile } from 'fs';

readFile('hello.txt', 'utf8', (err, data) => {
  if (err) {
    console.log(`Couldn't read: ${err.message}`);
  } else {
    console.log(`Content is: ${data}`);

You import the readFile function, pass the file path ('hello.txt') when you call this function, optionally pass an encoding ('utf8') and pass a callback which is called when the file was read or if an error appeared. By convention the first param of this callback is the error object (err) - if an error appeared - and the second param is the content of the file (data) - if no error appeared. We check both of these cases with an if/else statement. Note that in the case of an error we log its message, a human readable error description. It is not available on every err object, but for all typical errors associated with file reading (like ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'hello.txt', if the file couldn't be found). I also call process.exit(1); to stop the execution of the program and mark the process as a failure. This is a good style to stop your program and useful if this program is used by other scripts or inside continuous integration. If no error happened we just log our content: console.log(`Content is: ${data}`);.

Anyway... let's rewrite this example so it will be easier to compare to our Rust program. Have a look at the new code:

import { openSync, readSync, fstatSync, Stats } from 'fs';

let fileDescriptor: number;
try {
  fileDescriptor = openSync('hello.txt', 'r');
} catch (err) {
  console.log(`Couldn't open: ${err.message}`);

let stat: Stats;
try {
  stat = fstatSync(fileDescriptor);
} catch (err) {
  console.log(`Couldn't get stat: ${err.message}`);

const buffer = Buffer.alloc(stat.size);

try {
  readSync(fileDescriptor, buffer, 0, stat.size, null);
} catch (err) {
  console.log(`Couldn't read: ${err.message}`);

let data: string;
try {
  data = buffer.toString();
} catch (err) {
  console.log(`Couldn't convert buffer to string: ${err.message}`);

console.log(`Content is: ${data}`);

The first thing you'll notice is the usage of some *Sync functions instead of our asynchronous style we used earlier. Currently Rust only offers synchronous APIs to read and write files in the standard library. While asynchronous APIs will be standardized really soon there are currently no plans to add asynchronous APIs for file operations like reading or writing to the standard library as far as I know. The second thing you'll notice is that we need to open our file now (with openSync), before we can read the content (with readSync). This is a lot more low-level than our readFile function which abstracts this away. But as you know... low-level functions are more powerful in general, too. If you need to read the content of a file in multiple steps or in slices it is better to open a file once and perform all the read steps you need instead of opening the file for every read operation. Note that openSync returns a file descriptor which is a reference to our file. The flag 'r' tells openSync that we just want to read the file later on. In the next step we call fstatSync and pass the file descriptor to get the actual size of our file. This is needed to initialize our buffer which will store our file data when we call readSync and to tell readSync how much to read. (Remember... with readSync we could also just read slices of a file, but in this case we want to read the whole file. That's why we pass 0, stat.size and null as the last params. Have a look at the docs to learn more about readSync.) As the final step we convert our buffer to a string. Note that we wrap every *Sync call and buffer.toString in a try/catch. This is analogous to our if (err) {} else {} logic in the asynchronous style and mirrors the following Rust example.

Let us test the program now:

$ npm -s start
Content is: Hello world!

Sweet. Now to Rust.


Let us have a look at the whole Rust program:

use std::error::Error;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;
use std::str::from_utf8;

fn main() {
    let mut file = match File::open("hello.txt") {
        Err(err) => panic!("Couldn't open: {}", err.description()),
        Ok(value) => value,

    let stat = match file.metadata() {
        Err(err) => panic!("Couldn't get stat: {}", err.description()),
        Ok(value) => value,

    let mut buffer = vec![0; stat.len() as usize];

    match buffer) {
        Err(err) => panic!("Couldn't read: {}", err.description()),
        Ok(_) => (),

    let data = match from_utf8(&buffer) {
        Err(err) => panic!("Couldn't convert buffer to string: {}", err.description()),
        Ok(value) => value,

    println!("Content is: {}", data);

I think you can read the code and grasp what it does. It should look very similar to our Node example. Does it work?

$ cargo -q run
Content is: Hello world!


Let us step through all lines now. Even some of its imported modules are quite interesting!

use std::error::Error;

This is surprising... if you look into our example we actually never use anything like Error. Try to remove this line and run $ cargo -q run. You'll get this error:

error[E0599]: no method named `description` found for type `std::io::Error` in the current scope
 --> src/
7 |         Err(err) => panic!("Couldn't open: {}", err.description()),
  |                                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^
  = help: items from traits can only be used if the trait is in scope
help: the following trait is implemented but not in scope, perhaps add a `use` for it:
1 | use std::error::Error;

Our err is an instance of a so called struct, which is a data structure. For now you can think of it like an object in JavaScript, but you'll learn more about struct's later. By default our err has no method called description. It is only available when we add use std::error::Error;. Why?

If you read the error message again you'll see that items from traits can only be used if the trait is in scope. Okay. Whatever a trait is, it looks like std::error::Error actually is a trait. The compiler even recommends it for this use case. And if you use the trait it is added to the current scope.

So what is a trait? To quote Rust by Example: A trait is a collection of methods defined for an unknown type: Self. A trait can specify method signatures (like an interface in other languages), but it can also provide fully implemented methods, so they become available for that type.

If I would need to compare this to something in the Node world, I probably would think of manipulating the prototype. Think about this example:

import './get-second-item';

const two = [1, 2, 3].getSecondItem();
console.log(two); // logs `2`

With ./get-second-item being:

Array.prototype.getSecondItem = function getSecondItem() {
  return this[1];

This is not the same as a Rust trait, but it helps me to understand them. If I don't import './get-second-item'; I can't call getSecondItem. If I don't use std::error::Error; I can't call description. But while manipulating the prototype is a bad practice in JavaScript using traits in Rust is very idiomatic. Thanks to features like scoping we don't inherit the problems of manipulating the prototype.

use std::fs::File;

std::fs behaves much like fs in Node world. It contains core struct's and trait's for accessing the file system. In this case we only use File which is a struct and has the open method to open our file (similar to Nodes openSync) on its instances.

use std::io::Read;

Read is a trait, too. It allows us to call read on our File instance.

use std::str::from_utf8;

std::str::from_utf8 is just a function which we need to convert our buffer (actually a slice of bytes) to a string slice (&str).

Next follows our main function. The entry point of our program:

fn main() {
    // ...

The first thing we do in main is opening a file:

let mut file = match File::open("hello.txt") {
    Err(err) => panic!("Couldn't open: {}", err.description()),
    Ok(value) => value,

Wow! A lot to see here. We declare a variable with let called file. file is marked as mut which stands for mutability. You probably know the concept of mutability and immutability already - it basically means that we can change the value of a variable (it is mutable) or not (it is immutable). Every variable in Rust is immutable by default. When we read the file later on this will change the reading position of file internally, so it needs to be mut.

Next is match File::open("hello.txt") {}. Let me say this first: Rust has no try/catch keywords, because you can't throw an exception! The possibility of an error is expressed by types instead. File::open actually returns the Result<File> type. The Result type represents either success (Ok) or failure (Err). For now you can think of it as a synchronous variant of a JavaScript Promise which either fulfills (similar to Ok) or rejects (similer to Err). The last part to understand this code snippet is the match keyword used for pattern matching. You can think of match as a super powerful switch/case (which isn't available in Rust at all, because it uses the more powerful match). What makes it so powerful? It enforces you to cover every case. It is not possible to forget one. (If you're curious match has even more features.)

If Result is either Ok or Err, you need to handle both cases. So we cover both cases. Every case can give us a variable. Err can contain an err and Ok can contain the actual result (value). In the case of Ok we just return value so it saved in file. (Yes, we can return values in pattern matching and save them directly to a variable. You don't see a return keyword here, so think of Ok(value) => value as an automatically invoked (value) => value in JavaScript for now.) In the case of Err we call panic!. Remember that ! marks a macro - which I introduced as some code which is transformed into other code at compile time earlier. This explanation should still be enough to understand macros for now. panic! will log our error message and exit the program. So panic!("Couldn't open: {}", err.description()) really works very much like console.log(`Couldn't get stat: ${err.message}`); process.exit(1); in our Node example.

Now move on to the next piece of code:

let stat = match file.metadata() {
    Err(err) => panic!("Couldn't get stat: {}", err.description()),
    Ok(value) => value,

Nothing completely new here. file.metadata returns a Result type like File::open so we use pattern matching again. If file.metadata is succesful we get metadata for our file very much like fstatSync(file) in JavaScript. stat is not marked as mut, because we don't change its values and just read them. (stat.len() will give us the size of our file like stat.size in our JavaScript example.)

let mut buffer = vec![0; stat.len() as usize];

Here we create a Vec (pronounced as vector) called buffer. vec! is a macro to create a Vec more easily with an array-like syntax. An alternative would be to use Vec::new(). I say array-like, because Rust actually has array's, too, and they look a lot like JavaScripts arrays (e.g. [1, 2]). However they don't behave like JavaScripts arrays. A JavaScript array is much more similar to Rusts Vec. Vec and array can be compared to String and &str in this regard. A Vec and a String can have a dynamic size and behave similar to JavaScripts arrays and strings while Rusts array and &str have a fixed size.

So we create a Vec and use a repeat expression by using ; in vec![x; N]. That means our Vec is filled with 0's stat.len() times. (You can also create array's or vectors with a , like [1, 2, 3] as you would in JavaScript.) We need to cast stat.len() (which is the type u64) to usize, because N needs to be usize. This is done with the as keyword and really works just like TypeScript.

Finally our buffer is flagged as mut, because it will change its values when we read our file. This is done in the next step:

match buffer) {
    Err(err) => panic!("Couldn't read: {}", err.description()),
    Ok(_) => (),

We pass buffer to with &mut. That means that buffer is passed to as a mutable reference (the & marks a reference). This is needed to allow to change buffer. (It is not enough to flag buffer as mut in general, we need to allow this to other functions or method in every case, where it is intended.) Allowing this is actually a core feature of Rust called ownership. borrows buffer for as long as runs. If it quits our main function becomes the owner of buffer again. Doing so ensures that only one function is the owner of a piece of memory at a time and prevents data races. This makes Rust so safe. has no return value which we are interested in, so we do nothing in the Ok case: just Ok(_) => (). You can think of this as a noop: the _ in Ok(_) is just a placeholder and the last () is the so called unit type, which is used to mark a meaningless value. (Every function which doesn't return a meaningfull value implicitely returns (), just like JavaScript functions return undefined by default.)

Now the last snippet:

let data = match from_utf8(&buffer) {
    Err(err) => panic!("Couldn't convert buffer to string: {}", err.description()),
    Ok(value) => value,

println!("Content is: {}", data);

Nothing fancy here. We just convert our buffer to a &str with from_utf8. Note that we pass &buffer to from_utf8 which means that from_utf8 gets a reference (because we used &) of buffer. So & is a reference to a resource and &mut is a mutable reference to a resource. from_utf8 doesn't need to change buffer's values so the reference doesn't need to be mutable.

At the end we just print out our file content.

Nice. I hope you could follow the example. Are we done? Well... we could be done. But as we moved our Node example from a higher level readFile function to some lower level functions to make it a little bit easier to compare to Rust, we could do the opposite now and use some more higher level function in Rust as well. This is possible, because we read our complete file at once instead of in several steps.

This is our simplified example:

use std::error::Error;
use std::fs::read_to_string;

fn main() {
    match read_to_string("hello.txt") {
        Err(err) => panic!("Couldn't read: {}", err.description()),
        Ok(data) => println!("Content is: {}", data),

The example should be quite explanatory. You just pass the path to a file to read_to_string and it returns a Result. In the Ok case we print out the content of the file.

We could simplify our example even more with less verbose error handling as you'll see in the next chapter.

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