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File metadata and controls

986 lines (794 loc) · 43.4 KB


1.0a72 - unreleased

In progress...

1.0a71 - 2022-12-02

  • Added support for Python 3.10 and 3.11. Initially, this just means testing against these versions when creating a new release.
  • Dropped official support for Python 3.6 since it has been end-of-life for about a year now. Note that RunCommands can still be installed on 3.6, but 3.6 is no longer tested against when creating a new release.
  • Relaxed dependency constraints to >=x rather >=x.y,<x+1. This allows compatibility with more projects.
  • Fixed a bug in the printer utility that would throw an exception if no args were passed to any of the print functions (e.g., using printer.print() to print a blank line).
  • Updated the styling of headers printed via printer.header() in order to make headers more visually prominent.

1.0a70 - 2022-06-19

  • Allow default arg values to be specified via environment variables like so: some_arg: arg(envvar="SOME_ENV_VAR") = None. If no value is passed for some_arg on the command line, the value of SOME_ENV_VAR will be used, if it's defined.

    This is an alternative to using a config file to define default arg values. It's probably more useful for standalone console scripts versus collections of commands. Both types of defaults can be used at the same time, although this isn't recommended (env var defaults take precedence over config file defaults).

1.0a69 - 2022-05-26

  • Make some printer methods print to stderr by default: debug, error, warning. In the switch to Rich in 1.0a67, these methods were changed inadvertently to print to stdout.
  • Fixed potential infinite loop when finding project root.
  • Fixed infinite recursion when attempting to find a commands module in a directory that didn't contain one (or any of its parents).

1.0a68 - 2021-06-21

  • Fix a couple small issues with the switch to Rich in 1.0a67.

1.0a67 - 2021-06-20

  • Use Rich for color printing and other terminal formatting. Rich is cross platform and opens up some new options for better formatting.

1.0a66 - 2021-04-23

NOTE: This release contains a breaking change. See below for details.

  • Added simplistic make-like functionality. Commands can now specify sources (as glob patterns) and creates. Commands that specify the latter will only be run if all the targets are newer than all the sources.
  • Improved bool_or so it can be used without specifying a type. This supports the common case of bool_or(str) with less typing.
  • Added support for using bool_or with container args.
  • BREAKING: Switched to TOML for config. TOML is nicer than YAML. This also allows config to be specified in pyproject.toml without having to use a different config language.
  • Added option to specify config in pyproject.toml. This should be the preferred location for RunCommands config IMO. commands.toml or runcommands.toml can also be used for projects that don't use pyproject.toml.
  • Added the option to define commands in instead of
  • Improved discovery of commands module and config, primarily so that commands can be run from project subdirectories. Discovery starts in the current directory and precedes upward until a project root or the file system root is reached. Care has to be taken in commands to ensure they're operating in/on the correct path, especially commands that assume they're being run from the project root.
  • Made a handful of internal improvements.

1.0a65 - 2020-12-29

  • Fixed color setup for printer utility when TERM isn't set.

1.0a64 - 2020-12-25

  • Switched to make_release package for making releases (make_release is based on the RunCommand release command)
  • Removed release command
  • Switched to cached_property package for @cached_property
  • Removed @cached_property
  • Fixed some things relating to poetry and new package layout
  • Made argv required when calling
  • Added a mechanism for specifying default args in either pyproject.toml or setup.cfg; this is mainly intended for use with standalone console scripts, providing an easy way for end users to configure such scripts without needing to know anything about RunCommands
  • When creating subcommand's use the base command's class by default rather than Command
  • BREAKING: Command.console_script() now sys.exit()s at the end rather than returning the exit code so standalone console scripts will exit with the correct return code; this can be "disabled" by wrapping calls to console_script in a try/except that catches SystemExit

1.0a63.post1 - 2020-12-22

Fixed project configuration with regard to README file. Poetry requires the README file to be specified as the readme or it won't render it as the long description in the package or on PyPI.

1.0a63 - 2020-12-20

  • Switched to poetry for package setup
  • Moved package into src/
  • Moved tests into tests/
  • Added format-code command; reformatted all code
  • Improved release command; in particular, it now looks for pyproject.toml and updates the version there if found
  • Improved color printer utility
  • Disabled color printing on non-posix platforms (instead of printing gibberish)
  • Improved "string meaning inversion" logic for automatically inverting boolean option help strings
  • Wrapped arg type constructors so that when empty strings are passed via the command they'll be converted to None

1.0a62 - 2020-11-22

  • Drop support for Python 3.5 since it's no longer supported.
  • Add support for Python 3.9. For now, this just means adding Python 3.9 to the list of supported version and the list of versions tested via tox.
  • When possible, set type from default value for container args that don't specifiy a type.

1.0a61 - 2020-08-26

  • Improved/fixed/standardized how command results are processed. A Result object is now created in most cases, except when a command returns something that's not None, an int, or a Result.

    When a command returns None or an int, 0 or the int is now returned from Command.console_script instead of 1 (not sure what the rationale behind returning 1 was in these cases).

    Callbacks will now receive Result objects in most cases, which gives them access to commands' stdout, etc.

1.0a60 - 2020-07-16

  • Fixed/improved callback handling. See 58be7ab86a26 for details.
  • In Printer, moved default stream assignments for the various print methods from keyword args into the method body. This allows sys.stdout and sys.stderr to be redirected using contextlib.redirect_stdout in tests.

1.0a59 - 2020-06-12

  • Made data property of Command instances read only.
  • More args are now passed to command callbacks:
    • Command instance (as before)
    • result of running command
    • aborted flag, which will be the same for all callbacks; this is intended for use in base command callbacks for deciding how to do cleanup

1.0a58 - 2020-06-12

  • Added 1.0a57 change log.

  • Added is_type() utility function and used it to tidy up code in a couple places.

  • Added Parameter class to wrap inspect.Parameter. It has some convenience functions that allows some code to be tidied.

  • Fixed Command.find_parameter() so that it does what it says it does. In particular, it now tries to find a parameter with the passed-in name before normalizing the name and trying to find an arg with that name (and then retrieving the parameter from that arg). This allows parameters that don't have a corresponding arg to be retrieved.

  • Improved how args are passed down from base commands to subcommands.

    The main change is that a given base arg will now be passed down to a subcommand when it has a corresponding function parameter rather than a corresponding arg as before (parameter = function parameter; arg = command line arg).

    This allows subcommands to have required keyword-only parameters that can receive args from a base command. Since required keyword-only parameters don't correspond to command line args, this forces these args to be passed to the base command while still giving subcommands a way to get access to them when needed.

    The use case for this is args that need to be handled consistently at a higher level. The specific use case that motivated this was handling "dry run" functionality (esp. pertaining to database transactions).

  • Constrained flake8 to <3.8 for now, since 3.8 is finding "errors" that aren't errors--it's calling out quoted strings as undefined names in function arg annotations 🤔

1.0a57 - 2020-06-11

  • Fixed Data class used for attaching arbitrary data to commands via data attribute on Command instances (added in 1.0a55). Accessing the internal data dict was causing infinite recursion.
  • Improved Data so that when a dict is added it will be converted to a Data object. This is for convenience and consistent access to nested data.
  • Modified Printer to flush by default when the console is a TTY. This aligns with what I assume is usually the desired behavior when running commands interactively.

1.0a56 - 2020-04-21

  • Default inverse short and long options are now only set for boolean args. Previously, these would always be set up, which would cause two short options to be consumed for every non-bool arg, which would in turn keep the second short option from being used by another arg. This regression was introduced in 1.0a52.
  • Set the base_name attribute in Command's constructor rather than using a cached property. The cached property isn't needed, since the base name is known in the constructor.

1.0a55 - 2020-04-17

  • Added ability to attach arbitrary data to commands via data attribute on Command instances. Data items can be accessed via dot (attribute) or bracket (item) notation.
  • Added command callbacks. These are called after the last command runs, starting with the callbacks for the last command. Callbacks allow for cleanup, post-run messages, etc.

1.0a54 - 2020-04-07

  • Fixed/improved subcommand arg passdown logic.
  • Added fill_char arg to so a fill char other than = can be used.

1.0a53 - 2020-03-23

  • Added module and qualname attributes to Command instances. These correspond to the built in __module__ and __qualname__ attributes of classes and can be used for introspection of a command. E.g., module can be used to order commands by module in a command listing.
  • Added support for command line completion for base commands used as console scripts.

1.0a52 - 2020-03-18

  • Improve inverse options.

1.0a51 - 2020-02-06

  • Commonly-used utilities are now exported from the top level package. This is intended to reduce tedium when creating lots of commands spread across many modules. Includes abort, confirm, and printer.
  • Made it somewhat easier to specify subcommands by allowing @base_command.subcommand to be used as a decorator. This reduces the number of imports needed when creating subcommands. It also looks nicer than @subcommand(base_command) IMO.
  • Changed the default color of from info (blue) to header (magenta) since that's the color I usually want HRs to be.
  • Made it a little easier to specify colors in printer by allowing colors in the color map to be accessed as attributes (in addition to item access).

1.0a50 - 2020-01-03

  • Common base command args are now passed down to subcommands.

1.0a49 - 2019-12-19

  • Fixed normalization of default args read from config file. Command and arg names are now normalized immediately as they're read from config instead of merging them all together and then normalizing them. This ensures all the default args are consistently and correctly merged.

1.0a48 - 2019-12-16

  • Fixed an issue with positional args that have a default value and nargs=N. Previously, nargs would be set to * or ? (depending on whether the arg is a container type or not), but that doesn't work when nargs=N. Such args are now converted to options and must be passed via --arg ... from the command line.

1.0a47 - 2019-12-03

  • Fixed/improved handling of args in Command.__call__() and In particular, handle args as much as possible as they would be when doing a normal call, with the primary difference being that positionals can have default values.
  • Improved normalization of command names. In particular, it was previously possible to call a command named xyz as XYZ on the command line since command-line args were always lower-cased when checking to see if they were command names.
  • Added the option to specify a default value for a command's var args.
  • Added background flag to local command. This provides an easy way to run a command as a background process (e.g., a file watcher).

1.0a46 - 2019-11-22

  • Fixed an issue with default args being added to globals breaking interpolation. Instead of adding the default to globals so that they can be added to commands' default args (if requested), they're now added directly to commands' default args (when requested). When they're added to globals, that can cause circularity issues when interpolating.

1.0a45 - 2019-11-22

  • Fixed handling of default args for var args (*args).
  • Added default_args to globals so commands can request their own and other commands' default args by adding a default_args arg. This allows, for example, setting a default arg for a command that another command can then access via default_args instead of duplicating the arg for both commands or adding the arg to globals.

1.0a44 - 2019-11-19

  • Fixed a couple regressions regarding default args introduced in 1.0a40:
    • Add globals to keyword args for commands that have **kwargs.
    • Track args that came from defaults.
  • Fixed/improved handling of args in Command.__call__() introduced in 1.0a40:
    • Ensure positional args can be passed via keyword args.
    • Ensure optional args can be passed positionally.
  • Fixed complete command so it doesn't show command usage when parsing args.
  • Added make-dist and upload-dists commands.
  • Revamped Printer utility.

1.0a43 - 2019-11-18

  • Fixed some issues with parsing short option group, especially during the initial partitioning of argv:
    • Made sure the last option in a short option group gets a value.
    • Stopped reparsing run args for short option groups since they're parsed when partitioning argv.
    • Moved parsing of short option groups for commands to an earlier point in the process so it's possible to tell if help was requested if the help option was passed as part of a multi short option group.

1.0a42 - 2019-11-17

  • Improved release command.

1.0a41 - 2019-11-14

  • The run console script alias is now installed by default along with the runcommand and runcommands aliases. The RUNCOMMANDS_CONSOLE_SCRIPTS environment variable can be used to specify different aliases or to disable installation of the RunCommands console script altogether.
  • The RUNCOMMANDS_INSTALL_COMPLETE_CONSOLE_SCRIPT environment variable can be used to disable the installation of the runcommands-complete console script.
  • The RUNCOMMANDS_INSTALL_RELEASE_CONSOLE_SCRIPT environment variable can be used to enable installation of the make-release console script.
  • Fixed regular expression used to check long options (again). This time, add support for --multiple-words.
  • Improved parsing of multi short options. In particular, added support for specifying a value for the last option in the group: -xyzValue.
  • Improved partitioning of initial argv:
    • argv is now partitioned into run args versus commands and their args by finding the first non-option word. This allows for better, more intuitive feedback when bad args are passed to run (allowing argparse to do its validation instead of aborting with an unhelpful error).
    • In addition, don't attempt to parse every arg in argv as a multi short option. Only attempt to parse those that appear to be run args (i.e., those before the first non-option word).
  • Added option to pass a minimum hash length via the git-version command's --short option. --short by itself, as a flag, means let git determine the minimum has length. --short=N means use N as the minimum.

1.0a40 - 2019-11-12

  • Added support for commands with subcommands (like git log).
  • Added support for mutually exclusive command args. Corresponds to argparse.ArgumentParser.add_mutually_exclusive_group().
  • Added support for positional args that have a default value. These are args that you want to pass positionally but that are optional.
  • Added release command to built-in commands.
  • Removed collect_commands() utility function. It was too magical without providing much benefity.
  • The run console script is now only installed when an active virtualenv is detected (indicated by the presence of the VIRTUAL_ENV environment variable). "Run" is pretty generic and only installing run in virtualenvs is intended to reduce the possibility of conflicts.
  • The runcmd console script is no longer installed. It was a not-very-useful alias.
  • Improved internals, esp. wrt. handling of positional args.

1.0a39 - 2019-11-02

  • Added support for positional args that have a default value. Includes handling of choices args when no choice is passed.
  • Fixed conversion of list-arg-to-tuple for cases where arg doesn't exist on command. This can happen when, for example, a command is run with run --debug and the command doesn't have a debug arg.
  • Added check to ensure long options are valid. Short options were already being checked.
  • Added the option to pass enum choices via choices rather than via type. Using choices is more natural. The reason type was used initially is because such enums are passed to argparse.add_argument() as the type converter.

1.0a38 - 2019-10-25

  • Support Python 3.8.
  • Don't attempt to parse command args after -- as multi short options. Args after -- should be passed verbatim.
  • When determining if help was requested for a command, ignore args after --. Args after -- aren't command options.

1.0a37 - 2019-05-22

  • Allow env-specific default args, which take precedence over top level default args (the default default args).

1.0a36 - 2019-04-29

  • Default args read from config are now checked and a useful exception is raised if an unknown arg is encountered.
  • Fixed/improved handling of container args. This deconflates the type of a container from the type of values it contains. It also allows commands to use *args to collect an arbitrary number of positional args.
  • Fixed handling of -- on the command line. Now, each command can make use of -- to specify the end of options and that the remaining args are positional.
  • The command to run via the local or remote commands no longer needs to be quoted on the command line.
  • Improved parsing and expansion of grouped short options like -xyz.

1.0a35 - 2019-03-17

  • Upgraded PyYAML 3.13 => 5.1. Depending on your setup, this may require upgrading PyYAML to 5.1 first before upgrading to this version of RunCommands (e.g., if you have a command that wraps pip install).

1.0a34 - 2019-03-10

  • Arg values are now collected into tuples when appropriate--when an arg's default value is a tuple or its type is explicitly set to tuple.
  • Positional args can now be specified with a type of dict, list, or tuple. Previously, specifying one of these types didn't work as expected because only one value would be read from the command line and that value would be converted to a list or tuple of characters (and using dict would cause an error).
  • Multiple short options can now be grouped on the command line like abc.
  • The inverse option for bool args can now be disabled.
  • Fixed some issues related to linting.

1.0a33 - 2018-11-26

  • Fixed precedence of globals in run command. In particular, globals passed via the command line have higher precedence than globals specified in the envs section of the config file.
  • Fixed a logic bug in util.misc._merge_dicts().

1.0a32 - 2018-11-22

  • Convert cd arg passed to local command to an absolute path via the abs_path utility function. This is mainly so that asset paths like 'package.module:file' will be handled correctly.
  • Normalize default arg names read from config file. E.g., if a command has an arg named dir_ with a trailing slash to avoid clashing with the builtin dir function, allow the arg to specified as dir in the config file.

1.0a31 - 2018-10-04

  • Reworked new config system introduced in 1.0a28. Removed defaults. Added envs and support environment-specific globals.

1.0a30 - 2018-05-22

  • Fixed handling of **kwargs. When collecting the args/options for a command, kwargs is skipped instead of inadvertantly being added to the command's options.

1.0a29 - 2018-04-09

  • Added keep_slash flag to path utility functions, because sometimes slashes need to be preserved (e.g., with rsync).
  • Fixed sync command so that it preserves trailing slashes on the source and destination paths its passed.
  • Tweaked version regex in release task (don't require dev marker).
  • Fixed some local git commands in release task.

1.0a28 - 2018-04-07

Big rewrite. See the git log for tag 1.0a28 to see all the details. Here's a summary:

  • Focus is more on console scripts and collections of commands rather than being a Farbric-esque deployment tool, although simplified versions of the local and remote commands are still available for simple deployment scenarios.
  • Config files are YAML now instead of custom INI/JSON format.
  • Global config is no longer passed to commands as first positional arg.

1.0a27 - 2017-12-21

  • Fixed reading of stdin by unbuffering it. The approach used here is derived from Fabric.
  • Added copy_file command.
  • Added get_all_list utility function.

1.0a26 - 2017-10-18

  • Fixed a bug in util.confirm() relating to its abort-on-unconfirmed logic. The abort logic was being triggered in practically all cases when something wasn't confirmed (notably, in the default case where abort_on_unconfirmed=False).

1.0a25 - 2017-07-14

  • Changed mapping operations on Config so that __contains__() no longer looks in the run config and __iter__() no longer yields run config keys. I'm not sure why I thought would be useful in the first place, but it was tricky to get right and confusing (and causing duplicates in the output of the show-config command).
  • Added --python option to install command so the Python version for the virtualenv can be specified.
  • All extras are no installed when the install command is run. This is so testing dependencies will be installed.
  • Fixed a bootstrapping issue in import coverage.Coverage in the test command instead of globally because coverage might not be installed yet.

1.0a24 - 2017-07-06

  • Fixed/simplified iteration in Config. The previous implementation worked on Python 3.5 and 3.6 but not 3.3 and 3.4, causing infinite recursion on those versions. The new implementation is simpler because it only defines __iter__() instead of both __iter__() and keys().

1.0a23 - 2017-07-06

Major Changes

  • Replacement commands are now called automatically when commands are called directly. A "replacement command" is a command with the same name as an already-defined command. When the original command is called, it will check to see if it has been replaced and call the replacement command if it has been. The original command implementation can always be called via Command.implementation(). This is intended to mirror CLI behavior (where only replacement commands are available) and to make it easy to swap command implementations in wrapper commands. [NOTE: This probably needs a bit more thought put into it and perhaps a less-magical API].
  • Command default options can now be specified via a shorter config path: defaults.{command-name}.xyz. The old method of using the full module path is still supported, which may be useful when commands are replaced and the original defaults shouldn't be applied to the replacement command. Defaults specified via the short path are merged over defaults specified using the module path.
  • Added Command.get_default() to make getting at individual default options easy.

Other Changes

  • Added use_pty flag to remote command. It's passed through to the remote runner strategy (strategies already had a use_pty flag).
  • Added RawConfig.update() so that RawConfig.__getitem__() will be used when updating (like get() and pop()).
  • A RawConfig object is now always returned from Command.get_defaults() instead of returning a plain dict when there are no defaults. This is for consistency; not sure it has any practical/noticeable effect.
  • Added commands to default RunConfig options. commands is populated in Runner with the commands it loads and in Command.console_script() with the command being wrapped.


  • When loading JSON values tolerantly (i.e., treating bad values as strings), values are now explicitly cast to str to avoid returning non-string values (in JSONValue.loads()).

1.0a22 - 2017-06-05

  • When running a subprocess via the local command, on Ctrl-C SIGINT is now sent to the subprocess for handling and the local command is aborted only after/if the subprocess exits. The idea is to allow interactive commands like less to exit cleanly and to obviate the need for the stty sane hack added in the 1.0a20 release.
  • When a local subprocess times out, Popen.terminate() is now used to shut down the subprocess instead of .kill(). .terminate() gives subprocesses a chance to exit cleanly.
  • remote commands are now allocated a pseudo-terminal (using ssh -t) when run interactively (when stdout is detected to be a TTY). This is to allow interaction with remote commands that prompt for input. TODO: Investigate downsides.

1.0a21 - 2017-05-22

  • Made Config.__contains__() look in run config like .__getitem__() does.
  • Made Config.keys() and .__iter__() yield run config keys.
  • Made Config.values() yield run config values.
  • Made Config.items() yield run config items.
  • Changed all str.format(**x) to str.format_map(x) for consistency.

1.0a20 - 2017-05-16


  • Started adding tests.
  • stty sane is now run when a local process exits. This feels pretty hacky and probably won't work on Windows.


  • Re-revamped config stuff

    Interpolation-related changes:

      - Interpolation is now done when config values are retrieved instead of
        interpolating all values up front. This allows a value to be changed
        and any dependent values to be updated automatically.
      - Interpolation now works with any value type, not just strings.
      - It's now possible to do things like this in config files:
          x = [1, 2, 3]
          ; y will be a list
          y = ${y}
          ; z will be a string
          z = "${y}"

    Breaking changes:

    - Renamed `RawConfig._clone()` to `copy()`.
    - Removed `RawConfig._overrides()` context manager because it didn't seem
      all that useful (just copy instead).
    - `${...}` is now used instead of `{...}` for interpolation. Config
      values are now parsed instead of using `str.format()`.
    - When a `dict` or other mapping type is added to a config object, it
      will no longer be converted to a `RawConfig` object.

    Other changes:

    - Added `RawConfig._iter_dotted()`; this was added to make
      `RawConfig._to_string()` simpler, but it may have other uses.
  • Added util package and moved the utilities from the util module into various modules in that package.


  • Made Config._get_default_version() refer directly to config.version_getter() instead of loading it from a string so it works in subclasses.
  • Made config.version_getter() work if it's run from anywhere within a git work tree and not just at the root.
  • The cd arg passed to local command is converted to an absolute path. This is mainly to support asset paths (which was supported before).
  • Added support for flush to Printer.print() (by not passing it through to Printer.colorize()).


  • RawConfig._overrides()
  • RawConfig._clone() (renamed to copy())
  • util.as_list() and util.as_tuple(); these were holdovers from before list-type options were supported.

1.0a19 - 2017-04-27

  • When getting the default version in Config, if a tag is checked out, use the tag name instead of the short hash.

1.0a18 - 2017-04-27

  • Renamed runners.commands.get_default_prepend_path utility function to get_default_local_prepend_path.
  • Fixed some issues with creating & copying config objects. On Python 3.3 & 3.4, OrderedDict.__init__ needs to be called.
  • Made some internal improvements to local & remote runners.

1.0a17 - 2017-04-26

  • When the --debug flag is passed to the main script, RunCommandsError exceptions are now raised instead of being caught. Raising these exceptions actually facilitates debugging. ;)
  • Default command options specified via config are now validated. Previously, nonexistent default options would be silently ignored. Now a CommandError will be raised.
  • When reading streams (e.g., when the local command is run), EIO errors are now caught and ignored. We already do this when writing, so it makes sense to do it also when reading. TODO: Review which OS/IO errors can be caught and safely ignored.
  • Revamped config handling. Mainly, this is internal facing. Creation and handling of config objects is simpler and more consistent.

1.0a16 - 2017-04-18

  • Added more documentation.
  • configure() is now "officially" exported from the top level package (by adding it to __all__).
  • The env and debug config keys are now both copied from the RunConfig to the top level Config so you can do config.env instead of in commands. This is somewhat for backward compatibility and somewhat just for convenience.
  • Improved util.confirms()'s abort_on_unconfirmed option.
  • Fixed a little glitch in the output of show-config.

1.0a15 - 2017-04-13

  • Default run options can now be specified for individual commands in setup.cfg or runcommands.cfg (in sections like [runcommands:local]).
  • Default list and dict run options read from setup.cfg are now handled correctly.
  • Added support for environment variables corresponding to various run options (RUNCOMMANDS_ECHO, RUNCOMMANDS_HIDE, etc). They can be set directly or via the runcommands.configure() function. Environment variables take precedence over run options read from setup.cfg.
  • Made it easy to export console scripts for individual commands (by adding something like deploy = my.package:deploy.console_script to a project's console_scripts entry point).
  • list options are now processed the same way dict options are: attempt to parse them as JSON and fall back to str if that fails.
  • Empty command line options are now converted to None. Empty values can be passed using --opt= or --opt ''.
  • Revamped env handling.
  • Added handling of keyword-only command function args. Keyword-only args can only be passed in direct/programmatic calls to a command; they aren't included in the command line options.
  • Made the project bootstrappable. It should be possible now to git clone the project and then run ./ install to create a virtualenv for development.
  • Reorganized and cleaned up a bunch of stuff.
  • Started writing Sphinx/RTD docs.
  • Added tox configuration.


  • Fixed the @command decorator's first arg: renamed it from name_or_wrapped to name.
  • When getting the default version via get in Config, return None if the current directory isn't a git repo.

1.0a14 - 2017-04-06


  • Default args for the main script will now be read from runcommands.cfg or setup.cfg if one of those is present and contains a [runcommands] section.
  • Added ability to list available envs to main script (--list-envs).
  • Added support for bool-or-type options. This is used with hide options.
  • Added support for args that specify choices. Added choices arg to Command.
  • Added support for Enum args. These args will be limited to the choices specified by the enum.
  • commands_module is now included in config.


  • Command line option names for dict and list args are now made singular when they end with an s. From the command line, dicts and lists are created by using a given option multiple times. Using a singular name makes this more clear.
  • Improved show-config command. Added --flat flag (don't nest config). Added --values flag (show values only without keys. Added ability to specify multiple items. Added --exclude option.
  • Made default type of hide args for all commands bool_or(Hide).
  • Improved handling of arg types in general.
  • Removed fill/wrap code; use textwrap.fill() from the stdlib instead.
  • Wrapped entire body of main script in try block. RunCommandsError is now raised in some places. These keep the main script from blowing up with a stack trace in cases where it's better to abort with a nice error message.


  • Fixed a one-off bug with -- in the main script. Skip over it so it's not treated as a command arg.
  • Fixed an issue in Printer.print() where the file arg wasn't being passed down to print(), which was causing warning, error, and debug messages to be sent to stdout instead of stderr.
  • Fixed RawConfig so it doesn't read files when adding items or cloning.

1.0a13 - 2017-03-30

  • Improved command env handling and options.

1.0a12 - 2017-03-29

  • Fixed a bug when raising TimeoutExpired exception in LocalRunner. The captured output data is bytes and needs to be decoded.
  • Improved handling of non-existent commands module or config file. Catch exceptions and raise an appropriate RunCommandsError instead. The main script catches these errors and aborts with a useful message instead of spewing a traceback.
  • Improved release command's automatic next version detection. In particular, it can now derive 1.0aN from 1.0aM.

1.0a11 - 2017-03-29

  • Fixed potential decoding errors when capturing subprocess data. Captured data is no longer decoded eagerly, which avoids decoding errors when the data read ends with an incomplete Unicode byte sequence. This was an issue for commands that output a lot of data, like npm install.

1.0a10 - 2017-03-29

  • Improved input/output mirroring/capture in LocalRunner.
    • Fixed input mirroring issue with subprocesses that accept single character input (like less).
    • Added loop to read until no more data is available after subprocess exits.
    • Added COLUMNS and LINES to subprocess environment when using PTY so output isn't constrained to the default terminal size.
    • Made more robust by checking for closed streams when reading, closing PTY file descriptors, etc.
    • Moved read/mirror/capture code into its own module for potential reuse.
  • Made an attempt to fix the Paramiko remote runner strategy using the select-based reader, but it didn't work because the file handles returned by SSHClient.exec_command() aren't "real" files (they don't have a fileno() method).

1.0a9 - 2017-03-28

  • Simplified handling of input/output in LocalRunner. Instead of firing up reader threads, this version uses select. This seems to actually work in all cases now (PTY vs non-PTY), but it won't work on Windows. It also breaks the Paramiko remote runner strategy (since NonBlockingStreamReader was removed). It might be possible to create a thread-based version of the same logic...
  • In get_default_prepend_path, bad asset paths are now skipped over and a warning is printed. This fits with how non-existent path directories are skipped. Previously, a bad asset path would cause a nasty ImportError.
  • Improved util.asset_path:
    • Inject config into path at top instead of at bottom.
    • Raise a better error when a path contains an unimportable package.
  • Added clean command.

1.0a8 - 2017-03-27

  • Underscores in command names are now replaced with dashes. This is just an aesthetic preference.
  • Fixed an issue with completion where it would always provide options for the last command on the command line even if the cursor was moved before the last command.
  • Removed distinction between -l and --list main script options. -l used to show a short listing of commands (i.e., just their names) and --list would show a long listing with usage strings. Both now show the short listing. The output of --list was long and cluttered and with completion working it no longer seems necessary.
  • When printing help for a command, the command function's entire docstring is now shown.
  • When running the main script, we now check for any kind of RunCommandsError and print an error message (instead of spewing a traceback) when one is raised. In particular, this catches a bad/missing --env.
  • Made some low-level improvements to the local runner class:
    • Fixed some issues with prompting for user input by fixing issues with how subprocesses' stdout/stderr are read and mirrored back to the controlling terminal.
    • Added initial PTY support.

1.0a7 - 2017-03-21

  • Renamed package from taskrunner to runcommands. The latter name is available on PyPI and the term "command" is perhaps less ambiguous than "task".
  • Fleshed out the Paramiko remote runner a bit. It now A) works and B) caches connections per user/host. Needs review/testing. Should be made more robust in dealing with auth and network issues.

1.0a6 - 2017-03-20

  • Added RemoteRunner class.
  • Added a start at a Paramiko-based remote runner as an alternative to shelling out to ssh. Work in progress.
  • Moved NonBlockingStreamReader into a separate module for potential reuse. E.g., it might be useful in the Paramiko-based remote runner.
  • Made NonBlockingStreamReader handle text streams. I.e., we no longer assume all streams are byte streams.
  • Improved handling of output in LocalRunner/NonBlockingStreamReader. Streams can be closed after a subprocess exits, so we have to account for this.
  • Added Parameter.takes_value and Parameter.takes_option_value. These can be easier to use in some cases than checking for is_bool (just because the meaning is more clear).
  • Improved completion by correctly handling options that don't take values. This makes use of Parameter.takes_option_value.
  • Added abort_on_unconfirmed option to confirm.
  • Added prompt utility function.
  • Added release command.

1.0a5 - 2017-03-15

  • Added timeout option to local command. Set default timeout for local command to None (no timeout by default).
  • Added timeout option to remote command. The default timeout for remote commands is 30 seconds.
  • Fleshed out command line completion, especially for Bash. It now works pretty well.
  • Fixed a bug in the show_config command where it failed to abort when a bad name was passed.

1.0a4 - 2017-03-13

Major changes

  • Added config option to Command/@command. This makes specifying override config for a command easy. Useful for overriding default command config options when most commands use those defaults but one or two don't.
  • Added initial handling of dict. The logic for parsing -o name=value options was moved into the command module.
  • Added initial handling of list/tuple command options.
  • Added initial completion support; a sample bash completion script is provided.
  • Added Result.__bool__() because if command(config): ... is convenient in some cases.
  • The default version set in Config is now the short hash of the HEAD of the git repo in the current directory instead of 'X.Y.Z'. This is easy to override by setting version_getter = module:getter in the project's command config.
  • Revamped internals of LocalRunner. In particular, improved handling of in/out/err stream data (but this is tricky to get right, so more work may be needed). When decoding stream data, the encoding is now read from the locale instead of hard coding 'UTF-8'.
  • Reimplemented main script so that it's just an entry point; moved the logic of running commands into
  • Fixed a typo/bug in RawConfig._clone(); was calling clone() instead of _clone() when descending into sub-config objects.

Other changes

  • Made the commands_module arg to CommandRunner.load_commands() optional; use self.commands_module by default.
  • Limited width of short command listing to 80 columns.
  • Improved output of show_config when --name is used and refers to a config object (by descending into the config object).
  • Added Printer.echo() for echoing commands and the like; it uses the same color as Printer.debug() because A) echoing is largely used for debugging and B) there aren't that many colors to choose from.
  • Fixed "danger" color in printer utility; was cyan for some reason instead of red.

1.0a3 - 2017-03-03

Third alpha version.

  • Don't allow options to be passed via -o when there's a corresponding script option; being able to pass the same option via two different vectors seems like it could be confusing.
  • Add _overrides option to RawConfig; simplifies updating a config object with overrides without needing to make a separate call to do the update.
  • Add RawConfig._clone(**overrides) method.
  • Improve output of runcommands -l, the condensed command listing. Use the current terminal width to format commands into rows without mid-word wrapping.
  • Show condensed command listing when no commands are specified. The long command listing is really verbose and not that useful in this case.
  • Add -H alias for --hide to main script.
  • Standardize on -E for commands that have and echo option and -H for commands that have a hide option. This also leaves -h available for command help.
  • Use -h for command help. If a command has multiple H options, the first will get -H (unless the command also has a hide option) and the second won't get a short option name.
  • Normalize command option names more by stripping dashes (after converting underscores to dashes) and lower-casing.

1.0a2 - 2017-03-02

Second alpha version.

  • Attempt to fix buffering issues when running subprocesses via LocalRunner. I say "attempt" because this is pretty complex and hard to get just right.
  • Allow arbitrary config options to passed via the command line via -o; these options take precedence over config set via config file.
  • Improve (color) printer utility. Put the various color printing functions in a class and create a default instance of that class so that this instance can be imported instead of having to import the functions individually.
  • Print warning, error, and debug messages to stderr by default.
  • Make it easier to determine if stdout and/or stderr should be hidden by adding some utility class methods to the Hide enum.
  • Only set the hide option for a command from the global config value if the command's default is hide=None. TODO: Something similar for echo, but that's a bit harder.
  • Remove unused imports, clean other lint, add __all__ lists where appropriate, etc.

1.0a1 - 2017-02-25

First alpha version.