- Obtain access to the Globus collection in which the distribution is stored. (Refer to the main README for details on obtaining access.)
- Download the distribution Zip archive, using Globus Connect Personal.
- Install Docker on the host machine.
- The host machine will require considerable disk space, depending on the distribution. As of December 2023, distribution sizes were around:
- HuBMAP/SenNet: 9GB
- Data Distillery: 20GB
This deployment uses default settings.
- Expand the Zip archive. The expanded distribution directory will contain:
- a directory named Data. This directory contains the UBKG neo4j database files.
- a script named build_container.sh. This script builds a Docker container hosting the UBKG instance of neo4j.
- container.cfg.example. This is an annotated example of the configuration file required by build_container.sh.
- Copy container.cfg.example to a file named container.cfg.
- Start Docker Desktop.
- Open a Terminal session.
- Move to the distribution directory.
- Execute
. - The build_container.sh will run for a short time (1-2 minutes), and will be finished when it displays a message similar to
[main] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server - Started Server@16fa5e34{STARTING}[10.0.15,sto=0] @11686ms
The build_container.sh will create a Docker container with the following default properties:
Property | Value |
container name | ubkg-neo4j-<version> |
image name | hubmap/ubkg-neo4j |
image tag | current-release |
ports | 4000:7474 4500:7687 |
read-write | read-only |
- Open a browser window. Enter
. - The neo4j browser window will appear. Enter connection information:
Property | Value |
Connect URL | bolt://localhost:4000 |
Authentication Type | Username/Password |
Username | neo4j |
Password | abcd1234 |
To modify the Docker configuration, change values in the configuration file. Keeping the value commented results in the script using a default value.
Value | Purpose | Recommendation |
container_name | Name of the Docker container | accept default |
docker_tag | Tag for the Docker container | accept default |
neo4j_password | Password for the neo4j user | minimum of 8 characters, including at least one letter and one number |
ui_port | Port used by the neo4j browser | number other than 7474 to prevent possible conflicts with local installations of neo4j |
bolt_port | Port used by neo4j bolt (Cypher) | number other than 7687 to prevent possible conflicts with local installations of neo4j |
read_mode | Whether the neo4j database is read-only or read-write | accept default (read-only) |
db_mount_dir | Path to the external neo4j database | accept default (/data) |
all others | Not used for deployment; values will be ignored | accept default |
To specify another configuration file, execute the command /.build_container.sh external -c <your configuration file>