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The information detailed in this document are to be used for Control-M v 9.

1. Installation and Configuration

This document provides information about installing the xMatters (IT) for BMC Control-M Workload Automation integration. This document also contains complete instructions on how to configure xMatters, BMC Control-M, and the integration components.

Installing the integration service and updating the integration agent

To configure the integration agent for the BMC Control-M integration, you must copy the integration components into the integration agent; this process is similar to patching the application, where instead of copying files and folders one by one, you copy the contents of a single folder directly into the integration agent folder (). The folder structure is identical to the existing integration agent installation, so copying the folder's contents automatically installs the required files to their appropriate locations. Copying these files will not overwrite any existing integrations. This integration includes the following components:

  • bin/Controlm-APClient.bat & bin/Controlm-APClient-Del.bat Batch files targeted by the SHOUT destinations from within Control-M. They take the SHOUT message and call APClient.bin.exe with the correct map-data for either the controlm20 service or the del service, depending on which SHOUT destination was used

  • conf/deduplicator-filter.xml The filtering mechanism used to suppress duplicate messages. By default, the filter checks the job_name, status and run_num values; if they are all the same within a two minute window, only the first message will be sent through to xMatters.

  • controlm-config.js: The main configuration file for the integration; includes API connection information and user information.

  • bmccontrolm.pwd: Stores the password for the Control-M API user used by the integration service. If you change the name of this file, you must also update the controlm-config.js files to point to the correct password file.

Once you have installed the files and folders, you will need to modify the controlm-config.js and IAConfig.xml files to suit your deployment configuration.

Note: If you have more than one integration agent providing the BMC Control-M service, repeat the following steps for each one.

To install the integration service:

  1. Copy all of the contents of the \components\integration-agent\ folder from the extracted integration archive to the folder.

  2. Open the IAConfig.xml file found in \conf and add the following line to the “service-configs” section: controlm20/controlm.xml

  3. Open the controlm-config.js file (now located in \integrationservices\controlm20\ folder, and set the values for the following variables:

    • CONTROL_M_USER: The user name to be used for the BMC Control-M API Server; default value is "username".
    • CONTROL_M_HOST_NAME: Hostname of the BMC Control-M API Server; default value is "localhost".
    • CONTROLM_PASSWORD_FILE: Location of the password file for the API user; default value is "conf/bmccontrolm.pwd".
    • CTMEMAPI_PROPERTIES_FILE: Location of the CTMEMAPI_PROPERTIES_FILE; default value is "integrationservices/controlm20/". For more information about this setting, see the following section, "Installing Control M/EM API server properties files"
    • JACORB_PROPERTIES_FILE: Location of the JACORB_PROPERTIES_FILE; default value is "integrationservices/controlm20/". For more information about this setting, see the following section, "Installing Control M/EM API server properties files".
    • SLEEP_PERIOD_BETWEEN_CALLBACK: The amount of time (in milliseconds) to sleep between receiving a SHOUT Message and making the callback to the BMC Control-M API for the job details. (Default is 3000, or three seconds.)
    • DEDUPLICATOR_FILTER: Name of the deduplicator filter; i.e., the attribute name for the element filter in the deduplicator-filter.xml file. The default value is controlm20.
  4. Save and close the file.

  5. Open the Controlm-APClient.bat and Controlm-APClient-Del.bat files (now located in \bin ) in a text editor, and change the value for the "IAHOME" variable to the location of the \bin folder on your machine. (The default is C:\PROGRA~1\xmatters\integrationagent\bin ).

  6. Save and close the files.

  7. Restart the integration agent.

On Windows, the integration agent runs as a Windows Service; on Unix, it runs as a Unix daemon

2. Installing Control M/EM API server properties files

2.1 EM API Install

This procedure describes how to install Control-M/EM API on Windows and UNIX.

Due to Java limitations, BMC Software recommends that you do not install Control-M/EM API in a directory with a path that contains spaces or other special characters. If you install Control-M/EM API on an account where an earlier version of Control-M/EM API is installed, see attached Control-M/EM API pdf (on page 19) before continuing.

Before you begin Ensure the following is installed:

  • Control-M/EM in your network environment
  • Java Developer's Kit (JDK) version 1.6.x or later or Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.6.x or later on the computer hosting your project's working directory. JAVA_HOME environment variable should point to the JDK/JRE directory/library.

Note: The JAVA_HOME environment refers to the directory where the JRE is installed. The JDK contains the JRE, but at a different level in the file hierarchy. For example, if the Java 2 SDK or JRE was installed in /ctm_em/user1, JAVA_HOME would be either:/ctm_em/user1/jdk1.6.x/jre [JDK] or /ctm_em/user1/jre1.6.x [JRE].

To Install Control-M/EM API:

Do one of the following to create the emapi-900 directory:

  • Microsoft Windows: Unzip the file from the cdPath\Setup_files\TOOLS\EMAPI_FILES directory on the Control-M/EM installation CD to any location.
  • UNIX:
    • Solaris, AIX, HP-UX or HP-UX Itanium: Locate the emapi-900-UNIX.TAR.Z tar file in the cdPath/Setup_files/TOOLS/EMAPI_FILES directory on the Control-M/EM installation CD and type the following command to open and uncompress the file to any directory: uncompress -c cdPath/TOOLS/EMAPI_FILES/emapi-900-UNIX.TAR.Z | tar xvf
    • RedHat or Suse: Locate the emapi-900-UNIX.TAR.gz tar file in the cdPath/Setup_files/TOOLS/EMAPI_FILES directory on the Control-M/EM installation CD and type the following command to open and uncompress the file to any directory:

-gunzip -c cdPath/TOOLS/EMAPI_FILES/emapi-900-UNIX.TAR.gz | tar xvf-

All Control-M/EM API files and sub-directories are located in this directory. See attached Control-M/EM API primary subdirectories (on page 12).

NOTE: To uninstall Control-M/EM, delete the Control-M/EM API directory according to your version. For example, for version 9.0.00 delete the emapi-900 directory. Do not copy the Control-M/EM API version 9.0.00 files directly over the previous installation This may cause unpredictable behavior.

2.2 Configure xMatters Integration Agent

When you install the Control-M/EM API server, it creates two properties files within its installation folder: and . Both of these files are required by the integration to access and communicate with the API server.

To ensure that the integration can access these properties files, do one of the following:

  • Copy both and from the Control-M/EM API server installation folder to the \integrationservices\controlm20 folder.
  • The files are located in the following location:
    • API Directory\emapi-900\
    • API Directory\emapi-900\etc
  • Copy the emapi.jar and jacorb.jar from the Control-M API to the integrationservices\lib directory.
    • Both files can be found here: API Directory\emapi-900\classes
  • Update the CTMEMAPI_PROPERTIES_FILE and JACORB_PROPERTIES_FILE parameters in the controlmconfig.js file to point to the location of the files within the API server folder.

3. Updating the user password

The password for the BMC Control-M user is stored in an encrypted password file, stored in the /conf subfolder. For the integration to connect to the API, you will have to replace the default value ("password") with the password of the database user specified in the controlm-config.js file (as described in the table above.)

Note: For more information about the integration agent's IAPassword feature used to encrypt the password, see the xMatters integration agent guide.

To change the encrypted password:

  1. Navigate to the /bin subfolder, and then run the following command, replacing with the password of the BMC Control-M user:

./ --new "" --old password --file conf/bmccontrolm.pwd

Note: that if you want to change this password again, you will have to replace "password" in the above command with the existing password.

4. Configuring BMC Control-M Workload Automation

The following sections describe how to configure BMC Control-M to combine with xMatters.

4.1 Define shout destinations

The first step in configuring BMC Control-M is to specify the destinations for the xMatters and xMattersDel shout destinations.

To define shout destinations:

  1. In the BMC Control-M Workload Automation Configuration Manager, open the Shout Destinations Manager.

  2. Select Actions > Add Shout table (or Update Shout Table to modify an existing table).

  3. Add a Shout Destination with the following properties:

    • Logical Name: xMatters
    • Address: Server
    • Destination: Program
    • Value: Type the location of the integration agent's bin folder where the Controlm-APClient.bat file was installed; for example:


  1. Add another Shout Destination with the following properties:

    • Logical Name: xMattersDel
    • Address: Server
    • Destination: Program
    • Value: Type the location of the integration agent's bin folder where the Controlm-APClient-Del.bat file was installed; for example:


    4.2 Using shout destinations

Once you have defined the shout destinations, you can add them to a job in your system. The xMatters shout (Controlm-APClient.bat) sends notifications into xMatters, and allows users to take actions depending on the current state of the job when the notification is sent. The xMattersDel shout (Controlm-APClient-Del.bat) is used to clean up outstanding notifications; you can use this when a job ends with an OK state to remove any outdated notifications from xMatters.

To use the xMatters shout destination for a job:

  1. In the BMC Control-M Workload Automation Configuration Manager, open the job to which you want to add the shout destination.

  2. Open the Actions tab, and add an On-Do Action for the job.

  3. In the On drop-down list, select the action you want to use as the trigger for the notification.

  4. In the Do drop-down list, select Notify.

  5. In the Destination field, select xMatters, and select an Urgency.

  6. In the Message field, type %%ORDERID and then use the following syntax to specify the recipients and any custom message you want to add:


Note that you must use semi-colons (;) to separate the components in the message field, and commas (,) to separate the xMatters User IDs that identify the recipients. For example:

%%ORDERID;bsmith,cogrady,admin;The job was completed and assigned.

  1. Click OK to save the action.

To use the xMattersDel shout destination for a job:

  1. In the BMC Control-M Workload Automation Configuration Manager, open the job to which you want to add the shout destination.

  2. Open the Actions tab, and add an On-Do Action for the job.

  3. In the On drop-down list, select the action you want to use as the trigger.

  4. In the Do drop-down list, select Notify .

  5. In the Destination field, select xMattersDel , and select an Urgency .

  6. In the Message field, type %%ORDERID

  7. Click OK to save the action.

5. Configuring xMatters

Configuring xMatters to combine with BMC Control-M Workload Automation requires the following step:

  • Import of Communication plan Once the communication plan has been imported, please ensure that the form sender information has been updated. Lastly, please ensure that the web service url's are mapping accordingly in the controlmconfig.js

6. Configuration Validation

The following sections will test the combination of xMatters and BMC Control-M for notification delivery and response.

After configuring xMatters and BMC Control-M, you can validate that communication is properly configured. It is recommended that you start the components in the following order:

  • BMC Control-M
  • xMatters integration agent
  • xMatters

6.1 Triggering a notification

To trigger a notification, run a new job in BMC Control-M, and cause it to enter a state for which you have defined an xMatters Shout Message: