cmake -B build
cmake --build build
./build/sq68ux --help
Usage: sq68ux [OPTIONS] [args...]
args Arguments passed to QDOS
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-f,--CONFIG [sq68ux.ini] Read an ini file
--smsqe smsqe image to load (at 0x32000)
--sd1 SDHC Image for SD1 slot
-r,--sysrom system rom to load (at 0x0)
--trace [0] enable tracing
--version version number
./build/sqlay3 --help
Usage: sqlay3 [OPTIONS] [args...]
args Arguments passed to QDOS
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-f,--CONFIG [sqlay3.ini] Read an ini file
-m,--ramsize [128] amount of ram in K (max 8192)
-c,--exprom address@romfile eg C000@NFA.rom
-r,--sysrom [JS.rom] system rom
-l,--drive nfa file (upto 8 times)
--trace [0] enable tracing
--version version number