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Release Notes v1.2.0

XceedBoucherS edited this page Sep 22, 2020 · 16 revisions


Released June 27, 2018.

13 bug fixes and improvements

  • In Container, the method GetListItemType has been improved to reduce delays.
  • In DocX, the GetSections method and the Sections property will now return the same list of Section values.
  • In DocX, inserting a document in an empty document will no longer remove listItems numbering.
  • In Footer, the new "Images" property will now be available to get a list of images in the footer.
  • In Paragraph, removing text that starts with a tab will no longer throw an exception.
  • In Paragraph, a hyperlink can now be added with an anchor to point to a document's bookmark.
  • In Paragraph, the new method InsertTabStopPosition will now be available to position the tabs.
  • In Paragraph, shading is now supported for specific text or a whole paragraph.
  • In Paragraph, removing text with track changes will no longer cause a crash.
  • In Paragraph, when adding an indentation hanging, the first line of text will no longer be offset to the left. Instead, the lines of text following the first line will be offset to the right.
  • In Paragraph, the InsertHorizontalLine method now has a "position" parameter, to draw a line on the top or at the bottom of the paragraph.
  • In Paragraph, the IndentationFirstLine and IndentationAfter properties will now return the correct values.
  • In Paragraph, inserting text with tracking changes will now correctly integrate the new text.
  • In Paragraph, adding a list before or after the paragraph will now be possible with the new InsertListBeforeSelf and InsertListAfterSelf methods.

v1.3.0 Plus Edition

Released to registered users of the Plus Edition on September 12, 2017.

13 bug fixes and improvements

  • In DocX, converting a document from Word to PDF will now be possible with the new ConvertToPdf method.
  • In DocX, if the core properties part is missing in the document, it will now be created automatically instead of throwing an exception.
  • In Container, the Paragraphs properties will no longer include the fallback elements.
  • In Formatting, half point font sizes are now supported.
  • In Paragraph, a border can now be added to a simple text.
  • In Paragraph, a default line spacing or indentation defined on the document will now be used when the paragraph doesn't specify those values.
  • In Paragraph, adding a bookmark with the same name as a previously deleted bookmark will no longer cause an exception.
  • In Paragraph, calling the InsertText or RemoveText methods will now update the active runs.
  • In Paragraph, the LineSpacing property will now correctly update the spacing between lines of text.
  • In Paragraph, when an Auto spacing is used, the LineSpacingAfter and/or LineSpacingBefore properties will now return 0.
  • In Picture, its size will now be defined by using the default 96 pixels per inch.
  • In Picture, the new HeightInches and WidthInches properties can now be used to get/set the image size in inches.
  • In Table, Cell will now default to a Top vertical alignment.

v1.4.0 Plus Edition

Released to registered users of the Plus Edition on January 15, 2018.

19 bug fixes and improvements

  • In Document, adding an image from a stream will no longer throw an exception when the stream is not positioned at the beginning.
  • In Document, inserting a chart by setting its width and height is now supported.
  • In Document, the new PageBackground property can now be set to customize the background color of all the document's pages.
  • In Document, the new PageBorders property can now be set to display up to 4 different borders in a document page.
  • In Paragraph, setting an alignment and then calling InsertPicture() with no index will no longer reset the alignment to left.
  • In Paragraph, the AppendPageNumber and AppendPageCount methods will now return the paragraph, in order to let users continue adding actions on the paragraph.
  • In Paragraph, the LineSpacingBefore will no longer be added to the preceding paragraph's LineSpacingAfter, when those values are identical.
  • In Paragraph, the MagicText property will no longer read the Xml at each call. Instead, the saved data will be used to improve the performance.
  • In Paragraph, replacing a text without specifying a formatting will now replace all occurrences of that text.
  • In Picture, new properties are now available to use different text wrappings (Square, TopBottom, Through, Tight, BehindText, InFrontOfText), horizontal and vertical alignments, offsets, and distances from text.
  • In PDF Converter, Footnotes and Endnotes will now be converted from Word to PDF.
  • In PDF Converter, page background and page borders will now be converted from Word to PDF.
  • In PDF Converter, the conversion of Tables from Word to PDF has been improved.
  • In PDF Converter, converting a document from Word to PDF will now correctly apply the first line indent for single word paragraphs.
  • In PDF Converter, the lines' height will now be calculated by using the font's LineSpacing.
  • In PDF Converter, converting tables and pictures from Word to PDF will no longer cause a crash.
  • In PDF Converter, footers will now be displayed at the correct Y position in the resulting PDF file.
  • In PDF Converter, images inserted in headers or footers will now be converted to PDF.
  • The cropping of images will now be supported with the new Cropping property in the Picture class. The conversion to PDF will also manage the cropping.

v1.4.1 Plus Edition

Released to registered users of the Plus Edition on April 12, 2018.

22 bug fixes and improvements

  • In Document, accessing Bookmarks multiple times no longer decreases the application's performance.
  • In Table, modifying the TableLook, or any property of TableLook, will now correctly update the table.
  • In Table, using CustomTableDesignName now correctly adjusts the table's custom style.
  • In PDF Conversion, tables with a set preferred Width will no longer have cells wider than the table's width.
  • In PDF Conversion, tables now work correctly when the columnWidths value is not specified.
  • In PDF Conversion, the conversion will no longer crash when the document includes wrapped images and lists.
  • In PDF Conversion, lists no longer throw a null reference exception when _numbering data is empty.
  • In PDF Conversion, tables with an "auto" background are now supported.
  • In PDF Conversion, exceptions related to adding duplicate attributes are no longer thrown.
  • In PDF Conversion, paragraphs containing wrapped images and a first line offset are now converted to PDF without text overlapping the images.
  • In PDF Conversion, images in header/footer are now correctly displayed. In addition, the header height is now adjusted to its images when converting the rest of the page into PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, images and tables with wrapping located inside headers/footers are now correctly handled.
  • In PDF Conversion, the margin of headers/footers and wrapped images inside headers/footers are now correctly adjusted.
  • In PDF Conversion, the resulting PDF file is now of much smaller size.
  • In PDF Conversion, using highlight or shading now only affects the desired text.
  • In PDF Conversion, doing a second conversion on a single docx file containing listItems now correctly displays the listItems bullets/numbers.
  • In PDF Conversion, page breaks in the middle of paragraphs are now correctly displayed as paragraph spacings.
  • In PDF Conversion, line breaks are now supported.
  • In PDF Conversion, no longer displays an empty page when a paragraph with a "page break" is followed by a paragraph with a "pagebreakBefore" attribute.
  • In PDF Conversion, when the text is larger than the current tabStopPosition, the next tabStopPosition is now used.
  • In PDF Conversion, using the standard tab to align text now correctly aligns the text in the PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, when a font is set for text inside a table cell, using a style on the table will no longer overwrite the cell's font set.
  • In PDF Conversion, page Background and page Borders of pages containing a background color and/or page borders along with wrapped images are now correctly displayed.
  • In PDF Conversion, paragraph images not included in a run are now converted to PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, using underline for the last word of a paragraph now correctly underlines this last word.
  • In PDF Conversion, the conversion from Word to PDF is now completed much faster.

v1.5.0 Plus Edition

Released to registered users of the Plus Edition on June 18, 2018.

71 bug fixes and improvements

  • In Bookmark, the SetText method will now replace the text by managing all the paragraph's runs.
  • In Document, creating a docx document when the Windows settings decimal separator is not a dot will now be supported.
  • In Document, loading a string URL document will now be supported.
  • In Document, management of individual headers and footers will now be possible per section. Therefore, it will now be possible to replace text in the headers and footers of different sections individually.
  • In Document, the new SetDefaultFont method can now be used to set the family, size and color of the default document font.
  • In Image, creating pictures with big dimensions will no longer throw exceptions.
  • In Paragraph and Container, inserting text in a bookmark will now offer the possibility to format the inserted text.
  • In Paragraph, adding a list before or after the paragraph will now be possible with the new InsertListBeforeSelf and InsertListAfterSelf methods.
  • In Paragraph, fixed the typo in the name of the CurrentCulture property (previously named CurentCulture).
  • In Paragraph, setting the Kerning or PercentageScale properties will no longer throw exceptions.
  • In Paragraph, the new Charts property will now be available to obtain the charts associated with a paragraph. It will also be possible to modify the values or categories of this chart's series through new properties.
  • In Paragraph, using an unknown language type will no longer throw an exception.
  • In Paragraph, using UnderlineColor or UnderlineStyle after inserting a string, and using AppendPicture, will now underline the string and the picture.
  • In Paragraph, when a default LineRule is set in the default parameter of a document, it will now be taken into account.
  • In Section, setting the page orientation individually for the different sections will now be supported.
  • In Section, the following properties can now be set to configure each section of the Document: Headers, Footers, DifferentFirstPage, MarginTop, MarginBottom, MarginLeft, MarginRight, MarginHeader, MarginFooter, MirrorMargins, PageWidth, PageHeight, PageBorders, PageLayout.
  • In Section, the SectionBreakType property will now correctly get/set the Xml and therefore contain the desired value.
  • In Table, the default design layout 'TableGrid' will now be added upon creation.
  • In Table, the InsertColumn method will now support inserting a column at index 0.
  • In Table, using the SetTableCellMargin method will now add the desired cell margin even when a table style is used.
  • In Xceed.Pdf, many classes and properties are now internal.
  • In PDF Conversion, a line with only tabs and images will now correctly convert the tabs.
  • In PDF conversion, all the tables following a paragraph will now be converted to PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, bullet lists will now use the specified bullet characters, when available in the ASCII table.
  • In PDF conversion, cell margins will now be correctly converted to PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, converting all Sections of a document will now be supported.
  • In PDF conversion, custom margins in the document will now be converted to PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, documents with a custom Default Paragraph Name will now use this default paragraph's properties when converting.
  • In PDF Conversion, horizontal and vertical banding will now be applied to all rows/columns in a table when specified.
  • In PDF Conversion, images contained in Tables of Headers or Footers will now be converted to PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, lines composed of images and no text will now always be converted to PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, ListItems containing page breaks will no longer display their last part on the new page with a new ListItem number.
  • In PDF Conversion, ListItems indentations and tab spacings will now be correctly converted.
  • In PDF Conversion, ListItems numbers, containing text and number, will now parse the text part.
  • In PDF Conversion, ListItems numbers will now be correctly incremented when different lists use the same abstractNumId.
  • In PDF Conversion, ListItems with numbers will now correctly increment based on their txtFormat.
  • In PDF Conversion, lists with no start value will no longer throw an exception.
  • In PDF Conversion, merged cells will now look merged in PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, no more empty pages will be produced when paragraphs should be kept together and page breaks are used.
  • In PDF Conversion, paragraphs with a style containing hanging indentation will now be ignored when the paragraph's first line indentation is defined.
  • In PDF conversion, paragraphs with 'nil' borders will no longer throw asserts.
  • In PDF Conversion, paragraphs with tables will now always use their LineSpacingAfter property to manage the spacing between the paragraph and its following tables.
  • In PDF Conversion, pictures using the 'pict' format in OOXML will now be converted to PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, repeating the same image multiple times in a document will no longer cause an OutOfMemory exception. In addition, it will no longer increase the output document size.
  • In PDF Conversion, section breaks of type 'continuous' will no longer add a new page.
  • In PDF Conversion, setting a font color for a table cell will now apply the correct color in PDF.
  • In PDF conversion, table cells containing multi-line text will no longer overlap.
  • In PDF Conversion, tables containing cells with more than 1 Pdf.Layout.Text.Text will now correctly split on 2 pages when needed.
  • In PDF Conversion, tables containing preferred width along with defined columns width will now have their cells correctly aligned.
  • In PDF conversion, tables included in a table's cell will now be converted to PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, tables included in headers or footers will now be converted to PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, tables with fixed row heights will now clip their cell's contents to fit in the available space.
  • In PDF conversion, tables with shading will now be supported.
  • In PDF Conversion, tables with the AutoFit property set to 'Contents' will now have the correct width.
  • In PDF Conversion, text formatting with options set to "0" will no longer apply. This is valid for hidden, italic, bold, strike, double-strike, caps and small caps formatting.
  • In PDF conversion, the borders of adjoining paragraphs with different border properties will now be displayed correctly.
  • In PDF conversion, the ConvertToPdf method will now also accept an 'outputStream' parameter, to save the resulting PDF file into a stream.
  • In PDF Conversion, the first page header will no longer be displayed when the DifferentFirstPage property is true and there is no specific header for the first page.
  • In PDF conversion, the resulting PDF will now display the correct page numbers in a table of content.
  • In PDF Conversion, the total page number will now be correctly converted to PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, the Y position of a wrapped table, relative to a paragraph, will now be calculated from the end of the preceding paragraph instead of from the start.
  • In PDF Conversion, un-wrapped tables will no longer be drawn behind wrapped tables.
  • In PDF Conversion, using an automatic underline color will now use the text font color for the underline color. Also, the underline width will now be proportional to the text font size.
  • In PDF conversion, when a paragraph contains only an end of line character with an underline style, the underline will no longer be converted to PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, when a table is split over multiple pages, it will no longer overlap the page footers.
  • In PDF Conversion, when more than 1 section is defined in the body of the document, the resulting PDF document will now combine them.
  • In PDF Conversion, when paragraphs are kept together, some of them contain tables and there is not enough space to draw all of them on the current PDF page. A new PDF page will now be added, but only when the current one is filled.
  • In PDF Conversion, when table column widths are defined, the resulting table in the PDF document will now be built based on these column widths.
  • In PDF Conversion, when TabStopPositions contains a 'clear' value, the corresponding tab will now be ignored, resulting in better text positioning.
  • In PDF Conversion, wrapping footers will now always fit on the same PDF page.

v1.6.0 Plus Edition

Released to registered users of the Plus Edition on January 28, 2019.

71 bug fixes and improvements

  • Xceed Words for .NET is now available on .NET Standard 2.0 for .NET Core 2.0 Applications.
  • In all classes, points are now used to set sizes, margins and spacings.
  • In Bookmark, the new Remove method is now available to remove a bookmark from a document.
  • In Container and Paragraph, the new ReplaceTextWithObject methods now make it easy to replace a string with an image, a hyperlink or a table.
  • In DocX, the ConvertToPdf method no longer returns a Pdf document.
  • In DocX, the saved document now always has the extension "docx" or "doc".
  • In Document, adding a core property no longer removes the created headers/footers in the saved document.
  • In Document, calling the InsertDocument method to join 2 documents now manages the documents sections. This result in a final document composed of 2 sections, one for each document.
  • In Document, Paragraph and Container, new properties and methods are now available to create or get Shapes (only rectangles for now) and TextBoxes.
  • In Document, replacing text containing 'tab' characters now correctly replaces the text.
  • In Document, the Bookmarks property now includes the bookmarks from the headers and footers.
  • In Document, the new UpdateTableOfContents method is now available to force an update of the Table of contents when document headings have changed.
  • In Hyperlink, the Uri property now shows the correct value when the Hyperlink is inserted in a paragraph at index 0.
  • In Paragraph, adding a bookmark now correctly sets a distinct bookmark id.
  • In Paragraph, equations can now be aligned to the left or right.
  • In Paragraph, inserting a table imported from another document now correctly imports the table's pictures.
  • In Paragraph, loading a document, adding a paragraph with a specific Heading style to it and saving it, now saves the document with the paragraph in the correct heading style.
  • In Paragraph, the Bold and Italic methods can now also be used to remove a bold or italic text.
  • In Paragraph, the InsertHorizontalLine method is now obsolete and has been replaced by a new InsertHorizontalLine method with different parameters. This prevents an issue with creating incorrectly formatted lines.
  • In Paragraph, the IsListItem property now returns false when a paragraph's numId is equal to 0.
  • In Paragraph, the IsListItem property now returns true when a paragraph has a style (or a basedOn style) which contains a numId different from 0.
  • In Paragraph, the new ClearBookmarks method can be used to remove all the bookmarks from a paragraph.
  • In Paragraph, the new GetListItemNumber method now returns the numeric value of this paragraph when the paragraph is a ListItem.
  • In Paragraph, the ParentContainer property is now correctly set when a paragraph is part of a header or a footer.
  • In Picture, fixed an ArgumentOutOfRange exception that occurred when creating a picture with a style that has the wrong format.
  • In Section, the new PageNumberStart property can now be set to specify the starting page number of each section of a document.
  • In Table, new properties are now available to wrap text around the tables.
  • In Table, setting the Design property to the same value it already contains no longer acts on the Table. This results in documents merging where tables keep their styles.
  • In Table, the SetWidths method now correctly adjusts the column widths, even when the total of the column sizes exceed the page width.
  • In Table and Cell, the GetBorder methods now return the default border when an Xml type is missing. This prevents a NullRefException.
  • In PDF Conversion, a cell displayed on 2 pages, with a bottom vertical alignment, now displays its content in PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, a document starting with a table no longer repeats the table on each PDF page.
  • In PDF Conversion, a line composed of a wrapped image/shape and an InLineWithText image/shape now correctly sets the line height.
  • In PDF Conversion, a paragraph containing a page break and a table now converts the table to PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, a paragraph containing a pageBreakBefore no longer adds a new page if it's already on the top of a new page.
  • In PDF Conversion, a paragraph following a table now always uses its LineSpacingBefore property.
  • In PDF Conversion, a wrapped shape/image/table near the footer no longer adds a new page in PDF (when fitting in current page).
  • In PDF Conversion, absolute tabs are now converted to PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, big wrapped pictures and shapes are now converted to PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, bullet lists without a font family set are now converted to PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, creating a table and setting the column widths with the Table.SetWidthsPercentage method now converts to PDF with the correct column widths.
  • In PDF Conversion, fixed a nullRefException that occurred by having ListItems without content.
  • In PDF Conversion, fixed a NullRefException that occurred when a Document had a null header or footer type.
  • In PDF Conversion, fixed a nullRefException that occurred when adding a document with ListItems to a document without any ListItems.
  • In PDF Conversion, fixed an exception that occurred when using many sections and wrapped pictures/tables in the same page.
  • In PDF Conversion, ListItems in Tables now display the correct numeric values.
  • In PDF Conversion, ListItems now show their bullet when the paragraph uses a hanging value.
  • In PDF Conversion, ListItem numbers now correctly increment when there are more than 2 levels of ListItems.
  • In PDF Conversion, page breaks in between 'keepWithNext' paragraphs now correctly adds the new page in PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, pages containing wrapped objects no longer display incorrect numeric values for ListItems.
  • In PDF Conversion, paragraphs that define tabStopPositions now include their style's tabStopPositions.
  • In PDF Conversion, pictures contained in a Hyperlink, which is contained in a paragraph, are now converted to PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, sections now start page numbering at their start page number, or continue numbering from the previous section.
  • In PDF Conversion, Shapes (rectangles and lines) and TextBoxes are now converted to PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, splitting a table's cell on 2 pages now correctly displays the remaining cell content on the second page.
  • In PDF Conversion, tables splitting on 2 pages now correctly display the last row's content on the first page.
  • In PDF Conversion, tables that start a new section are now converted to PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, tables with less columns in the first row no longer cause a crash when converted to PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, text in vertically merged cells now correctly aligns relative to top, middle or bottom.
  • In PDF Conversion, the docx document properties now appears in the converted PDF document.
  • In PDF Conversion, the highlight color is now removed when an endOfLine character is converted.
  • In PDF Conversion, the lastRenderedPageBreak are no longer considered. This prevents from adding blank pages in PDF document.
  • In PDF Conversion, the resulting PDF document no longer adds a new page when the current page ends with an endOfLine character that won't fit in the current page.
  • In PDF Conversion, the tab distance between the ListItem's numeric value and text is now normalized.
  • In PDF Conversion, the z order of pictures and shapes is now respected in the converted PDF document.
  • In PDF Conversion, using many tabStops with long text now correctly displays text with tabs in PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, when a page ends with a wrapped object, the following page now correctly displays all the paragraph's lines.
  • In PDF Conversion, wrapped images/shapes/tables are now always displayed on the same page as their associated paragraph.

v1.7.0 Plus Edition

Released to registered users of the Plus Edition on January 30, 2020.

62 bug fixes and improvements

  • In Bookmark, calling the SetText method to replace a text with a new one containing a "n" now correctly adds the new line.
  • In Border, Document, Formatting, Image, Paragraph, Picture and Style, properties and method arguments for sizes, positions and scaling now use a float type.
  • In Chart, modifying the color of a LineChart series now works.
  • In Chart, using a BarChart with its BarGrouping property set to 'Stacked' or 'PercentStacked' now correctly stacks the chart elements.
  • In Document, getting the bookmarks now performs the search faster.
  • In Document, images now obtain a unique id to prevent possible file corruption.
  • In Document, inserting a document with 'x-emf' images in another one now correctly displays all the images in the resulting document.
  • In Document, inserting a page break no longer results in an invalid document.
  • In Document, inserting a paragraph containing pictures now correctly inserts the paragraph's pictures.
  • In Document, merging 2 documents containing footnotes/endnotes now correctly merges the documents.
  • In Document, new methods are now available to add Hyperlinks based on a referenced Hyperlink.
  • In Document, new methods are now available to add Hyperlinks with formatting.
  • In Document, new methods now exist to insert html/rtf text (with tags), or html/rtf document, to a Word document, resulting in a docx document containing formatted html/rtf data.
  • In Document, parsing an invalid link no longer throws a UriFormatException.
  • In Document, the InsertDocument method now uses the new 'useSectionBreak' parameter to join the new document on a new page or not.
  • In Document, the new AddList(list t) method is now available to return the copy of a list.
  • In Document, the new AddTable(table t) method is now available to return a copy of a table.
  • In Document, the performance for adding hundreds of images was improved.
  • In Document, using the InsertDocument method to merge two documents with different styles now keeps the documents' styles.
  • In Document, using the Save() method followed by a SaveAs() or a ConvertToPdf() call no longer raises an exception.
  • In Document and Paragraph, it is now possible to add a CheckBox or modify the checked state of a CheckBox.
  • In List, creating lists with levels greater than 0 now restarts the numbering in each list by default.
  • In List, new items can now be added with a specific individual formatting; the Document.AddList and Document.AddListItem methods now contain a new formatting parameter.
  • In List, the ListType property no longer returns null when reading an existing list from a document.
  • In Paragraph, calling the Highlight method with Highlight.none as the parameter now removes the highlight on the paragraph.
  • In Paragraph, replacing text no longer throws an ArgumentOutOfRange exception.
  • In Paragraph, the default indentations now use the correct values.
  • In Paragraph, when the document has a default paragraph alignment different from 'left', setting a paragraph alignment to 'left' now modifies the alignment.
  • In PDF Conversion, a docx containing big jpg images no longer results in a big file size pdf document.
  • In PDF Conversion, a new parameter is now available in the DocX.ConvertToPdf method in order to provide a list of ttf files to use when the docx to convert includes fonts that are not installed.
  • In PDF Conversion, a page number located in an 'sdt' element of a paragraph now correctly displays in PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, adding end of lines with the 'underline' style no longer converts underlines to PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, converting Windings characters from word to PDF now correctly displays them in PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, empty merged cells no longer set a row height of 0 when converted to PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, fonts using a 'raised' position no longer display only part of it, instead they are converted as 'normal' font.
  • In PDF Conversion, having an image InLineWithText, which has a greater height than its line of text, no longer clips the bottom part of its line of text.
  • In PDF Conversion, images contained in 'sdt' elements are now correctly converted to PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, line breaks are now correctly converted to PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, ListItem numbers no longer take their first text style by default.
  • In PDF Conversion, ListItem sub-level numbers are now correctly converted to PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, modifying a document and converting it to PDF (without saving it) now correctly converts the modifications to PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, NullReferenceExceptions are no longer thrown when the page border includes null side borders.
  • In PDF Conversion, tables that follow an 'sdt' element are now converted to PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, tables with column lengths of NaN now use the available width and no longer raise an exception.
  • In PDF Conversion, tables with vertically merged cells now correctly adjust the height of all their cells.
  • In PDF Conversion, using a table with vertically merged cells no longer throws an outOfRangeException when the following row contains less cells.
  • In PDF Conversion, using cell margins on many cells of a row no longer creates a cell with a big row height in PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, using highlighted or shaded text inside a justified paragraph now renders the highlighted or shaded text without blank spaces.
  • In PDF Conversion, using ListItems with decimal symbols bullet values now converts correctly to PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, using page numbers no longer throws a "Sequence contains no element" exception.
  • In PDF Conversion, using TabStopPositions, where some of them are 'cleared', now correctly aligns the text in PDF.
  • In PDF Conversion, using TabStopPositions no longer results in a possible infinite loop.
  • In PDF Conversion, using wrapped shapes no longer asserts for null wrappedObject.
  • In PDF Conversion, when the culture is not 'English', the footers now correctly appear at the bottom of the pdf pages.
  • In PDF Conversion, when the header includes large wrapped objects, the header now extends in height to fit these wrapped objects.
  • In PDF Conversion, when the sum of a table's columns width is greater than the available space on a page, the table's columns now recalculate their width to fit on the page.
  • In Picture, the new Alpha property is now available to set the transparency of a picture.
  • In Section, when headers/footers are different between the sections, saving the document as a docx no longer creates an unreadable document in MS Word.
  • In Table, the new IndentFromLeft property can now be used to indent a table.
  • In Table, the new RowSpan property on cells can now be used to retrieve the number of cells vertically merged.
  • In Table, the performance was improved by not validating styles anymore when no style is specified.
  • In Table, when the table is in a header/footer, replacing text for a specific row no longer replaces text for all rows.

v1.7.1 Plus Edition

Released to registered users of the Plus Edition on August 17, 2020.

28 bug fixes and improvements

  • In Document, joining 2 documents now gives the opportunity to choose the headers/footers of doc1, doc2 or both of them in the resulting document.
  • In Chart, modifying the value of a series containing a specific formatting now keeps the formatting after the modification.
  • In PDF Conversion, the footer no longer appears too high in the page.
  • In PDF Conversion, when the text do not have a specified font, the conversion now uses the docx default font instead of the Calibri font.
  • In PDF Conversion, the PDF table's rows heights now matches the MS Word table's rows heights.
  • In PDF Conversion, using a negative indentation now converts the text to PDF without clipping.
  • In PDF Conversion, converting many images to PDF no longer creates an out of memory exception.
  • In PDF Conversion, when many big consecutive tables needs to split on many pages, the resulting PDF document now contains all the tables rows.
  • In Picture, the new property Hyperlink can now be used to get/set an Hyperlink on a Picture.
  • In Bookmark, a Formatting parameter is now available for the method Bookmark.SetText() and Paragraph.ReplaceAtBookmark() to format the bookmark text.
  • In Bookmark, appending pictures no longer throws NullRefException.
  • In Bookmark, calling the SetText method no longer copies the new text multiple times when the bookmark's paragraph contains multiple runs.
  • In Chart, retrieving the Chart series values no longer throw a NullRefException.
  • In Document, replacing a text preceding a column break no longer keeps the original text in the resulting document.
  • In Document, merging documents no longer creates duplicates of the same styles in the resulting document.
  • In Document, merging documents with images no longer creates a System.IO.IOException.
  • In Document, adding custom properties with formatting is now possible.
  • In Document, when no "docDefaults" are defined or when table columns's width are not defined, the document now correctly loads.
  • In Document, the new method InsertCaptionAfterSelf() is now available to add a caption text under a picture, table or paragraph.
  • In List, creating a bulleted list in a loaded document no longer creates a numbered list.
  • In Paragraph, using InsertPageNumber(), AppendPageNumber(), InsertPageCount() or AppendPageCount() now correctly formats the number based on the current paragraph format.
  • In Paragraph, the property StyleName is now obsolete, the property StyleId should be used instead. Also, the new method GetStyleIdFromStyleName can now be used to retrieve a Paragraph StyleId from a style name. Finally, in Formatting, the property StyleName is now obsolete, the property StyleId should be used instead.
  • In Paragraph, creating a picture now uses its dpi resolution so that the image is converted to 72 dpi, as wanted by MS Word.
  • In Picture, creating a picture with big dimensions no longer creates a corrupted output document.
  • In Section, it is now possible to insert a section between other sections.
  • In Table, adding a an inner table after a cell's paragraph with the InsertTableAfterSelf method, no longer creates a corrupted output document.
  • In Table cell, inserting a table no longer creates a corrupted output document.
  • In TableOfContents, it is now possible to add parameters to table of content switches through the Document.InsertTableOfContents methods.
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