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XC Scenario python worker

Table of Contents


This document describes an example implementation of an XC Scenario worker in python. A worker in this context is some program which has the capability to execute tasks that are orchestrated by XC Scenario: tasks that are ready to be executed are pushed onto a queue; the worker program polls the queue for new tasks, extracts them from the queue, and executes them.

For more background information on workers and the worker API, see

The code for this example implementation can be found on GitHub.

Software version

This document corresponds to version 23.1 of the Scenario software. To check what version of the software you're using, click on the X4B account icon on the right of the X4B banner, at the top of your screen.

Scenario version number

Software architecture

The python worker implementation described here separates the code in two parts:

  • a generic part (in a script called, that handles all the common functionality such as the interactions with XC Scenario, polling for tasks, auto-completing tasks, etc; this part can be reused in each worker.

  • a specific part, which includes the actual code for the tasks. The name is typically descriptive of the kind of functions the module defines. The code can perform some kind of processing directly, or it can invoke some external system or API in order to leverage existing functionality.

This architecture encourages developers to group together (in the same specific module) functions that have some logical relationship with each other, and deploy one worker instance for each functional area (instead of having a single, huge worker process with all the tasks/functions).

The script

The script's main job is to poll for tasks and execute them. It gets a module name from the command line, and imports it, so that the function code defined in that module can be made available; it publishes a Task Catalog so that XC Scenario can display the list of tasks, with each function from the module becoming a possible task.

The script also implements a notification mechanism to allow user functions to post task statuses.

The code for the example script provided in this repository has been extensively commented, so don't hesitate to read the source code for more details on what the code does.

The user module

The user module is where the task functionality is actually implemented in python code. There are a few requirements for this user code, to ensure that it communicates properly with the worker script, and hence, with XC Scenario:

  • the module is assumed to contain a list of toplevel functions, where each function is meant to implement a XC Scenario task.

  • the first parameter of each function is an object reference, on which a notify method can be invoked to send errors or progress reports back to XC Scenario

  • other parameters can be included as required by the function's needs

  • each function must return a dictionary of simple types

  • the module must include a task_definitions() function, which has no arguments and returns an array. Each element of the array is a python version of the CatalogTaskDefinition JSON object defined in the REST API definition, see, POST /api/catalog-task-definitions/{namespace} operation. Each task definition must exactly match the signature of a given function in the module.

An example module, called, is included in this repository, which illustrates all the constraints described here. As with the script, the module has been extensively commented for learning purposes.

The module includes five functions, described below, to illustrate different possible behaviours and statuses.


This function returns a message echoing the input parameter.


This function simulates some basic processing on the inputs, returning modified values. It also illustrates some basic type checking done on the inputs, with an Error status being reported to XC Scenario if an input parameter has an incorrectly typed value.


This is a more sophisticated example, where an input parameter specifies a number of seconds, so that we can have a long-running function, and the code periodically posts a notification, indicating the progress percentage. The progress messages are displayed in the XC Scenario cockpit, on the running task's page.


This function unconditionally generates an error status.


This function forces a python exception in its code, to illustrate how the script traps any exception happening in user code, and gracefully generates an XC Scenario error status.

Running the worker directly

This example worker program can be run directly, or inside a container, to interact with an existing XC Scenario platform. First, you will need to obtain the URL of the target platform, and an API key. If your organization does not have a dedicated X4B platform with Scenario, you can sign in to Invivoo's public platform at

Obtaining an API key

After you've logged onto the platform, click on the Settings icon (the gear icon) in the top banner:

Settings icon

On the Settings screen, you can assign a name to your key, choose an expiry date, and generate the key. Copy the text of the key (click on Copy to clipboard) so you can assign it to the environment variable (see next section).

Settings screen

Setting the environment variables

The worker program requires two environment variables to function properly:

Variable name Contents
XC_SCENARIO_SERVER URL of XC Scenario server, e.g.
XC_SCENARIO_APIKEY Value of the API key obtained from the Settings page

Make sure the variables are set up in the environment before moving on to the next step (eventually restart your shell or command line tool).

Launching the worker

If you have cloned this repository into a local directory, you can just change into that directory and run the program directly :

py sample

Note that the argument must be the module's name (without the '.py' extension), not the filename.

Normally you should see the traces from the worker:

2022-05-18 15:18:26 worker: sample: task queue is empty
2022-05-18 15:18:28 worker: sample: task queue is empty
2022-05-18 15:18:30 worker: sample: task queue is empty

Running the worker inside a container

The repository includes an example dockerfile, which can be used to build a docker image with the worker code and an associated user module. The image can be built with the following command:

docker build -t <name>/<tag> .

substituting <name> and <tag> with your own values. This assumes the command is being run in the same directory where the repository was cloned, so that the build context is the current directory, indicated as . in the above command.

The image can also be pushed onto a registry such as DockerHub:

docker push -t <name>/<tag>

Finally, the image can be run inside a docker container by running the following command:

docker run -dt \
	-e XC_SCENARIO_APIKEY=<api_key> \

The API key must be obtained from the XC Scenario server, as described in Obtaining an API key above.

The trace messages from the worker can be seen using the docker logs command.

Testing the worker

When the worker program is launched, it publishes a catalog of tasks which you can see when you create a task in the XC Scenario designer:


If you select one of the tasks, say reporting_task for example, you can enter the values for the input parameter, save and run your scenario. In the Cockpit screen, if you navigate to this scenario and task's page, you will see the messages sent by the user code:


Alternatively, if you select the zero_division sample task, you will see an Error status and a message indicating that an exception was raised in the user code.


Final note

The implementation provided in this repository is just an example. The program could be coded differently, the only requirements being to:

  • publish a task catalog
  • poll the task queue for available tasks
  • publish task statuses.

Also note that the example implementation is single-threaded, so other tasks will be kept waiting in the queue while a given task is executing, which could negatively affect performance.

While it is possible to code a multi-threaded version of the worker, a simpler solution is to deploy the worker in a container, as described in Running the worker inside a container above, and rely on container systems such as kubernetes to replicate many instances of the worker, giving you the full benefits of horizontal scaling while keeping the code as simple as possible.