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XecretsCli - Xecrets Cli Documentation


XecretsCli - A Cross Platform AxCrypt Compatible Command Line Tool


XecretsCli [--use-public-key email(s)] [--create-key-pair email encrypted] [--decrypt-to encrypted clear] [--encrypt-to clear encrypted] [--file name] [--gpl-license] [--help] [--id] [--json-log] [--use-key-pair encrypted] [--decrypt-to-folder encrypted [folder]] [--environment variable] [--progress] [--password secret] [--quiet] [--dryrun] [--stdout] [--text-log] [--load-public-key file(s)] [--overwrite] [--wipe file] [--export-public-key email file] [--platform] [--echo] [--debug-break] [--debug-break-parse] [--argument-markdown] [--cli-crash-log file] [--cli-license jwt-license] [--options-code-export] [--cli-version] [--internal] [--jwt-audience audience] [--jwt-claims expiration claims] [--jwt-create-key-pair private-pem public-pem] [--jwt-issuer issuer] [--jwt-sign signed-jwt] [--jwt-private-key private-pem] [--jwt-verify public-pem signed-jwt]


Encrypts, decrypts, creates public key pairs, imports key pairs and public keys and securely wipes files.


-b|--use-public-key email(s) : Use selected loaded public key(s) for encryption.

-c|--create-key-pair email encrypted : Create a key pair for an email moniker, in an encrypted file.

-d|--decrypt-to encrypted clear : Decrypt a file to the given file path.

-e|--encrypt-to clear encrypted : Encrypt a file to the given file path.

-f|--file name : Take options from a file (programmatic).

-g|--gpl-license : Display the full GNU GPL license.

-h|-?|--help : Display this helpful help message, use again for details.

-i|--id : Arbitrary id which is returned in JSON-logging.

-j|--json-log : Enable JSON console logging (programmatic).

-k|--use-key-pair encrypted : Use a key-pair, from an encrypted file path. Password is required.

-l|--decrypt-to-folder encrypted [folder] : Decrypt a file path with it's original name to a destination folder. If folder is not provided, the encrypted's folder will be used.

-n|--environment variable : Take options from environment variable (programmatic).

-o|--progress : Continuously log progress.

-p|--password secret : A password to use for encryption or decryption.

-q|--quiet : Do not display any messages or progress (global).

-r|--dryrun : Only perform a dry run without actually modifying anything (global).

-s|--stdout : Write log output to stdout instead of stderr (global).

-t|--text-log : Enable text console logging for interactive and simple script use.

-u|--load-public-key file(s) : Load public key(s) from file(s).

-v|--overwrite : Overwrite files instead of using alternate target name.

-w|--wipe file : Securely wipe and delete a file.

-x|--export-public-key email file : Export a public key.

--platform : Display the platform the program is running on.

--echo : Display the command line received by the program.

--debug-break : Break into debugger when executing this argument.

--debug-break-parse : Break into debugger when parsing this argument.

--argument-markdown : Display help texts as markdown.

--cli-crash-log file : Write crash log here (global).

--cli-license jwt-license : Use this license. Overrides any others found (global).

--options-code-export : Display C# source code for options.

--cli-version : Display the command line tool API version.

--internal : Display help for internal use commands and disable splash (global).

--jwt-audience audience : Set audience string or URI for JWT.

--jwt-claims expiration claims : Set days until expiration and claims JSON.

--jwt-create-key-pair private-pem public-pem : Create JWT keypair as PEM files.

--jwt-issuer issuer : Set issuer email for JWT.

--jwt-sign signed-jwt : Sign and write JWT to file.

--jwt-private-key private-pem : Use a private key PEM file for signing.

--jwt-verify public-pem signed-jwt : Verify a signed JWT file using a public PEM file.

Options are processed in order and may appear multiple times, except when 'global'. Arguments such as email are required placeholders. Flags may be negated by suffixing with '-'.; Single letter flags may be bundled together. '-', '--' or '/' are allowed as option prefixes. Quote special characters with a single backslash (\), and enclose single values that contain spaces with quotes (").

Since options are accepted from the command line, from environment variables, and from files, as well as in different operating systems the native command line parsing is not used, instead the command line is taken as a whole and parsed internally into discrete arguments. Although the command line treatment of arguments is similar across Windows, Linux and OS X, there are various differences. Therefore it is parsed internally with consistent rules. Essentially only double quotes to contain spaces in an argument, and escape with a backslash is supported. When reading arguments from a source other than the command line, command line features such as environment variable expansion and other injections of data into the command are not supported. Options specified in environment variables and files will behave consistently across all supported platforms.


This software is backward and forward compatible with AxCrypt 2.x, at the time of publication. If AxCrypt implements some breaking changes in the future, this may no longer hold true - but in this case, all older versions of AxCrypt before the breaking change suffer the same problem.

Xecrets Cli encrypts data with AxCrypt version 2 format, using AES-256 encryption always. It can still decrypt AxCrypt version 1 files, as well as AES-128 encrypted version 2 files.


Encrypted Files - *.axx

: Encrypted files are files that have been encryped using one or more passwords and optionally one or more public keys. They traditionally have a ".axx" file extension, but this is not a requirement.

Private key pair files -

: Key pair files are encrypted files that contain both a private key which is secret, and the matching public key. A private key can be used to decrypt files encrypted with the public key. A private key pair file is essentially a text file that is encrypted, and thus typically have a ".axx" extension. We recommend naming them as "".

Public key files -

: Public key files are non-secret text files that can be sent openly to anyone, and then used to encrypt files that the owner of the corresponding private key can open. We recommend naming them as "".


Encrypted files carry the original file name with them inside the encrypted container, with the intention that when decryption is done, the original name can be restored without depending on the name of the encrypted file. This also allows the protection by encryption of the original name, since the encrypted file can be named something that does not give away any information which the original name often does.

This can cause some problems when moving files between operating system, where different name rules apply, and also some characters are very difficult to use in some operating systems.

Our recommendation is therefore to name files safely, which means avoiding most special characters. To be really safe, use only: 0-9 a-z A-Z - (dash) . (dot) _ (underscore) . Other characters will work in most cases, but your mileage may vary. Do try it out in your intended environments before wide scale use.

Standard IO Aliases

Xecrets Cli supports special aliases for the standard input and standard output stream respectively where a path to a file may occur.

Standard Input: - (dash) Standard Output: + (plus)

Using one of these aliases in place of a path will cause Xecrets Cli to read or write to a standard IO stream instead.

A special situation arises when encrypting from standard input, as an encrypted file always contains the orginal file name in encrypted form in the file. To specify the name to use in this case, use the following syntax:


I.e. the dash for standard input, followed by a : (colon), followed by the name to use.


Xecrets Cli encrypts files using at least a password, and optionally with one or more public keys.

With Xecrets Cli, a key pair can be created with --create-key-pair, and the public part can be extracted and shared with other people, for example it can be published on a web site, or distributed in any other way. It is a clear text plain text file that is not secret.

The public key is typically used to encrypt data for someone else without sharing any secret information. All that is required is that the recipient of the encrypted data provides the sender with their public key in such a file.

It can also be used as a key recovery mechanism, if all encryption is performed using such a public key, the holder of the private key can always decrypt the file without known the password used by the encrypting party. This is how AxCrypt implements key recovery.

Finally, the recommendation is that encryption is never done only with a password, but always with the encrypting partys personal public key. If the personal key pair is kept safe, and accessible, the files can then be decrypted using the private key part of the key pair.


Progress, informative messages and error messages may be written in either text format for humans, or in JSON to be interpreted by scripts or software.

Use --text-log or --json-log respectivey. If none is provided, very little output is written. To make the software entirely silent, use --quiet.

All messages are always written to the stderr console output stream, unless explicitly redirected to standard output with --stdout .


To encrypt a file, a --password must be supplied. If more are given, only the first is used for encryption, although the others may be used to attempt decryption.

If a key pair is supplied via --use-key-pair, the file is also encrypted using that key pairs public key.

If a list of public keys is given with --load-public-key, and --use-public-key with an email contained in the list is also given, the file will be encrypted using that public key as well.


Password based encryption is performed using the PBKDF2-HMACS-HA512 key derivation function with 1,000 iterations. This derived key is then used in the NIST AES Key Wrap algorithm to actually protect the file master encryption key.

The advantage of password based encryption is that it's the only thing that needs to be kept secret, and it can be kept in memory, a piece of paper or preferrably a password manager. As long as you know the password, and have access to or are able to create appropriate software then the original data is recoverable.

It's also more complicated to use when sharing encrypted files with others, as a secure channel is need to send the shared secret password and also there's a need then to keep track of multiple passwords.

For more details, see AxCryptVersion2AlgorithmsandFileFormat.pdf .


Public key based encryption is done using RSA-4096, where the encryption key and the decryption key is split into two parts. The encryption, or public, key does not need to be secret and can be sent to anyone or even published. The decryption, or private, key needs to be kept secret, and this is typically done by encrypting it in turn as Xecrets Cli-encrypted file with a password.

For more details, see AxCryptVersion2AlgorithmsandFileFormat.pdf .



: Any environment variable can contain options, which is typically used to provide passwords to the command line without exposing them visibly or in logs. Use --environment variable to read options from an environment variable.


@echo off
echo === These examples are for Windows in a DOS command prompt. For other environmennts some  
echo === adaptions are needed.  
echo === Assume set PATH=%%PATH%%;[Path-to-executable] 
echo === For example:  
echo === set PATH=%%PATH%%;"C:\Users\%UserName%\Documents\Visual Studio 2022\Projects\xecrets-cli\src\Xecrets.Cli\bin\Debug\net8.0\"  
echo === Ensure there is a file thfg.mp4 and a folder Photos with files 1.jpg ... 5.jpg  
echo === in the current folder, named win-x64.  
if not exist thfg.mp4 call GetThfg.cmd
echo === Make a working copy of thfg.mp4
echo copy /b /y thfg.mp4 thfg(1).mp4  
copy /b /y thfg.mp4 thfg(1).mp4  
if errorlevel 1 goto error  
echo === Encrypt a file thfg(1).mp4 using just a password to thfg.axx, and then wipe the original.  
rem --echo echoes the command line, facilitates reading output and may be useful for debugging.  
rem The actual --echo option is not echoed.
XecretsCli --echo --password fileSecret --encrypt-to thfg(1).mp4 thfg.axx --wipe thfg(1).mp4  
if errorlevel 1 goto error  
echo === Decrypt a file to it's original file name, in this case thfg(1).mp4, in it's original folder  
cd ..  
XecretsCli --echo --password fileSecret --decrypt-to-folder win-x64/thfg.axx --wipe win-x64/thfg.axx  
if errorlevel 1 goto error  
echo === Create a private key pair file with password 'masterSecret'  
cd win-x64  
XecretsCli --echo --password masterSecret --create-key-pair  
if errorlevel 1 goto error  
echo === Use an environment variable to hold the master key  
echo set XFKEY=--password masterSecret  
set XFKEY=--password masterSecret  
if errorlevel 1 goto error  
echo === Export the non-secret public key from the private key pair to  
XecretsCli --echo --environment XFKEY --use-key-pair --export-public-key  
if errorlevel 1 goto error  
echo === Encrypt the file thfg.mp4 using a password and also with a public key for  
XecretsCli --echo --password fileSecret --load-public-key --use-public-key --encrypt-to thfg(1).mp4 thfg.axx  
if errorlevel 1 goto error  
echo === Decrypt the file thfg.axx using the private key from the secret key pair instead of the password  
XecretsCli --echo --password masterSecret --use-key-pair --decrypt-to thfg.axx thfg(1).mp4  
if errorlevel 1 goto error  
echo === Compare the decrypted with the original to ensure we got back what we had  
echo fc /b thfg.mp4 thfg(1).mp4  
fc /b thfg.mp4 thfg(1).mp4  
if errorlevel 1 goto error  
echo === Securely wipe intermediate files
XecretsCli --echo --wipe thfg(1).mp4 thfg.axx  
if errorlevel 1 goto error  
exit /b  
echo ***** FAILED with error code %errorlevel%  
exit /b %errorlevel%


See GitHub Issues:


This program uses code from AxCrypt to perform high level cryptographic operations on streams and files, and is licensed under GNU GPL version 3. See for details.

This program uses code from the Legion of the Bouncy Castle, Copyright (c) 2000 - 2017 The Legion of the Bouncy Castle Inc. (, to perform low level public key cryptography and is licensed under an adaptation of the MIT X11 License, see for details.

This program uses code from NDesk.Options to parse the command line and is licensed under the MIT/X11 license, see for details.

AxCrypt is a registered trademark of AxCrypt AB, and is only used for informational purposes.


Svante Seleborg / Axantum Software AB, you can reach the author via our support . Note that the code used from AxCrypt is with minor exceptions also originally written by Svante Seleborg / Axantum Software AB.



Write to stdout, paginate with 'more': --stdout --help --help --help | more