diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c4a0398dcf..228ed1ac59 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -70,15 +70,15 @@ You can check [index.js](https://github.com/xgfe/react-native-datepicker/blob/ma
| Prop | Default | Type | Description |
| :------------ |:---------------:| :---------------:| :-----|
| style | - | `object` | Specify the style of the DatePicker, eg. width, height... |
-| date | - | `string | date` | Specify the display date of DatePicker. `string` type value must match the specified format |
+| date | - | string | date
| Specify the display date of DatePicker. `string` type value must match the specified format |
| mode | 'date' | `enum` | The `enum` of `date`, `datetime` and `time` |
| androidMode | 'default' | `enum` | The `enum` of `default`, `calendar` and `spinner` (only Android) |
| format | 'YYYY-MM-DD' | `string` | Specify the display format of the date, which using [moment.js](http://momentjs.com/). The default value change according to the mode. |
| confirmBtnText | '确定' | `string` | Specify the text of confirm btn in ios. |
| cancelBtnText | '取消' | `string` | Specify the text of cancel btn in ios. |
-| iconSource | - | `{uri: string} | number` | Specify the icon. Same as the `source` of Image, always using `require()` |
-| minDate | - | `string | date` | Restricts the range of possible date values. |
-| maxDate | - | `string | date` | Restricts the range of possible date values. |
+| iconSource | - | {uri: string} | number
| Specify the icon. Same as the `source` of Image, always using `require()` |
+| minDate | - | string | date
| Restricts the range of possible date values. |
+| maxDate | - | string | date
| Restricts the range of possible date values. |
| duration | 300 | `number` | Specify the animation duration of datepicker.|
| customStyles | - | `number` | The hook of customize datepicker style, same as the native style. `dateTouchBody`, `dateInput`...|
| showIcon | true | `boolean` | Controller whether or not show the icon |