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Vue 2 Snippet (Visual Studio Code)

⚡ Code snippets for Vue (Only Vue 2.x, Vue Router 3.x, @vue/composition-api).

Extension's page on Visual Studio Marketplace, 📖 reading feels better.

This extension is not recommended for Vue 3.x, Please create Profiles in VS Code and install the Vue 3.x technology stack extension, such as Vue 3 Snippets.

本扩展不推荐用于 Vue 3.x 版本,请在 VS Code 创建 Profiles 安装 Vue 3.x 技术栈扩展,如:Vue 3 Snippets

Introduction 📚


There is no need to deliberately memorize it, you can generate code according to the Vue API partial abbreviations, and special handling required to reduce conflicts. You only need to understand the Extension design rules of this extension to release your energy.


来自一线、为了顺手调了又调的扩展 😎。

理解本扩展的设计之后 (Vue API 部分缩写,以及减少冲突需要特别的处理方式),无需刻意去死记硬背,几乎没有记忆成本,释放你的小宇宙! ヾ(´︶`*)ノ♬

Design 🖖

Forget the framework, Focus on the business.


框架,框架,有别于灵活的语言,框架就是限定了各种条条框框,让开发者在限/约定的 API 中做事情;因此,开发者在编码过程中,在框架层面输入的字符要少之有少,应当通过代码片段或 AIGC 快速创建框架相关的代码结构,将更多的精力聚焦在业务逻辑代码上;本扩展就是用于辅助生成框架侧的代码 (不用关注 Vue 框架语法,仅关注业务逻辑)。

本扩展提供了 Vue 2 技术栈的代码片段,包括 Options API 、Composition API 和 Vue Router 3.x,支持 @vue/composition-apiunplugin-vue2-script-setup 机制下的语法。


property: {
  deep: true,
  immediate: true,
  handler(newValue, oldValue) {


Watch Property

To get the above code, you only need to understand it as: watch property deep immediate, and then enter wpdi through VS Code's Suggest Match and press Enter.

想得到上面这一段代码,只需要理解为:watch property deep immediate, 然后通过 VS Code 自带的联想功能,输入 wpdi 回车即可。

再例如,声明一个 Props 属性:

property: {
  type: Object,
  default() {
    return {};
  required: true,


Same as above...

想得到上面这一段代码,只需要理解为:props Object default required, 然后通过 VS Code 自带的联想功能,输入 psOdr 回车即可 (注意大小写,减少冲突),或者通过本扩展内置的 podr 缩写前缀直接生成。


又例如,我们在创建 .vue 文件后,要书写基本的 SFC 元素,本扩展提供许多便捷的代码片断,具体参考 〖Single-File Components / 单文件组件〗 章节内容。

Snippets 🚀

  • Single-File Components / 单文件组件
  • Vue Language Blocks / SFC 语法定义
  • Options API
  • Props Property
  • Watch Property (Options API)
  • Watch (Composition API)
  • Computed
  • Lifecycle Hooks (Options API)
  • Lifecycle Hooks (Composition API)
  • Instance Properties & Methods
  • Built-ins Directives
  • Built-ins Components
  • Vue Router v3.x

Recommended editor settings (建议配置编辑器):

"editor.snippetSuggestions": "top",

Single-File Components / 单文件组件

The sfc prefix generates Vue Single-File Components, Some examples:


通过 sfc 前缀触发,包含大量创建 Vue 单文件组件的代码片段,部分示例如下:

Vue 2.6 及以下版本,推荐 unplugin-vue2-script-setup

Vue 2.7 已内置 Composition API;

因此,整个 Vue2 系列,语法形式上,将有五大类🤣。

  1. Vue2 SFC-Options API
  2. Vue2 SFC-Composition API (2.7+)
  3. Vue2 SFC-Composition API <script setup> (2.7+)
  4. Vue2 SFC-Composition API Plugin (依赖 @vue/composition-api)
  5. Vue2 SFC-Composition API Plugin <script setup> (依赖 @vue/composition-api & unplugin-vue2-script-setup)

Single-File Components

Full prefix screenshot (SFC) / 完整前缀截图 (单文件组件)

Vue Language Blocks / SFC 语法定义

The vue-script prefix generates <script> language block, which contains a variety of API style scripting language blocks.

The vue-style prefix generates a <style> language block, which contains different style preprocessing language blocks.


vue-script 前缀生成 <script> 语言块,包含不同风格脚本语言块;

vue-style 前缀生成 <style> 语言块,包含不同样式预处理语言块。

Full prefix screenshot (Language Blocks) / 完整前缀截图 (SFC 语法定义)

Options API

The option- prefix generates Vue Options API Code, Examples:


通过 option- 前缀触发,包涵所有生成 Vue 选项式 API 的代码片段,示例如下:

Prefix VS Code Suggest Match Snippet
option-name name: 'FileName',
option-components ocs components: { Feature },
option-directives ods directives: {
option-props ops props: {
option-provide() ope provide() {
  return {
    property: 'value',
option-inject oit inject: ['property'],
option-data() od data() {
  return {
    property: 'value',
option-computed oc computed: {
  property() {
computed-property cp property() {
computed-property-get-set property: {
  get() {
    return this.value;
  set(value) {
    this.value = value;
option-watch ow watch: {
option-methods om methods: {
  methodProperty() {
methods-property mp methodProperty() {
option-emits emits: ['eventName'],
option-expose expose: ['publicMethod'],
option-render render(h, context) {
  return h('tag', []);

Full prefix screenshot (Options) / 完整前缀截图:

Props Property

Just ps*...

  1. 直接生成 (Prefix):ps = Props, String.
  2. 联想匹配 (Suggest Match):pssdr = Props, String, default, required.


  • String
  • Number
  • Boolean
  • Array
  • Object
  • Date
  • Function
  • Symbol
  • Promise

Prefix VS Code Suggest Match Snippet

pss property: String,

pssd property: {
  type: String,
  default: undefined,

pssr property: {
  type: String,
  required: true,

pssdr property: {
  type: String,
  default: undefined,
  required: true,

The prefix screenshot (Props) / 前缀截图:

Watch Property (Options API)

  1. 直接生成 (Prefix):wp = watch-property
  2. 联想匹配 (Suggest Match):wpdi = watch-property-deep-immediate

Prefix VS Code Suggest Match Snippet
watch-property wp property (newValue, oldValue) {
watch-property-deep wpd property: {
  deep: true,
  handler(newValue, oldValue) {
watch-property-immediate wpi property: {
  immediate: true,
  handler(newValue, oldValue) {
watch-property-deep-immediate wpdi property: {
  deep: true,
  immediate: true,
  handler(newValue, oldValue) {

The prefix screenshot (Watch) / 前缀截图:

Watch (Composition API)

  1. 直接生成 (Prefix):wdi = watch-props-deep-immediate
  2. 联想匹配 (Suggest Match):wps = watch-props

Prefix VS Code Suggest Match Snippet
watch-props watch(
  () =>,
  async (newValue, oldValue) => {
watch-props-deep wd watch(
  () =>,
  async (newValue, oldValue) => {
    deep: true,
watch-props-immediate wi watch(
  () =>,
  async (newValue, oldValue) => {
    immediate: true,
watch-props-deep-immediate wdi watch(
  () =>,
  async (newValue, oldValue) => {
    deep: true,
    immediate: true,
watch-multiple-props wm watch(
  [() => props.property1, () => props.property2],
  async ([property1, property2]) => {
    immediate: true,
watchEffect wef watchEffect(async () => {
watchPostEffect wpef watchPostEffect(async () => {
watchSyncEffect wsef watchSyncEffect(() => {

The prefix screenshot (Watch) / 前缀截图:


Prefix VS Code Suggest Match Snippet
computed-property cp property() {
computed-property-get-set property: {
  get() {
    return this.value;
  set(val) {
    this.value = val;
computed c const feature = computed(() => state.value);
computed-get-set const feature = computed({
  get: () => state.value,
  set: (newValue) => {
    state.value = newValue;

The prefix screenshot (Computed) / 前缀截图:

Lifecycle Hooks (Options API)

Just ol*...

只要理解 olOptions API Lifecycle Hooks` 的缩写,并 记忆 Vue2 生命周期钩子,然后就能释放你的能量了。

Prefix VS Code Suggest Match Snippet
option-beforeCreate() olbc beforeCreate() {
option-created() olc created() {
option-beforeMount() olbm beforeMount() {
option-mounted() olm mounted() {
option-beforeUpdate() olbu beforeUpdate() {
option-updated() olu updated() {
option-activated() ola activated() {
option-deactivated() olda deactivated() {
option-beforeDestroy() olbd beforeDestroy() {
option-destroyed() old destroyed() {
async-option-created() asolc async created() {
async-option-mounted() asolm async mounted() {

The prefix screenshot (Lifecycle Hooks) / 前缀截图:

Lifecycle Hooks (Composition API)

The on prefix generates Vue Lifecycle Hooks, Some examples:


通过 on 前缀触发,包涵所有生成 Vue 生命周期钩子的代码片段,示例如下:

Prefix VS Code Suggest Match Snippet
onBeforeMount onbm onBeforeMount(() => {
onMounted onm onMounted(() => {
onBeforeUpdate onbup onBeforeUpdate(() => {
onUpdated onup onUpdated(() => {
onBeforeUnmount onbu onBeforeUnmount(() => {
onUnmounted onum onUnmounted(() => {
onActivated ona onActivated(() => {
onDeactivated onda onDeactivated(() => {
async-onBeforeMount asonbm onBeforeMount(async () => {
async-onMounted asonm onMounted(async () => {

The prefix screenshot (Lifecycle Hooks) / 前缀截图:


建议配置 jsconfig.json 支持修复自动导入。

  "compilerOptions": {
    "checkJs": true,
    "allowJs": true,
    // ...
  // ...

Instance Properties & Methods

All instance properties and methods are triggered with the vm prefix, such as:

所有实例属性和方法都以 vm 前缀触发,部分示例如下:

Prefix VS Code Suggest Match Snippet
vm-nextTick this.$nextTick().then(() => {
await-vm-nextTick / vmnt awvmnt await this.$nextTick();
vm-emit vmem this.$emit('event-name', param);
nt / await-nextTick awnt await nextTick();
nextTick ntt nextTick().then(() => {
emit emit('event-name', param);

Full prefix screenshot (Vue Instance) / 完整前缀截图 (Vue 实例):

Built-ins Directives

The v prefix generates Vue Directives, some examples:

v 前缀触发,包涵大量 Vue 模板语法代码片段,部分示例如下:

Prefix VS Code Suggest Match Snippet
v-for vf v-for="item in items" :key="item"
v-for-index vfi v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index"
v-if v-if="condition"
v-else-if v-else-if="condition"
v-show v-show="condition"
v-on @click="handler"
v-on-prevent @click.prevent="handler"
v-on-stop @click.stop="handler"
v-on-prevent-stop @click.stop.prevent="handler"
v-on-keyAlias @keyup.enter="handler"
v-on-once @click.once="handler"
v-bind-$attrs vba v-bind="$attrs"
v-on-$listeners vol v-on="$listeners"
v-$attrs-$listeners val v-bind="$attrs" v-on="$listeners"
v-slot <template #default="slotProps">
v-slot-named vsn <template #default>
v-slot-named-props vsnp <template #default="slotProps">

Full prefix screenshot (v-) / 完整前缀截图 (Vue 内置指令):

Built-ins Components & Special Elements

Prefix VS Code Suggest Match Snippet
transition <transition name="name">
transition-group tg <transition-group name="list" tag="ul">
keep-alive ka <keep-alive>
slot <slot></slot>
slot-named sn <slot name="default"></slot>

(1). Transition classes / 用于自定义过渡 class Props

(2). Transition events / 过渡事件

(3). Transition css / 过渡 CSS 类


Vue Router v3.x

The route-/vm-route- or router-/vm-router- prefix generates Vue Router, Some examples:

如果是 Composition API,可通过 route-router- 前缀触发;

如果是 Options API,可通过 vm-route-vm-router- 前缀触发。

包涵大量 Vue Router v3.x API 代码片段,部分示例如下:

Vue Route v3.x - Script

Prefix VS Code Suggest Match Snippet
useRoute const route = useRoute();
useRouter const router = useRouter();
useLink const { href, isActive, isExactActive, navigate, route } = useLink({
  to: '/pathname'
onBeforeRouteUpdate onBeforeRouteUpdate((to, from, next) => {
onBeforeRouteLeave onBeforeRouteLeave((to, from, next) => {
route {
  path: 'pathName',
  component: Feature,
route-name {
  path: '/pathName',
  name: 'routeName',
  component: Feature,
route-redirect-name {
  path: '/feature/:id',
  redirect: {
    name: 'routeName',
vm-router-push-name-params-query vmrpnpq this.$router.push({
  name: 'routename',
  params: { property: 'value' },
  query: { property: 'value' },
router-push-name-params-query router.push({
  name: 'routename',
  params: { property: 'value' },
  query: { property: 'value' },
router-beforeEach router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
  /* must call next */
option-route-beforeRouteLeave beforeRouteLeave(to, from, next) {
  if (true) {
  } else {

Full prefix screenshot (Vue Router) / 完整前缀截图 (Vue 路由):

(1). Define Route / 定义路由

(2). Router Instance (Composition API) / Router 实例 (组合式接口)

(3). Router Instance (Options API) / Router 实例 (选项式接口)

(3). Route Property (Options API) / Route 属性 (选项式接口)

Vue Route v3.x - Custom Component

Prefix VS Code Suggest Match Snippet
router-view rv <router-view></router-view>
router-view-named rvn <router-view name="default"></router-view>
router-link rl <router-link :to="">
router-link-named-params-query rlnpq <router-link
    name: 'routeName',
    params: { property: 'value' },
    query: { property: 'value' },
router-params params: {
  property: 'value',
router-query query: {
  property: 'value',

Full prefix screenshot (Vue Router Custom Component) / 完整前缀截图 (Vue 路由自定义组件):

Why isn't there VueX? / 为什么没有 VueX

In Vue 2.x, Vuex is used, while in Vue 3.x, Pinia is adopted. There are costs associated with migrating at the project level. Reusing components at the component level couples them with the state management library. Using a state library doesn't make much sense; state sharing can be achieved entirely through Vue Dependency Injection.


Vue 2.x 中采用 VueX,Vue 3.x 采用 Pinia,项目级别迁移有成本,组件级别复用耦合了状态管理库,用状态库没多大意义,状态共享完全可以通过 Vue 依赖注入实现。

Supported languages (file extensions) 🌈

  • JavaScript (.js)
  • TypeScript (.ts)
  • HTML (.html)
  • Vue (.vue)
  • CSS (.css)

The UNSAFE prefix/suffix

UNSAFE_xprefix, Indicates that it is deprecated in the current version.

x_UNSAFEsuffix, Indicates that it has been deprecated in future versions.

Resources 🤞

License 📃

MIT License

Donate 🎉