1.0.0 (2020-11-23)
- inject: hardcoded API_FORMATTER_STR and RESPONSE_TO_TABLE_CONF_STR to prevent babel compiling (a1bfc2b)
- inject: remove useless config set (5325432)
- manifest: correct icon path (5f9ef72)
- options: fix missing Message in element-ui (250e8a6)
- correct publish zip files (96b9d58)
- remove useless function and permissions (ecd3e05)
- add support for customizing Table code generation (830cd38)
- change button and form-item label (6baca55)
- inject: add more support for apiFormatterStr (9c05aba)
- options: add code editor for apiFormatterStr (96f2ab4)
- add apiCodeGen and options page (a00ea2f)
- change custom API formatter (c5f6cab)
- options: add onReset function (43ace7f)
- options: add tip to tell users to reload (1beca4b)
- request: add interceptors (7e3d03a)
- let options page formData use inject page's default value (e36d023)
- options: import element-ui on demand and add babel support (ce308f4)
- options: minimize monaco-editor bundle size (795d1fe)
- change custom API formatter to a valid function string, the old function body style would not work
- remove global variable hyphenToPascal