CTNeRF: Cross-Time Transformer for Dynamic Neural Radiance Field from Monocular Video
Paper(Arxiv) | Results
Xingyu Miao, Yang Bai, Haoran Duan, Yawen Huang, Fan Wan, Yang Long, Yefeng Zheng
Accepted by Pattern Recognition (PR)
The code is test with
- Linux
- Anaconda 3
- Python 3.8
- CUDA 11.8
- 2 3090 GPU
To get started, please create the conda environment ctnerf
by running
conda create --name ctnerf python=3.8
conda activate ctnerf
conda install pytorch=1.13.1 torchvision=0.14.1 cudatoolkit=11.8 matplotlib tensorboard scipy opencv -c pytorch
pip install imageio scikit-image configargparse timm lpips
and install COLMAP manually. Then download MiDaS and RAFT weights
wget --no-check-certificate https://filebox.ece.vt.edu/~chengao/free-view-video/weights.zip
unzip weights.zip
rm weights.zip
The Dynamic Scene Dataset is used to quantitatively evaluate our method. Please download the pre-processed data by running:
wget --no-check-certificate https://filebox.ece.vt.edu/~chengao/free-view-video/data.zip
unzip data.zip
rm data.zip
You can train a model from scratch by running:
python run_nerf.py --config configs/config_Balloon2.txt
We also provide pre-trained models. You can download them by running:
wget --no-check-certificate https://filebox.ece.vt.edu/~chengao/free-view-video/logs.zip
unzip logs.zip
rm logs.zip
Then you can render the results directly by running:
python run_nerf.py --config configs/config_Balloon2.txt --render_only --ft_path $ROOT_PATH/logs/Balloon2_H270_CTNeRF_pretrain/300000.tar
Please download the results by running:
wget --no-check-certificate https://filebox.ece.vt.edu/~chengao/free-view-video/results.zip
unzip results.zip
rm results.zip
Then you can calculate the PSNR/SSIM/LPIPS by running:
cd $ROOT_PATH/utils
python evaluation.py
If you find this code useful for your research, please consider citing the following paper:
title = {CTNeRF: Cross-time Transformer for dynamic neural radiance field from monocular video},
journal = {Pattern Recognition},
pages = {110729},
year = {2024},
issn = {0031-3203},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patcog.2024.110729},
url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0031320324004801},
author = {Xingyu Miao and Yang Bai and Haoran Duan and Fan Wan and Yawen Huang and Yang Long and Yefeng Zheng},
keywords = {Dynamic neural radiance field, Monocular video, Scene flow, Transformer}
Our training code is build upon pixelNeRF, DynamicNeRF, and NSFF. Our flow prediction code is modified from RAFT. Our depth prediction code is modified from MiDaS.