Provides sync and async clients to communicate with redis servers using nim-redisparser
let con = open("localhost", 6379.Port)
echo $con.execCommand("PING", @[])
echo $con.execCommand("SET", @["auser", "avalue"])
echo $con.execCommand("GET", @["auser"])
echo $con.execCommand("SCAN", @["0"])
let con = await openAsync("localhost", 6379.Port)
echo await con.execCommand("PING", @[])
echo await con.execCommand("SET", @["auser", "avalue"])
echo await con.execCommand("GET", @["auser"])
echo await con.execCommand("SCAN", @["0"])
echo await con.execCommand("SET", @["auser", "avalue"])
echo await con.execCommand("GET", @["auser"])
echo await con.execCommand("SCAN", @["0"])
await con.enqueueCommand("PING", @[])
await con.enqueueCommand("PING", @[])
await con.enqueueCommand("PING", @[])
echo await con.commitCommands()
You can use enqueueCommand
and commitCommands
to make use of redis pipelining
con.enqueueCommand("PING", @[])
con.enqueueCommand("PING", @[])
con.enqueueCommand("PING", @[])
echo $con.commitCommands()
There is a simple connection pool included - which was a folk of zedeus's redpool
import redisclient, redisclient/connpool
proc main {.async.} =
let pool = await newAsyncRedisPool(1)
let conn = await pool.acquire()
echo await
echo await
await pool.close()
waitFor main()
- Pipelining
- Async APIs
- Friendlier API for builtin redis commands (adapted code from