Git setup
git config user.name 'Mike "Xodiv" Battersby' git config user.email mib@post.com git config tag.sort -version:refname git config fetch.prune true git config core.filemode false git config --global push.default simple
Make a branch locally:
git checkout -b newfeature
List branches:
git branch -a
Switch between branches:
git checkout master git checkout newfeature
Push the branch to github:
git push --set-upstream origin newfeature
Delete the branch locally:
git branch -d newfeature git branch -r -d origin/newfeature
Delete the branch on github (after deleting locally):
git push origin --delete newfeature
Delete the branch locally when it's already been deleted from curseforge:
git branch -d newfeature git remote prune origin
Merge the branch into master:
git checkout master git merge --log newfeature
XML syntax check
xmllint --noout UI/*.xml
To Do List
- Export profiles or all settings with serialize/compress.
- Write a simplified UI for the action lists.
Running Wild under ShapeShift
You can't use Running Wild when you are shapeshifted (e.g., you are transformed into a Night Elf or Human by a dungeon buff). Unfortunately IsSpellUsable() still returns true in that case.
[CLOSED] Code to check every spell usability
Moved into LM.Developer.
I hope that someday the ability to tell if we are on top of the water or under it will return. WTB IsFloating()
[CLOSED] Passenger-capable mounts
Conclusion: handled by the action list mechanism now.
Possibility of preferring a passenger-capable mount if you are in a group.
[CLOSED] Better "undo".
Conclusion: seems unncessary.
Might be able to set up the macro better for undoing in combat what we last did (mount -> dismount, form -> cancelform, aura -> cancelaura, etc.) by passing params between the PreClick handler and the PostClick handler as button attributes.
[CLOSED] Suggestions
Conclusion: I ripped it out completely.
[CLOSED] "Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest" (71086)
Item ID 71086. Spell ID is 101641 (Tarecgosa's Visage)
You can only use it by "/use slot", you can't cast the spell.
[CLOSED] Might be better to look for Sea Legs aura for Vashj'ir.
Sea legs is present even on the surface and flying so don't do it.
[CLOSED] Does GetUnitSpeed return negative if you go backwards?
No it doesn't.
Expression parser
Periodically I think I should properly parse things but then it doesn't work out, but to save me writing a shunting algorithm parser every time then throwing it away, here it is for posterity.
local OPERATORS = {
['('] = { type = 'LPAREN', value = '(' },
[')'] = { type = 'RPAREN', value = ')' },
['/'] = { type = 'OPERATOR', value = 'OR', prec = 2, nargs = 2 },
[','] = { type = 'OPERATOR', value = 'AND', prec = 3, nargs = 2 },
['~'] = { type = 'OPERATOR', value = 'NOT', prec = 1, nargs = 1 },
local function Tokenize(expr)
local tokens = { }
-- this is going to be pretty slow, but that probably won't matter
for c in expr:gmatch('.') do
if OPERATORS[c] then
table.insert(tokens, OPERATORS[c])
elseif #tokens > 0 and tokens[#tokens].type == 'LITERAL' then
tokens[#tokens].value = tokens[#tokens].value .. c
table.insert(tokens, { type = 'LITERAL', value = c })
return tokens
local function Parse(expr)
local tokens = Tokenize(expr)
local output, stack = { }, { }
for i = 1, #tokens do
local t = tokens[i]
if t.type == 'LITERAL' then
table.insert(output, t.value)
elseif t.type == 'VARIABLE' then
table.insert(output, t.value)
elseif t.type == 'OPERATOR' then
while #stack > 0 and stack[#stack].type ~= 'LPAREN' do
table.insert(output, table.remove(stack))
table.insert(stack, t)
elseif t.type == 'LPAREN' then
table.insert(stack, t)
elseif t.type == 'RPAREN' then
while #stack > 0 and stack[#stack].type ~= 'LPAREN' do
table.insert(output, table.remove(stack))
if #stack == 0 or table.remove(stack).type ~= 'LPAREN' then
while #stack > 0 do
local t = table.remove(stack)
if t.type == 'LPAREN' or t.type == 'RPAREN' then return nil end
table.insert(output, t)
return output
local function MergeWithOr(a, b)
local r = { }
for _, t in ipairs(a) do table.insert(r, t) end
for _, t in ipairs(b) do table.insert(r, t) end
if #a > 0 and #b > 0 then
table.insert(r, OPERATORS['/'])
return r